New Syllabus
- Vide Item No. 8.34 (N) B.A. (Fashion Designing) (Sem I & II ) (CBCS)
- F.Y.B.A. Marathi UG. 28 of 2019-20
- Item No. 5.29 revised syllabus of F.Y.B.A. (Marathi) (Ancillary and Compulsory) Sem I and II (CBCS)
- Vide item No. 5.3(R) F.Y.B.A. (French) (Compulsory) – Sem I & II (CBCS)
- Vide item No. 5.4(R) F.Y.B.A. (French Studies) – Sem I and II (CBCS)
- 4.62 Revised Syllabus F.Y.B.A./ F.Y.B.Sc. in Geography
- 4.57 Revised syllabus F.Y.B.A. in Sociology
- 4.106 F. Y B. Sc. B. A. Maths
- 4.19 & 4.20 revised syllabus F.Y.B.A, Sem.I & II microeconomics
- 4.6 Revised syllabus of FYBA French Studies Sem 1 Sem 2
- 4.17 FYBA MAR ANC 2019-20
- 4.18 FYBA MAR COMP 2019-20
- 4.23 F.Y.B.A Complusary Hindi
- 4.24 F.Y.B.A Ancillary Hindi
- 4.4 Revised Syllabus as per CBCS for the F.Y.B.A. in Arabic Ancillary (Sem. I & II)
- 4.5 Revised Syllabus as per CBCS for the F.Y.B.A. in Arabic Compulsory (Sem. I & II)
- 4.64 revised syllabus for F.Y.B.A. in French (Compulsory)
- 4.64 F.Y.B.A. French Sem. I to II
- 4.56 F.Y.B.A. PSYCHOLOGY-2018-19
- 4.9 FYBA Philosophy (2018-19)
- 4.76 Revised syllabus F.Y.B.Sc./B.A. Mathematics sem. I & II
- 4.60 National Service Scheme Sem I to IV
- 4.64 French_compulsory
- 4.56 FYBA_PSYCHOLOGY-2018-19
- 4.13 Appendix 5 FYBA in Chinese Studies
- 4.4 F.Y.B.A. Sindhi
- 4.20 Appendix 4 FYBA in German Studies
- 4.101 F.Y.B.A. course in Persian (Compulsory) sem – I a.y. 2017-18
- 4.90 F.Y.B.A. in Urdu a.y. 2017-18
- 4.13 F.Y.B.A. in Chinese Studies Sem – I & II a.y. 2017-18
- 4.15 F.Y.B.A. Ancient Indian Culture (AIC) sem – I & II a.y. 2017-18
- F.Y.B.A. Question Paper Pattern
- 4.8 F.Y.B.A. Revised Syllabus
- 4.21 FYBA History and Archaeology
- 4.23 F.Y.B.A. Politics
- 4.42 F.Y.B.A. Marathi (Comp)
- 4.43 F.Y.B.A. ANC. in Marathi
- 4.44 (A) F.Y.B.A. Sanskrit
- 4.44 (B) F.Y.B.A. Pali
- 4.51 F.Y.B. A.& B. Sc Mathematics CBCS
- 4.53 F.Y.B.A. Russian
- 4.87 F.Y.B.A. Psycology
- 4.90 F.Y.B.A. Moral Philosophy
- 4.93 F.Y.B.A. Micro Economics
- 4.94 F.Y.B.A. & F.Y.B.Sc Macro Economics
- 4.2 F.Y.B.A. Urdu – Revised
- 4.43 Explanatory Note for F.Y.B.A.
- 4.47 FYBA Russian
- 4.52 F.Y.B.A. in English (Introducation to Literature)
- 4.54 F.Y.B.A. Communication & Skills of English
- 4.75 F.Y.B.A. Ancient Indian Culture
- 4.77 F.Y.B.A. in Education
- 4.8 (A) F. Y. B. A. Sanskrit
- 4.8 (B) FYBA Pali
- 4.18 F.Y. B. A. & T. Y. B.Com Sindhi
- 4.87 F.Y.B.A. Psycology
- 4.13 F.Y.B.A. Geography
- 4.93 F.Y.B.A. Micro Economics
- 4.94 F.Y.B.A. & F.Y.B.Sc Macro Economics
- 4.43 Explanatory Note for F.Y.B.A. Politics
- 4.75 F.Y.B.A Ancient Indian Culture
- 4.84 revised syllabus for Extension Work F.Y.B.A./B.Com/B.Sc & Other Professional Courses for foundation course
- 4.7 F.Y.B.A. Arabic (Ancillary) – SEM II
- 4.8 F.Y. B.A. Arabic (Compulsory) SEM-II
- 4.9 F.Y.B.A. Islamic Studies (Ancillary) SEM-II
- 4.10 F.Y.B.A. Persian (Ancillary) SEM-II
- 4.11 F.Y.B.A. Persian (Compulsory) SEM-II
- 4.1 BMM Sem- II – Intro to Literature (Revised Syllabus in Dec 8, 2016)
- 4.2 BMM Sem-VI-Issues of Global Media (Revised Syllabus)- Dec 8, 2016
- 4.3 BMM Sem -VI -Broadcast Journalism (Revised Syllabus)-Dec 8, 2016
- 4.4 BMM Sem-VI- AGENCY MANAGEMENT (Sp. Ad- Revised Syllabus) Dec 8, 2016
- 4.6 BMM SEM-6, Contemporary issue (Only one Act Amended) on Dec 8 -2016
- 4.11 F.Y.B.A. German Studies
- 4.13 F.Y.B.A. Chinese Studies
- 4.19 F.Y.B.A. German Studies ( German Compulsory Language & German Optional Language ) for colleges
- 4.22 F.Y.B.A Gujarati (Complusory & Optional)
- 4.31 F.Y.B.A. & S.Y.B.A. Education
- 4.90 F.Y.B.A. Urdu
- 4.94 F.Y.B.A. Arabic (Ancillary) SEM-I
- 4.95 F.Y.B.A. Arabic (Compulsory) SEM-I
- 4.97 F.Y.B.A. Islamic Studies (ancillary) SEM-I
- 4.100 F.Y.B.A. Persian (ancillary) SEM-1
- 4.101 F.Y.B.A.Persian (compulsory) SEM-1
- 4.116 Indian Economy – Contemporty Concern
- 4.41 F.Y.B.A. Hindi Sem I & II (Compulsory & Ancillary)
- 4.168 F.Y.B.A.-AIC Sem.I & II
- 4.22 F.Y.B.A Gujarati (Complusory & Optional)
- 4.94 F.Y.B.A. Arabic (Ancillary) SEM-I
- 4.95 F.Y.B.A. Arabic (Compulsory) SEM-I
- 4.41 F.Y.B.A. Hindi (Com. & Anc.) Sem I & II
- 4.97 F.Y.B.A. Islamic Studies (ancillary) SEM-I
- 4.31 F.Y B.A Education Revised
- 4.15 F.Y.B.A. Ancient Indian Culture Sem I & II
- 4.12 F.Y.B.M.M. Sem II Introduction to Literature
- 4.19 Rural Development
- F.Y.B.A in English ( Introduction to Literature) ( Sem I. & II)
- F.Y.B.A – Communication Skills in English – Sem. I & II
- 5.23 F.Y.B.A. (Chinese Studies)
- 5.43 F.Y.B.A. (Sindhi) -Sem I & II (CBCS)
- S.Y.B.A. (Islamic Studies)
- Item 8.3 S.Y.B.A. syllabus
- Vide Item No. 5.8 (R) Revised syllabus of S.Y.B.A.(Sociology) (Applied Component ) (Women’s Studies) Sem III and IV (CBCS)
- Vide Item No.5.1(R) S.Y.B.A.(English) (Ancillary) and (Applied Component) Sem- III & IV (CBCS)
- 6.17 S.Y.B.Sc./ S.Y.B.A Mathematics Sem. III & IV (CBCS)
- 5.47 & 5.48 Revised Syllabus (CBCS) of S.Y.B.A. Sem III & IV Applied Component
- Revised Syllabus as per the (CBCS) of S.Y.B.A. Sociology (Sem. III & IV)
- 4.18 SYBA French Studies Sem III-IV 2020-2021
- 4.55 Revised Syllabus S.Y.B.A. in Hindi
- 4.28 revised syllabus S.Y.B.A. Sem.IV Indian Economy
- 4.27 revised syllabus S.Y.B.A.Sem.IV Macro Economics
- 4.26 revised syllabus S.Y.B.A.Sem.III Public Finance
- 4.25 revised syllabus S.Y.B.A.Sem.II Macro Economics
- 4.8 regarding revised syllabus s.y.b.a. in German Studies a.y.2019-20
- Circular No. UG/27 of 2019-20 AC dated 15th April, 2019 Item No. 4.13 the revised syllabus as per (CBCS) for the S.Y.B.A. (Sem III & IV) Paper II Social Psychology, Paper III Development Psychology, Applied Components a) Health Psychology, b) Psychology of Adjustments, c) Stress Management
- 4.17 S.Y.B.A. (Commerce) Programme Sem III & IV
- 4.21 Amendment of O.5610 relating to the eligibility criteria of S.Y.B.A. in German Studies
- 4.6 Revised Syllabus as per CBCS for the S.Y.B.A. in Arabic (Sem. III & IV)
- 4.11 SYBA PHILOSOPHY Comparative Religion (Applied Component) (2017-18)
- 4.74 S.Y.B.A. Mathematics
- 4.60 National Service Scheme Sem I to IV
- 4.10 SYBA Philosophy (2018-19)
- 4.14 Appendix 6 SYBA in Chinese Studies
- 4.5 S.Y.B.A. Sindhi
- 4.2 Hindi S.Y.B.A. 2018-19
- 4. 35 SYBA Ancient Indian Culture
- 4.52 regarding revised syllabus for S.Y.B.A.applied component gandhian thought
- 4.11 regarding revised syllabus for S.Y.B.A. Applied Component
- 4.49 regarding revised syllabus for S.Y.B.A. Public Administration
- 4.50 regarding revised syllabus for S.Y.B.A. Law interdisciplinary
- 4.17 S.Y.B.A. Sociology
- 4.66 S.Y.B.A. History (History & Archaeology) Sem – III & IV a.y. 2017-18
- 4.85 S.Y.B.A. French Studies a.y. 2017-18
- 4.132 S.Y.B.A. Sanskrit (Sem III & IV) a.y. 2017-18
- 4.78 S.Y.B.A. English (Ancillary) & (Applied Component) Sem -III & IV a.y.2017-18
- 4.242 S.Y.B.A. & S.Y.B.Sc. in Geography Paper -III sem – III a.y. 2017-18
- 4.113 S.Y.B.A. , S.Y.B.Sc. & S.Y.B.Com. Foundation Course Sem – III & IV a.y. 2017-18
- 4.244 S.Y.B.A. & S.Y. B.Sc. in Geography (Introduction to Oceanography ) a.y. 2017-18
- 4.10 Rural Development a.y. 2017-18
- 4.66 S.Y.B.A. History & Archaeology sem – III & IV a.y. 2017-18
- 4.48 SYBA Russian
- 4.67 SYBA & FYBSC Microeconomics
- 4.4 S.Y.B.A. Psychology
- 4.14 S.Y.B.A. Chinese Studies
- 4.20 S.Y.B.A. Kannada
- 4.23 S.Y.B.A Gujarati
- 4.31 F.Y.B.A. & S.Y.B.A. Education
- 4.32 S.Y.B.A Pali Sem – III & IV
- 4.48 S.Y.B.A. Political Theory
- 4.55 S.Y.B.A. Philosophy Paper III & IV Sem III
- 4.56 S.Y.B.A. Philosophy – Applied Comp. Paper III & IV Sem III
- 4.66 SYBA History and Archaeology Sem III and Sem IV
- 4.73 S.Y.B.A. Sociology (STRUCTURE AND CHANGE)
- 4.78 S.Y.B.A. English – Ancillary & Applied Component
- 4.84 S.Y.B.A. French Sem III & IV
- 4.85 S.Y.B.A. French Studies Sem III & IV
- 4.91 S.Y.B.A Urdu
- 4.96 S.Y.B.A. Arabic SEM III & IV
- 4.98 S.Y.B.A. Islaimc Studies SEM III & IV
- 4.99 S.Y.B.A. Persian SEM-III & IV
- 4.103 S.Y.B.A. & T.Y.B.A. Sindhi
- 4.113 SYBA, SYBSC, SYBCOM Foundation Course Sem III & IV
- 4.193 S.Y.B.A. & S.Y.B.Sc Mathematics Sem III & IV
- 4.194 T.Y.B.A.& T. Y.B.Sc. Mathematics Sem V & VI
- 4.243 S.Y.B.A. Geography Paper- II, (Climatology)
- 4.244 S.Y.B.A. Geography Paper- II (Oceanography)
- 4.245 S.Y.B.A. Geography Paper- III (Agriculture Geography of India)
- 4.42 S.Y.B.A. Hindi Sem III & IV
- 4.55(A) S.Y.B.A. Philosophy Paper – II
- 4.55(B) S.Y.B.A. Philosophy Paper – III
- 4.56(A) S.Y.B.A.. Applied Component
- 4.56(B) S.Y.B.A. Applied component Gandhianism
- 4.102 S.Y.B.A. Statistics Sem III & IV
- 4.4 S.Y.B.A. Economics – Applied Component Sem III & IV
- 4.235 S.Y.B.A. & B.Sc. Geography Paper III (Physical geography of India)
- 4.32 S.Y.B.A Pali Sem III & IV
- 4.132 S.Y.B.A. Sanskrit Sem III & IV
- 4.4 S.Y.B.A. Psychology
- 4.76 Second Year Foundation Course-II Extension Work
- 4.235 S.Y.B.A. & B.Sc. Geography Paper III (Physical geography of India)
- 4.243 S.Y.B.A. Geography Paper- II, (Climatology)
- 4.244 S.Y.B.A. Geography Paper- II (Oceanography)
- 4.245 S.Y.B.A. Geography Paper- III (Agriculture Geography of India)
- 4.88 (A) S.Y.B.A. Marathi Paper II
- 4.88 (B) S.Y.B.A. Marathi Paper III
- 4.115 A S.Y.B.A. Rural Development Sem III & IV
- S.Y.B.A. Book Keeping Accountancy – App. Comp. Sem III & IV
- 4.99 S.Y.B.A. Persian SEM-III & IV
- 4.102 S.Y.B.A. Statistics Sem III & IV
- 4.23 S.Y.B.A Gujarati
- 4.20 S.Y.B.A. Kannada
- 4.96 S.Y.B.A. Arabic SEM III & IV
- 4.84 S.Y.B.A. French Sem III & IV
- 4.183 S.Y.B.A. Book Keeping Accountancy
- 4.183 S.Y.B.A.Travel Tourism
- 4.91 S. Y. B. A Urdu Sem III & IV
- 4.4 S.Y.B.A. Psychology
- 4.103 S.Y.B.A. & T.Y.B.A. Sindhi
- 4.88 S.Y.B.A. Marathi Sem – III & IV a.y. 2017-18
- 4.14 S.Y. B.A. in Chinese Studies Sem – III & IV a.y. 2017-18
- 5.22 S.Y.B.A. (Chinese Studies)
- 5.32 S.Y.B.A. (Marathi) Sem III to IV 2021-22
- 5.44 S.Y.B.A. in (Sindhi) sem III & IV (CBCS)
- 8.1 T.Y.B.A.& B.Sc. Geography
- T.Y.B.A. (English) Sem V& VI
- B.A. / M.A. five years (Pali) – Sem I to X CBCS Circular No. AAMS_UGS/ICC/2023-24/07 Dated 02nd June, 2023
- B.A./M.A.Five Years Integrated Course (Pali) Sem I to X (CBCS)
- Paper-5, History of Modern Maharashtra (1818 CE-1960) (English Version)
- Economics Paper VIII – Economics of Growth and Development (English Version)
- Vide Item No.5.5(R) T.Y.B.A. (French Studies) – Sem V & VI (CBCS)
- Item no. 5.7 T.Y.B.A. Sociology Sem V and VI
- Item No.6.9 T.Y.B.Sc. /B.A (Mathematics) (Sem V and VI)
- 4.21 Revised syllabus T.Y.B.A. Sem.V & VI In Psychology
- 4.78 T.Y.B.A. Sem. V & VI in Philosophy
- 4.88 French BA PO and CO Appendix
- 4.88 French BA PO and CO Appendix
- Item no.4.17 regarding B.A. in Marathi (Ancillary)
- Item No. 4.8 & 4.9 regarding the revised syllabus as per the (CBCS) for the B.A. in Multimedia and Mass Communication Course (Sem. III & IV) and (Sem. V & VI)
- Item No. 4.20 regarding amended Ordinance 5205 relating B.A. in Multimedia and Mass Communication B.A. (M.M.C.)
- मराठी विषयांमधील T.Y.B.A. मधील सत्र ५ आणि ६ बाबत .
- 4.17 T.Y.B.A. (Sem. V & VI) in Ancient Indian Culture
- T.Y.B.A. in Sanskrit – Sem. V & VI
- Circular No. UG/23 of 2019-20 AC dated 15th April, 2019 Item No. 4.3 the revised syllabus as per (CBCS) for the T.Y.B.A. Paper No. 9 in Marathi
- Circular No. UG/30 of 2019-20 AC dated 15th April, 2019 Item No. 4.25 the revised syllabus as per the (CBCS) for the T.Y.B.A. (Sem V & VI) in Hindi
- 4.19 Distribution of Marks of T.Y.B.A./T.Y.B.Sc. Sem VI paper-IX Research Methodology in Geography
- 4.18 Revised question paper pattern of T.Y.B.A./T.Y.B.Sc. in Geography Sem V-Paper VI and IX
- 4.58 T.Y.B.A. Psychology
- Circular No. 156 dated 14th March, 2019, AC Meeting date 10/07/2018 vide Item No. 4.2 related T.Y.B.A. in Persian – Sem V & VI
- Circular No. 157 dated 14th March, 2019, AC Meeting date 10/07/2018 vide Item No. 4.3 related T.Y.B.A. in Arabic – Sem & VI
- Circular No. 158 dated 14th March, 2019, AC Meeting date 10/07/2018 vide Item No. 4.4 related T.Y.B.A. in Islamic Studies – Sem V & VI
- 4.4. Islamic Studies (TYBA-CBCS) SEM-V and VI
- 4.3 Arabic (TYBA-CBCS) SEM-V and VI
- 4.2 Persian (TYBA-CBCS) SEM-V and VI
- 4.17 T.Y.B.A. (Commerce) Programme Sem V & VI
- 4.1 Revised Syllabus as per the (CBCS) for the T.Y.B.A. in Urdu – Sem V and VI
- 4.11 Revised Syllabus as per the (CBCS) for the T.Y.B.A. in Kannada – Sem V and VI
- Revised Syllabus as per CBCS for the B.A. in Culinary Arts (Sem. V & VI)
- 4.1 Revised Syllabus as per CBCS for the T.Y.B.A. in Education – Sem V & VI
- 4.63 revised syllabus T.Y.B.A. in Pali
- 4.3 TYBA Economics semester V and VI Papers 2018
- 4.37 Mass Media
- 4.65 T.Y.B.A. French Studies Sem V-VI 2016-17.
- 4.17 TYBA in German Studies 2018-19
- 4.58 T.Y.B.A. Psychology 18-19
- 4.22 Revised syllabus Sociolgy of T.Y.B.A.. Sem. V & VI
- 4.1 Revised syllabus T.Y.B.A. in History & Archaeology Sem. V & VI
- 4.24 Revised syllabus T.Y.B.A. in Philosophy sem. V& VI
- 4.8 Revised syllabus Hindi sem. V& VI
- 4.4 Revised syllabus English sem. V& VI
- 4.2 Revised syllabus of T.Y.B.A. in Politics – Sem V & VI
- 4.69 T.Y.B.A. Statistics
- 4.65 T.Y.B.A. French Studies Sem V VI 2016-17
- 4.24 TYBA PHILO (2018-19)
- 4.8 TYBA Syllabus Hindi – 2018-19-20
- 4.1 TYBA Syllabus -History-Archaeology Sem-V-Sem-VI
- 4.3 TYBA Syllabus 2018-19
- 4.4 TYBA-English 26-06-2018
- 4.63 T.Y.B.A new Syllabus 2018-19 Paper IV, V & VI and VII, VIII & IX
- 4.62 TYBA Sanskrit Semester V and VI CBCS
- 4.39 T.Y.B.A Gujarati 2018-19
- 4.28 T.Y. B.A B.Sc. Geography 2-5-18
- 4.17 Appendix 2 TYBA in German Studies
- 4.12 Appendix 7 TYBA in Chinese Studies
- 4.161 A T.Y.B.A. Course in Philosophy of Religion a.y. 2017-18
- 4.161 T.Y.B.A. in Philosophy Sem – V & VI a.y. 2017-18
- 4.8 TYBA Human Sciences
- 4.18 T.Y.B.A.Commerce
- 4.45 B.A. Interior Design
- 4.48 B.A & M.A. Rural Development
- 4.58 T.Y.B.A. French Sem V & VI – Revised
- 4.18 T.Y.B.A. (Commerce) Semester V and VI
- 4.49 TYBA Russian
- 4.81 BA Buddhist Studies
- 4.19 (C) Advertising Sem – VI
- 4.19 (D) Journalism Sem – VI
- 4.15 T.Y.B.A. Chinese Studies
- 4.35 B.A – M.A. Five Year Integrated Programme in Pali
- 4.81 B.A.Culinary Arts
- 4.103 S.Y.B.A. & T.Y.B.A. Sindhi
- 4.117 to 4.126 Mass Media
- 4.129 B.A. (Flim, Television & New Media Production)
- 4.43 T.Y.B.A. Hindi Paper IV, V, VI, VII, VIII & IX
- 4.161 T.Y.B.A. in Philosophy Paper IV Inian ans Western
- 4.161-A T.Y.B.A. in Philosophy of Religion – Paper V
- 4.162 T.Y.B.A. in Philosophy – Project Work – Paper VI
- 4.163(A) T.Y.B.A. in Philosophy of Bhagavad Gita Paper VII
- 4.163(B) T.Y.B.A. in Philosophy Text Study DHAMMAPADA Paper VII
- 4.163(C) T.Y.B.A. in Philosophy Text Study Republic Paper VII
- 4.163(D) T.Y.B.A. in Philosophy Text Study Philosophy and Film-6 Paper VII
- 4.164 T.Y.B.A. in Philosophy of LOGIC Paper VIII
- 4.165 T.Y.B.A. in Philosophy of Yoga Paper IX
- 4.3 T.Y.B.A Economics Sem V & VI
- 4.161-A T.Y.B.A. in Philosophy of Religion – Paper V
- 4.81 B.A.Culinary Arts
- 4.117 to 4.126 Mass Media
- 4.118 Mass Media a.y. 2017-18
- 4.119 Mass Media a.y. 2017-18
- 4.120 Mass Media a.y. 2017-18
- 4.121 Mass Media a.y. 2017-18
- 4.125 Mass Media a.y. 2017-18
- 4.124 Mass Media a.y. 2017-18
- 4.35 B.A. /M.A. 5 years Integrated Course in Pali a.y. 2017-18
- 4.103 S.Y.B.A. & T.Y.B.A. Sindhi
- 4.59 T.Y.B.A. French Studies Sem V-VI 2016-17
- 4.6 TY.B.A. Sindhi
- 4.11 TYBA Marathi
- Item No.4.4 B.A. (Hons.) (Film Making)
- Item No. 4.5 B.A. (Hons.) (Professional Film Making)
- Item No. 4.16 Bachelor of Performing Arts (Dance & Choreography)
- 5.1 T.Y.B.A. (Hindi) Sem V & VII
- 5.14 B.A.M.A. Five Year Integrated Course (Pali)
- 5.21 T.Y.B.A. (Chinese Studies)
- 5.31 T.Y.B.A. (Marathi) Sem V & VI 2021-22
- 5.37 T.Y.B.A. (Economics)
- 5.45 T.Y.B.A. in Sindhi – Sem V & VI (CBCS)
- Item No. 5.20 revised syllabus of B.A.M.A. Five Years Integrated Course (Pali) – Sem I to X (CBCS)
- 8.1 M.A. (Maritime & Management Studies)
- Item No. 8.1 M.A. (Hindu Studies) Sem – III & IV (CBCS)
- 5.31 Central Eurasian syllabus
- B.A. / M.A. five years (Pali) – Sem I to X CBCS Circular No. AAMS_UGS/ICC/2023-24/07 Dated 02nd June, 2023
- Vide Item No. 5.14 (R) Elective Course on Sree Narayana Guru Paper X (13) be added to M.A. (Philosophy) – Sem III under Basket II (Elective) Philosophers (CBCS)
- B.A.M.A.Five Years Integrated Course (Pali) Sem I to X (CBCS)
- Vide Item No. 5.21(N) M.A (Sanskrit) (Epics and Puranas) Sem – I to IV (CBCS)
- Vide Item No. 8.12 (N) M.A. (Hindu Studies)
- Vide Item No. 6.3 (N) Dual Diploma – Degree Programme Master of Arts ( Maritime and Management Studies) (M.A (MMS)) and Post- Graduate Diploma in Management Studies (PGDMS)
- Vide Item No. 5.25 (N) M.A (Sanskrit) (Classical Sanskrit Literature) Sem – I to IV (CBCS)
- Vide Item No. 5.23 (N) M.A (Sanskrit) (Yogashastra) Sem -I to IV (CBCS)
- Vide Item No. 5.22 (N) M.A (Sanskrit) (Arthashastra) Sem – I to IV (CBCS)
- 5.11 (N) Master of Arts (Honors) (Defence and Strategic Studies)
- 5.12 (N)Master of Arts ( Defence and Strategic Studies ) Sem – I to IV (CBCS)
- Item No. 5.31 (R) revised syllabus of M.A. (Marathi) – Sem III and IV (CBCS)
- Item No. 5.20 revised syllabus of B.A.M.A. Five Years Integrated Course (Pali) – Sem I to X (CBCS)
- Vide item No. 5.2(R) M.A. (English) (Part-II) Sem III &IV (CBCS)
- Vide item No. 5.6(R) M.A. (French) – Sem I & II (CBCS)
- Vide item No. 5.14(R) M.A. (Development Administration) – Sem I to IV (CBCS)
- Vide item No. 5.15(R) M.A.(Sanskrit) – Sem I and II (CBCS)
- Vide item No. 5.16 (R) M.A.(Pali) – Sem I and II (CBCS)
- 8.21 AAMS (UG) 112 (Geography)
- 5.35 AAMS (UG) 93 M.A. (Sociology) Sem IV
- 8.19 Master of Arts (Communication and Journalism) Sem – III Decolonisation, Communication, Media and Journalism
- 6.19 M.Sc./M.A. (Sem. I to IV) in Mathematics List of Equivalent courses
- 6.18 M.Sc./M.A. Mathematics Sem.-III & IV CBCS
- 5.46 Revised syllabus (CBCS) of M.A. (Gujarati)
- 5.10 Revised Syllabus M.A.(Urdu)- II 2020-21
- Revised Syllabus as per the (CBCS) of M.A. (Sociology) (Regular/Hon.) (Sem. III & IV)
- 4.94 syllabus of M.A in Development Studies
- 4.93 syllabus of M.A in Buddhist Thought
- 4.92 syllabus of M.A in Social Policy
- 4.91 syllabus of M.A in Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Thoughts
- 4.89 French MA PO and CO Appendix
- 4.17 M.A. French Sem-III-IV 2020-2021
- 4.90 Revised syllabus M.A. Urdu Part I
- 4.5 Revised syllabus M.A. in Entertainment Media & Advertising
- 4.58 M.A. Sociology CBCS Revised syllabus
- 4.107 revised syllabus M.Sc/M.A. in Mathematic
- Item no. 4.3 revised syllabus M.A. Sem. I Paper II (core) Epistemology (Indian and Western)
- Item no. 4.8 regarding revised syllabus M.A/ Statistics Sem. I & II
- Item No. 4.4 regarding the revised syllabus for the M.A. – Semester III & IV in Philosophy
- 4.8 revised syllabus M.A./M.Sc. Part II Statistics (Sem. III & IV) w.e.f. 2019-20.
- 4.1 regarding revised syllabus M.a. in German Studies a.y.2019
- 4.31 M.Sc. Forensic Science (Sem. III & IV)
- 4.21 Revised syllabus (CBCS) for the M.A. in Entertainment Media & Advertising (EMA) sem. I to IV
- 4.18 MA Archaeo Syllabus Revised Numismatics & Epigraphy MAK
- 4.12 M.A./M.Sc. in Geography (Sem.IV)
- M.A. in Philosophy
- Circular No. UG/31 of 2019-20 AC dated 15th April, 2019 Item No. 4.26 the revised syllabus as per the (CBCS) for the M.A. (Sem I & II) in Hindi
- Circular No. UG/34 of 2019-20 dt.Item No 4.27 Revised Syllabus of M.A. (Sem.III & IV) in Hindi
- Circular No. UG/25 of 2019-20 AC dated 15th April, 2019 Item No. 4.7 the revised syllabus as per (CBCS) for the M.A. in French (Sem I & II)
- 4.29 Syllabus of two years as per (CBCS) for the Masters of Urban and Regional Planning
- 4.36 Revised Syllabus of M.A. Buddhist Studies
- 4.60 Revised syllabus as per the (CBCS) for the M.A. in Philosophy – Sem I to IV
- 4.13 Amendment to Regulations for the CBCS of M.A. degree programme
- 4.3 Revised Syllabus as per CBCS for the Rural Development (Sem. III & IV)
- 4.8 Revised Syllabus CBCS for the M.A./M.Sc. in Statistics (Sem. I & II)
- 4.61 revised syllabus M.A. Hindi Part I & II w.e.f.2018-19
- 4.60 a MA I Sem I and Sem II Philosophy
- 4.59 M.A. Psychology Sem-III-IV 2018-2019
- 4.36 M.A. buddhist studies
- 4.34 Revised syllabus M.A. in Archaeology sem.III & IV
- 4.70 AC resolution
- 4.60 a MA I Sem I and Sem II Philosophy
- 4.60 b MA II Sem III and Sem IV Philosophy
- 4.8 M.A-Sem I II III-IV Urdu
- 4.33 MA Buddhist Studies Syllabus Sem III & IV
- 4.152 M.A. Part – II Interdisciplinary course in Indian Aesthetics Theory & Application sem – IV a.y. 2017-18
- 4.53 M.A. in Public Policy a.y. 2017-18
- 4.67 M.A. in History & Archaeology a.y 2017-18
- 4.93 M.A. Part -II in Urdu
- 4.2 M.A. in Development Administration (Sem. I to IV) a. y. 2017-18.
- 4.114 M.A. in Rural Development (Sem. III & IV) a.y. 2017-18.
- 4.61 M.A. (Regular) Philosophy Sem – III & IV a.y. 2017-18
- 4.16 M.A. in Chinese Studies Sem – I & IV a.y. 2017-18
- 4.167 M.A. in Archaeology Sem – I to IV a.y. 2017-18
- 4.156 M.A. Part II – Skill Based Course on Sanskrit Translation Studies sem – IV a.y. 2017-18
- 4.35 B.A. /M.A. 5 years Integrated Course in Pali a.y. 2017-18
- 4.157 M.A. Part II – Audited Course in Research Methodology sem – IV a.y. 2017-18
- 4.155 M.A. Part II – Skill Based Course on Sanskrit Translation Studies Sem -IV a.y. 2017-18
- 4.153 M.A. Part II – Interdisciplinary Course Narratology : Theory & Application a.y. 2017-18
- 4.218 M.A/M.Sc. in Mathematics Sem – I & II a.y. 2017-18
- 4.87 M.A. Part -II Skill Based Course in Zala Vedanta sem – IV a.y. 2017-18
- 4.1 M.A. in PERSIAN
- 4.2 M.A. in ARABIC
- 4.6 M.A. French Sem I & II
- 4.7 M.A. French Sem III & IV – Revised
- 4.8 M. A. in Kannada
- 4.9 M.A. (Hons) Politics Sem I & II
- 4.10 M.A. in Electronic Media
- 4.11 M.A. in Film Studies
- 4.12 M.A. inTelevision Studies
- 4.13 M.A. in Public Relations
- 4.14 M. A. in Communication & Journalism
- 4.18 M.A. in African Studies
- 4.19 M.A. Eurasian Studies
- 4.20 M.A. Linguistics
- 4.22 M.A. History and Archaeology
- 4.24 M.A. Psychology
- 4.25 M.A. Philosophy
- 4.28 M.A. in Sindhi
- 4.29 M. A. Sociology
- 4.31 M. A. Gujarati
- 4.36 M.A Urdu
- 4.41 M.A. Marathi
- 4.48 B.A & M.A. Rural Development
- 4.55 M.A. Sanskrit
- 4.71 (A) M. A. Public Policy Sem I
- 4.71 (B) M. A. Public Policy Sem II
- 4.8 (A) Sanskrit & Pali MA Part I (Sanskrit) Semesters I and II Paper Pattern
- 4.8 (B) Sanskrit & Pali MA Part I (Sanskrit) Semesters I and II Syllabus
- 4.14 MA. & M.Sc. Geography
- 4.16 M. A. Russian syllabus Sem I & Sem II
- 4.89 MA. & M.Sc. Geography
- 4.16 M.A. Program in Russian Semester I & II
- 4.10 M. A. Literary Theory and Criticism
- 4.52 MA Leadership Science
- 4.10 M. A. Literary Theory and Criticism
- 4.16 M. A. Russian syllabus Sem I & Sem II
- 4.44 MA Russian
- 4.60 M. A. & M. Sc Geography
- 4.73 MA (Film, Television & New Media Production)
- 4.74 MA (Entertainment, Media and Advertising)
- 4.78 Master of Urban and Regional Planning
- 4.30 M. A. Hindi
- 4.14 MA. & M.Sc. Geography
- 4.8 M. A. Sanskrit
- 4.31 M. A. Gujarati
- 4.41 M.A. Marathi
- 4.14 M.A.(Communication & Journalism) Semester I to IV
- M.A.Programme in entertainment, Media & Adverstising (Sem.II)
- 4.2 M.A. Development Administration Sem I to IV
- 4.6 M. A. in Public Relations
- 4.7 M. A. in Film Studies
- 4.8 M.A. in Television Studies
- 4.9 M. A. in Electronic Media
- 4.10 M. A. in Communication and Journalism
- 4.16 M.A. in Chinese Studies (Regular)
- 4.21 M.A. Kannada Sem III & IV
- 4.24 M.A. II – Gujarati Sem III & IV
- 4.33 M.A. Pali Sem – III
- 4.34 M. A. Pali Sem – IV
- 4.35 B.A – M.A. Five Year Integrated Programme in Pali
- 4.40 M.A. African Studies Sem I to IV
- 4.44 M.A. Hindi Part – I Paper I, III, V & VII
- 4.67 M.A History (Histroy & Archaeology)Sem III & Sem IV
- 4.74 M. A. (Hons.) in Sociology
- 4.75 M. A. in Sociology Degree Progm
- 4.77 M. A. Russian Sem III & IV
- 4.79 M.A. English Part – II Sem III & IV
- 4.80 M A Eurasian Studies Sem III & IV
- 4.82 M.A. Linguistics Sem III & IV
- 4.83 M.A. Economics Sem III & IV
- 4.86 M. A. French Sem III & IV
- 4.89 M.A. Marathi
- 4.92 M.A. Part I Urdu
- 4.93 M.A. Part II Urdu
- 4.104 M.A. Sindhi Sem III-IV
- 4.109 MA Persian Part II Sem III & IV
- 4.110 MA Islamic Studies Part II Sem III & IV
- 4.111 MA Arabic Part II Sem III & IV
- 4.114 M.A Rural Development
- 4.127 M.A.(Film, Television and New Media Production)
- 4.128 M.A.(Media, Entertainment and Advertising)
- 4.162 M.A. Philosophy (Regular) Sem I to IV
- 4.167 M.A. Archaeology
- 4.169 MA-Leadership-Science Sem III & IV
- 4.5 M.A. Psychology Sem III & IV
- 4.44 M.A. Hindi Part – I Sem I & II
- 4.60 M.A. (Regular) in Philosophy Sem I & II
- 4.61 M.A. (Regular) in Philosophy Sem III & IV
- 4.1 MA Archaeology Sem I & II
- 4.33 Choice based Syllabus MA PALI Sem III
- 4.34 CBCS Syllabus MA PALI Sem IV
- 4.144 M.A. Sans Arsha Mahakavya Sem – III
- 4.5 M.A. Psychology Sem III & IV
- 4.6 M. A. in Public Relations
- 4.241 M.A & M.Sc Geography Sem III
- 4.242 M.A. & M.Sc Geography Sem IV
- 4.67 M. A. History and Archaeology Sem III and Sem IV
- 4.89 (A) MA Marathi Sem I & II CBCS Part – I
- 4.89 (B) MA Marathi CBCS Sem III & IV Part – II
- 4.45 M.A. Hindi Part – II Sem III & IV
- 4.166 M.A. Buddhisht Studies Sem I & II
- 4.104 M.A. Sindhi Sem III-IV
- 4.109 M.A. Persian Part – II Sem III & IV
- 4.21 M.A. Kannada Sem III & IV
- 4.10 M. A. in Communication and Journalism
- 4.8 M. A. in Television Studies
- 4.111 MA Arabic Part II Sem III & IV
- 4.61 M.A. Regular philosophy
- 4.24 M.A. II – Gujarati Sem III & IV
- 4.7 M. A. in Film Studies
- 4.93 M. A . Part II Urdu
- 4.83 M.A. Economics Sem III & IV
- 4.82 M.A. Linguistics Sem III & IV
- 4.40 M.A. African Studies Sem I to IV
- Master of Arts part I in Sindhi sem I & II
- 4.92 M. A. Part I Urdu
- 4.57 M.A. (Hons.) in Philosophy
- 4.135 M.A. Part II – Veda ( Sem – III)
- 4.151 M.A. Part -II Interdisciplinary Course in Ancient Indian Knowledge Systems
- 4.154 M.A. Part II – Skill Based Course on Alamkaras & Vrittas
- 4.28 M.A. in development Administration
- 5.7 regarding incorporate the internal 40 marks MAEMA
- 5.6 regarding revised syllabus MAEMA Sem.III & IV
- 5.1 & 5.2 regarding M.A.Honours in English & Honours with Research English Sem.IV
- Item No. 4.17 Master of Performing Arts (Dance & Choreography)
- Item No. 5.41 regarding M.A (Translation Studies) Sem I to IV
- Item No. 5.42 M.A. (Cultural Studies)
- Item no.8.9 regarding Amendment of O.1828 relating of M.P.A. (Dance)degree course by incorporating Odissi.
- 5.2 M.A. (English) Revised Syllabus 21-22
- 5.39 M.A. Marathi – Sem I & II (CBCS)
- 5.29 M.A. (Politics)- Sem I, II, III & IV (CBCS)
- 5.38 M.A. (Economics) Sem – I to IV
- 6.25 MA Maritime Studies syllabus
M.A. (Honors)
- M.A. (Hons.) (Defence & Strategic Studies)
- Master of Arts (Defence & Strategic Studies)
- Vide Item No. 5.12(R) revised syllabus of M.A.(Honours) (English) and M.A. (Honours with Research)(English) – Sem III and IV (CBCS)
- Vide Item No. 5.26 (R) – M.A. (Honours) (International Relations and Strategic Studies)- Sem III to IV (CBCS)
- Vide Item No. 5.10 (R) Revised Syllabus of M.A. (Sociology) (Regular Honour) – Sem I (CBCS)
- Vide Item No.5.9(R) Revised syllabus of M.A. (Sociology) (Regular -Hon.) Sem III (CBCS)
- 5.47 M.A (Honours) (International Relations and Strategic Studies) Sem I & II
- Item no.5.1 & 5.2 regarding M.A.Honours in English & Honours with Research English Sem.IV
- 4.31 regarding revised syllabus M.A. Honours and Honours with Research in English (Research Methodology – II) (Sem. II) w.e.f. 2019-20.
- 4.30 regarding revised syllabus M.A. Honours & Honours with Research in English (Research Methodology – I) Sem. I w.e.f.2019-20.
- 4.2 revised syllabus for M.A.(Hons.) in German Studies a.y.2019-20
- 4.5 MA Hon Hon. with Research in English Sem IV 2018 19
- 4.5 MA Hon & Hon. with Research in English-Sem-III-2018-19
- 4.74 M.A. in Hons. Sociology sem – I to IV a.y. 2017-18
- MA HONS POLITICS SEM IV Dissertation or Project based course topics
- 4.9 (A) M.A. (Hons) Politics Sem I
- 4.9 (B) M.A. (Hons.) Politics Sem II
- 4.69 M.A Hons & Resh English
- 4.70 MA Hons and MA Honours with Research English
- 4.9 MA Hons and MA Honours with Research English
- 4.4 (B) MA Hons GERMAN
- 4.51 MA (Hons) Politics CBCS SEM III & IV
- 4.53 MA (Hon) Public Policy Sem III and IV
- 4.163 M.A. Philosophy (Hons.) Sem I to IV
- 4.57 M.A. (Hons.) in Philosophy
- 4.105 M.A.(Hons.) in English & with research Sem I
- 4.106 M.A.(Hons.) in English & with research Sem II
- 4.107 M.A.(Hons.) in English & with research Sem III
- 4.108 M.A.(Hons.) in English & with research Sem IV
- 4.53 MA (Hon) Public Policy Sem III and IV
- Item No. 4.6 M.A. (Hons.) (Film Making)
- Item No. 4.7 M.A. (Hons.) (Professional Film Making)
- 5.3 M.A. (Honours) (English) and M.A. (Honours with Research) (English) Revised Syllabus 21-22
- 5.14 B.A.M.A. Five Year Integrated Course (Pali)
- 5.40 Revised Syllabus for Gujarati SEM I & II
- 8.1 B.A.B.Ed
- Vide Item No. 8.2 (N) B.Sc, B.Ed. four years Integrated Course – Sem – I to VIII (CBCS)
- Vide item No. 8.1 (N) B.Com, B.Ed. four years Integrated Course – Sem I to VIII (CBCS)
- 4.7 Recommendations for B.Ed. course
- 4.2 Reschedule B.Ed. Course for 1st term 16-17
- 4.3 Fee Structure B.P.Ed 2 years courses
- 4.25 B. Ed. (Hearing Impairment)
- 4.26 B.Ed. (Learning Disability)
- 4.27 B. Ed. (Autism Spectrum Disorder)
- 4.28 B Ed (Intellectual Distablity)
- 4.29 Disability Guidelines
- 4.25 B. Ed. (Hearing Impairment)
- 4.26 B.Ed. (Learning Disability)
- 4.27 B. Ed. (Autism Spectrum Disorder)
- 4.28 B Ed (Intellectual Distablity)
- 4.15 Two Years B.Ed. Programme
- 4.27 B. Ed. (Autism Spectrum Disorder)
- 4.28 B Ed (Intellectual Distablity)
- 4.25 B. Ed. (Hearing Impairment)
- 4.15 B.Ed Syllabus
- 4.51 Revised Syllabus M.Phill. In Hindi
- 4.61 Revised M.Phil. Sociology Coursework 2020
- 4.59 revised syllabus Ph.D. course work in Sanskrit w.e.f.2019-20.
- 4.6 revised syllabus M.Phil/Ph.D. course work in Statistics w.e.f. 2019-20.
- 4.1 revised syllabus of M. Phil – Ph. D. course work in Psychology.
- 4.2 revised syllabus M.Phil. in Marathi a.y. 2019-20
- 4.1 regarding M.Phil-Ph.D. course work in psychology
- 4.3 AC dt. 26.12.2018 revised syllabus of M.Phil. in Philosophy
- 4.12 Revised syllabus for the M.Phil. in Philosophy
- 4.12 Revised MPhil Syllabus 2018-19
- 4.7 Revised syllabus of M.Phill. in English
- 4.9 M. Phil Urdu
- 4.38 M.Phil Gujarati
- 4.130 M.Phil Course in Labour Studies Administration Sem – I to VI a.y. 2017-18
- 4.115 M.Phil. in Rural Development a.y 2017-18
- 4.9 M.Phil Course in Linguistics a.y. 2017-18
- 4.4 M.Phil ARABIC
- 4.37 M.Phil in Urdu
- 4.115 M.Phil in Rural Development
- 4.130 M. Phil. Course in Labor Studies
- 4.164 M.Phil Philosophy
- 4.64 M.Phil in Philosophy
- 8.1(R) M.A. (Education) (sem. III & IV) yearly pattern PG Programme into CBCS Pattern
- 8.1 M.A. Edu. Sem I & II yearly pattern PG Programme CBCS Pattern
- 4.35 M.Ed.(H.I) special education evaluation of dissertation work
- 4.18 M.Ed.Spl.Ed. (HI) 2017 -18 CBCS
- Revised Syllabus M.Ed.
- 4.21 Revised syllabus for M.Ed. (Special Education)
- 4.23 M. Ed. (Two Years) Syllabus
- M.Ed. Special Education (HI)
- 4.30 M.Ed 2 Years Degree Course Education Sem I to IV
- 4.30 M.Ed 2 Years Degree Program Sem I to IV
- 4.18 M.Ed Special Education (Hearing & Impairment)
- Vide Item No. 5.8 (R) Revised Syllabus for Ph.D course work in English
- Final Ph.D Aptitude Test in Marathi
- Ph.D. Course work in Education
- vide Item No. 5.27(R) Ph.D. Course work in German
- vide Item No. 5.33(R) Ph.D. Course work in Marathi
- vide item No. 8.10 (R) Ph.D. Course work in Environmental Science
- 4.58 revised syllabus Ph.D. course work in Pail w.e.f. 2019-20.
- 4.6 revised syllabus M.Phil/Ph.D. course work in Statistics w.e.f. 2019-20.
- 4.1 revised syllabus of M. Phil – Ph. D. course work in Psychology.
- 4.34 revised syllabus of Ph. D. course work in Arabic.
- 4.13 revised syllabus Ph.D. course work in Marathi a.y.2019-20
- 4.33 syllabus of Ph. D. course work in Islamic Studies a.y. 2019-20
- 4.28 revised syllabus Ph.D. course work in Hindi a.y. 2019-20
- 4.19 revised syllabus of Ph.D. course work in Persian a.y. 2019-20
- 4.55 revised syllabus Ph.D. course work in English a.y. 2019-20
- 4.30 Revised syllabus Ph.D. Course work in Geography
- 4.165 Philosophy – Ph.D. Course Work Research Methodology
- 4.160 Ph.D. Course Work in Philosophy
- ide Item No. 8.1 (R) revised syllabus of Master of Social Work – Sem III and IV (CBCS)
- The exam pattern for faculty change exam/Aptitude exam for M.A, M.Phil., Ph.D. (Sociology) admissions
- Revised Syllabus as per the (CBCS) for the Master of Social Work (Sem. I & II)
- 4.10 regarding revised syllabus short term cert. course in German a.y.2019-20
- 4.54 the Preparatory Course for National-State Eligibility Test in English
- 4.50 Master of Library and Information Science
- Circular No. UG/26 of 2019-20 AC dated 30th July, 2017 Item No. 4.22 The Regulation No. 4121 relating to passing marks for Diploma in Japanese
- Circular No. UG/22 of 2019-20 dt. 22nd May, 2019 Item No. 4.13 AC dt. 26th Dec., 2018 revised syllabus Add-on-Vocational Certificate, Diploma & Advanced Diploma course in Taxation Precedures & Practices (Sem. I to VI)
- 4.40 Syllabus of the Certificate Course in Gujarati
- 4.25 Part-Time Diploma Course in Foundations of Yoga
- 4.41 Syllabus of the Diploma Course in Gujarati
- 4.19 Appendix 3 Advanced Diploma (2) in Communicative Marathi German
- Circular No. 166 dated 27th March, 2019, Item No. 4.23 A.C. meeting dated 5th May, 2018 The Ordinance 6452 & 6453 Regulations 9183 to 9186 and the Syllabus as per (CBCS) for the Diploma Course in Airport Operation has been introduced w.e.f. 2018-19
- 4.5 ADV. DIPLOMA IN PERSIAN Fee Structure
- 4.38 Certificate in Persian Fee Structure
- 4.41 Diploma in Persian Fee Structure
- Diploma Course in Pali
- 4.30 Revised syllabus Bachelor of Social work (BSW)
- 4.33 AC resolution
- 4.34 AC resolution
- 4.36 AC Resolutions
- 4.30 Social Work Final BSW Syllabus
- 4.28 4.27 Scheme of examination Part time diploma in Logic and Philosophy
- 4.27 Scheme of examination Part time diploma in Logic and Philosophy
- 4.302 Bachelors in Film Production & Management sem- I to VI a.y. 2017-18
- 4.76 Extension Work (Foundation Course – II)
- 4.303 Bachelors in Psychological Health and Behavioural Science (Sem. I to VI)
- 4.305 Bachelors in Capital Market (Sem – I to VI ) a.y. 2017-18
- 4.296 Bachelors in Interior Design Sem – I to VI a.y. 2017-18
- 4.295 Master in Emotional Intelligence & Life Coaching Sem – I to IV a.y. 2017-18
- 4.300 Bachelors in Visual Effects (VFX) sem – I to VI a.y. 2017-18
- 4.301 Bachelors in Film Art Sem – I to VI a.y. 2017-18
- 4.299 Bachelors in Animation Sem – I to VI a.y. 2017-18
- 4.298 Bachelors in Screen Writing Sem – I to VI a.y. 2017-18
- 4.197 Associate Degree in Hospitality Studies Sem – I to IV a.y. 2017-18
- 4.294 Master in Emotional Intelligence & Human Relation Sem- I to IV a.y. 2017-18
- 4.70 Master of Social Work (MSW) sem – III & VI a.y. 2017-18
- 4.29 Disability Guidelines a.y. 2017-18
- 4.68 BSW & MSW for Increase in Fees a.y. 2017-18
- 4.35 Five year integrated programme in pali
- 4.65 Alumni cell
- 4.83 Minutes of Ancient Indian History
- 4.84 Minutes of Life Long Learning
- 4.66 Arts QUESTION PAPER Pattern
- 4.5 Bachelor of Social Work
- 4.6 Master of Social Work approved syllabus with Fee structure of RGCCS
- 4.6 Master of Social Work
- 4.1 NSS NCC etc 75-25
- 4.68 BSW & MSW for increase in fees
- 4.69 Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) Sem III to VI)
- 4.70 Master of Social Work (MSW) Semester III-IV
Diploma & Certificate Courses
- R. 9298 relating to intake capacity of the Certificate Course Part I Ab Initio 1 in Italian Language & Culture
- R. 9300 relating to intake capacity of the Certificate Course Part II Ab Initio 2 in Italian Language & Culture
- R. 9302 relating to intake capacity of the Diploma in Gradus Intermedius 1 Course in Italian Language & Culture Part I
- R. 9304 relating to intake capacity of the Diploma in Gradus Intermedius 2 Course in Italian Language & Culture Part II
- R. 9306 relating to intake capacity of the Advanced Diploma in Gradus Peritus 1 Course in Italian Language & Culture Part I
- R. 9308 relating to intake capacity of the Advanced Diploma in Gradus Peritus 2 Course in Italian Language & Culture Part II
- R. 9314 relating to intake capacity of the Certificate Course I Ab Initio 1 in Spanish Language and Culture
- R. 9316 relating to intake capacity of the Certificate Course II Ab Initio 2 in Spanish Language and Culture
- BOD 8.4 (A) Certificate Course I Ab Initio 1 Course in Spanish Language & Culture
- BOD 8.5 (A) Certificate Course II Ab Initio 2 Course in Spanish Language & Culture
- BOD 8.6 (A) Certificate Course Part I Ab Initio 1 Course in Italian Language & Culture
- BOD 8.7 (A) Certificate Course Part II Ab Initio 2 Course in Italian Language & Culture
- BOD 8.8 (A) Diploma in Gradus Intermedius 1 Course in Italian Language & Culture Part I
- BOD 8.9 (A) Diploma in Gradus Intermedius 2 Course in Italian Language & Culture Part II
- BOD 8.10 Adv. Diploma in Gradus Peritus 1 Italian Language & Culture Part I
- BOD 8.11(A) Adv Diploma in Gradus Peritus 2 Course in Italian Language & Culture Part II
- Cir No. 46 ( 5.4 (R)) Diploma in German A2 Level
- Cir No. 50 (5.8 (R)) Diploma in Commercial and Technical Translation and Tourism Syllabus
- Cir. No. 45 (5.3 (R)) Certificate in German A1 Level (1)
- Cir. No. 47 5.5 (R) Advanced Diploma I in German (B1 Level )
- Cir. No. 48 (5.6 ( R)) Advanced Diploma II in German B2 Level (2)
- Cir. No. 49 (5.7 (R)) Advanced Diploma III in German C1 Level (2)
- Cir. No. 51 (5.9 (R)) FYBA German Compulsory Language German Optional Language
- 8.3 PG Diploma in Rehabilitation
- Diploma Course in Marathi
- Vide Item No. 5.2 (N)11.07.2022, Postgraduate Diploma in Comparative Studies – Sem – I & II (CBCS)
- Vide Item No. 5.3 (N)11.07.2022, Postgraduate Diploma in Animal Studies – Sem – I & II (CBCS)
- Vide Item No. 5.4 (N)11.07.2022, Postgraduate Diploma in Diaspora and Transnational Studies – Sem – I & II (CBCS)
- Vide Item No. 5.5 (N)11.07.2022, Postgraduate Diploma in Disability Studies – Sem – I & II (CBCS)
- Vide Item No. 5.6 (N)11.07.2022, Postgraduate Diploma in Indian Aesthetics of Art – Sem – I & II (CBCS)
- Vide Item No. 5.7 (N)11.07.2022, Postgraduate Diploma in Indian Canada – Sem – I & II (CBCS)
- Vide Item No. 5.8 (N)11.07.2022, Postgraduate Diploma in Memory Studies – Sem – I & II (CBCS)
- Vide Item No. 5.9 (N)11.07.2022, Postgraduate Diploma in Post human Studies – Sem – I & II (CBCS)
- Vide Item No. 5.11 (N)11.07.2022, Postgraduate Diploma in Critical Diversity Studies – Sem – I & II (CBCS)
- Vide Item No. 5.13 (N)11.07.2022, Diploma Course in Sree Narayana Guru’s Philosophy – Sem – I & II (CBCS)
- Vide Item No. 6.7 (N) Certificate Course in Data Analytics for Healthcare
- Vide Item No. 6.6 (N) Certificate Course in Clinical Date Management
- Vide Item No. 6.5 (N) Certificate Course in Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare
- Vide Item No. 6.4 (N) Certificate Course in Intellectual Property Rights.
- Vide Item No. 6.2 (N) Certificate Course for Ferrocement Technology and Architecture
- Vide Item No. 5.24 (N) Diploma Course in the Bhagavadgita
- Vide Item No. 5.13 (N) Certificate Course in Sree Narayana Guru’s philosophy
- Item No. 5.32 (R) revised syllabus of Certificate Course in Marathi
- Item No. 5.19 revised syllabus of Diploma in Bhakti
- vide item No. 5.17(R) Two years Post graduate Advanced Diploma Course in Pali
- Vide item No. 5.18(R) One year Post- Graduate Diploma Course in Mysticism
- 5.48 Post-Graduate Diploma Programme in International Relations and Strategic Studies (Sem I & II)
- 8.28 Diploma in Bansuri Course
- 8.27 Certificate Course in Bansuri
- 8.23 PG Diploma in Proficiency in Playback Singing and Stage Performance
- 5.13 Diploma in Information and Media Literacy
- 5.12 Diploma in International English Language Proficiency
- 5.11 Diploma in Legal Translation
- 5.10 Diploma in Journalistic Writing
- 5.9 Diploma Course in Soft Skills Development (D-SSD)
- 5.8 Diploma in Teaching English to Young Learners (D-TEYL)
- 5.7 Diploma in English for Hospitality and Tourism (D-EHT)
- 5.6 Diploma in English for Freelancers (D-EFRL)
- 5.5 Diploma in Digital Humanities (D-DH)
- 5.4 Diploma in Corporate English (D-CorpEng)
- 5.20 Rev syllabus and standard of passing for two – year part- time Advanced Diploma Course in Japanese.
- 5.19 Rev syllabus and standard of passing for two-year part- time Advanced Diploma Course in Japanese
- 5.18 Rev. syllabus of Diploma Course in Japanese
- 5.17 Certificate Course in Japanese (Level JLPT N5)
- 5.16 Rev. Syllabus of Advance Diploma Course in German
- 5.15 Rev. syllabus of Diploma Course in German
- Certificate Course in Vedic Mathematics
- Certificate Course in Astronomy
- Certificate Course in Journalism
- Certificate Course in Gita Rahasya
- 5.33 Post Graduate Diploma in Security Studies
- 5.30 PGDIS Syllabus
- Item No. 4.3 Diploma Course in Disaster Management
- Item No. 4.146 Diploma in Industrial Safety and Management
- Item No. 4.114 Certificate Course in Aquaculture
- Item No. 4.113 Certificate Course in Aquaponics
- Item No. 4.18 Diploma in Sound Recording & Designing (DISRD)
- Item No. 4.15 Post Graduate Diploma in Film Making (PGDFM)
- Item No. 4.14 Diploma in Film Making (DFM)
- Item No. 4.13 Diploma in Cinematography (DIC)
- Item No. 4.12 Diploma in Direction (DID)
- Item No. 4.11 Diploma in Editing (DIE)
- Item No.4.10 Diploma in Screenplay Writing (DISP)
- Item No. 4.9 Diploma in Film & Television Production
- Item No 4.8 Diploma In Animation, VFX & Gaming
- Item No. 4.1 Diploma Course in Disaster Management
- 4.52 syllabus of Certificate Course in Creative Writing
- 4.30 syllabus of Certificate Course in Creative Writing
- 4.34 syllabus of Certificate Course in Advanced English Grammar
- 4.33 syllabus of Certificate Course in Comparative Mythology
- 4.32 syllabus of Certificate Course in English Phonology
- 4.31 syllabus of Certificate Course in Basic English Grammar
- 4.29 syllabus of Certificate Course in Translation
- 4.28 syllabus of Certificate Course in Folkoristics
- 4.27 syllabus of Certificate course in Legal Drafting
- 4.26 syllabus of Certificate Course in Content Writing
- 4.25 Syllabus of Certificate Course in Film Appreciation
- 4.16 syllabus of Certificate Course 2 Ab Initio 2 Course in Spanish Language and Culture
- 4.15 syllabus of Certificate Course 1 Ab Initio 1 Course in Spanish Language and Culture
- 4.14 syllabus of Diploma Course in Western Art Appreciation (Renaissance to Post – Modern)
- 4.13 syllabus of Certificate course in Western Art Appreciation (Ancient and Medieval Art)
- 4.12 syllabus of Advance Diploma in Gradus Peritus 2 Course in Italian Language and Culture Part II
- 4.11 syllabus of Advance Diploma in Gradus Peritus 1 Course in Italian Language and Culture Part I
- 4.10 syllabus of Diploma in Gradus Intermedius 2 Course in Italian Language and Culture Part -II
- 4.9 syllabus of Diploma in Gradus Intermedius 1 Course in Italian Language and Culture Part I
- 4.8 syllabus of Certificate Course Part II Ab Initio 2 course in Italian Language and Culture Centre for European Studies
- 4.7 syllabus of Certificate Course Part I Ab Initio I Course in Italian Language and Culture Centre for European Studies
- Item no.4.15 revised syllabus Diploma in Aviation Safety & Hospitality w.e.f.2015-16
- Item no.4.13 regarding use of Marathi language in the BLS course.
- Item No. 4.15 regarding Ordinances No. 6520 & 6521 the syllabus of Certificate Course in Total Quality Management in Fisheries (TQM in Fisheries)
- Item No. 4.14 regarding Ordinances No. 6518 & 6519 the syllabus of Certificate Course in Data Analysis Using SPSS Software
- Item No. 4.72 regarding Ordinances No. 6508 & 6509 the syllabus of Diploma in Computerised Financial Accounting and Tax Practice
- Item No. 4.65 regarding amended Ordinance 5946 regarding Title of Course in Post-graduate Advance Diploma Course in Mysticism
- Item No. 4.62 regarding amended Ordinance 6033 regarding Title of Course in Advance Diploma Course in Sanskrit
- Item No. 4.55 regarding amended Ordinance 5246 regarding Title of Course in Master of Theatre Arts.
- Item No. 4.64 regarding amended Ordinance 5944 regarding Title of Course in Post-graduate Diploma Course in Mysticism
- Item No. 4.66 regarding amended Ordinance 5516 regarding Title of Course Diploma course in Manuscriptology
- Item No. 4.46 regarding Ordinances No. 6494 & 6495 the syllabus of Certificate Course in Legal Journalism (Basic and Advanced)
- Item No. 4.47 regarding Ordinances No. 6496 & 6497 the syllabus of Certificate Course in Video Games Studies
- Item No. 4.48 regarding Ordinances No. 6498 & 6499 the syllabus of Certificate Course in Introduction to Hip-Hop Studies
- Item No. 4.45 regarding Ordinances No. 6492 & 6493 the syllabus of Certificate Course in Theatre for Development
- Item No. 4.6 relating Ordinance 6314 of one sitting rule is repealed for the criteria for recognition as Ph.D. Guide in the University Department of Law.
- Item No. 4.13 regarding amended Ordinance 5897 relating to Eligibility Criteria for admission in P.G. Diploma in Digital and Cyber Forensics and Related Law
- Item No. 4.42 regarding Ordinances No. 6486 & 6487 the syllabus of Diploma in Acting Skills
- Item No. 4.22 regarding Ordinances No. 6472 & 6473 the syllabus of Basic Certificate Course in Rural Community Engagement
- Item No. 4.67 regarding amended Ordinance 6064 regarding Title of Course in Certificate Course in Bhakti Literature
- Item No. 4.60 regarding amended Ordinance 1916 regarding Title of Course in Certificate Course in Sanskrit
- Item No. 4.74 regarding Ordinances No. 6512 & 6513 the syllabus of B.Voc. (Health Care) Programmes
- Item No. 4.29 regarding Ordinances No. 6482 & 6483 the syllabus of Certificate Course in Peace Education
- Item No. 4.42 regarding Ordinances No. 6486 & 6487 the syllabus of Diploma in Acting Skills
- Item No. 4.43 regarding Ordinances No. 6488 & 6489 the syllabus of Certificate Course in Media and Disability Communication
- Advance Certificate Course in Rural Community Engagement (Item No. 4.23 dated 10th May, 2019)
- Item No. 4.68 regarding amended Ordinance 6396 relating to the Title of Course in Certificate Course in Prakrit
- Item No. 4.63 regarding amended Ordinance 3006 relating to the Title of Diploma in Comparative Mythology
- Item No. 4.61 regarding amended Ordinance 1927 regarding Title of Course in Diploma course in Sanskrit
- Item No. 4.54 regarding amended Ordinance 2483 regarding addition of New subject in Persian of M.Phil.
- Item No. 4.44 regarding Ordinances No. 6490 & 6491 the syllabus of Certificate Course in Film Business and Marketing
- Item No. 4.49 regarding Ordinances No. 6500 & 6501 the syllabus of Certificate Course in Reporting Elections in India
- Item No. 4.44 regarding Ordinances No. 6490 & 6491 the syllabus of Certificate Course in Film Business and Marketing
- 4.8 Certificate Course in Life Skills Education
- 4.7 revised syllabus PG Diploma in Applied Statistics with Software (PGDASS) sem. I & II w.e.f.2019-20.
- 4.56 revised syllabus PG Diploma course in Mysticism w.e.f. 2019-20.
- 4.57 revised syllabus PG Advanced Diploma course in Mysticism w.e.f. 2019-20.
- 4.7 Introduced the syllabus of the Certificate Course in Exercise Programming
- 4.6 Introduced the syllabus of the Teacher Training Certificate Course in Yoga
- 4.10 Amended R. 8519 & R. 8520 duration and intake capacity of Diploma in Translation.
- 4.10 Amended R. 8519 & R. 8520 in duration and intake capacity of Diploma in Translation (French)
- 4.19 O. 6478 & 6479 in Diploma in Heritage Management
- 4.21 The amendment of O.337 & R. 111(A) relating to duration and intake capacity of Diploma Course in French.
- 4.20 The amendment of O.326 & R. 109A relating to duration and intake capacity of Certificate Course in French.
- 4.9 The amendment of O.6032 & R. 8524 & R.8525 relating to eligibility criteria, duration and intake capacity of Certificate Course in French (Intensive).
- 4.22 the amendment of O.4048 & R. 4298 relating to duration and intake capacity of Advanced Diploma in French.
- 4.11 regarding discontinuation of part time Spanish Language Course in the Department of French
- 4.5 regarding revised syllabus Adv.Dip. in German (B2 level) a.y.2019-20
- 4.4 regarding revised syllabus Dip. course in German(A2=B1.1 level) a.y.2019-20
- 4.3 revised syllabus for revised syllabus for Cert. Course in German (A1 level)
- 4.31 Diploma in Appreciation of Urdu Ghazal
- 4.29 Revised syllabus of Certificate Course in Hindi Translation
- 4.6 Advanced Diploma in Communicative Marathi Level 5
- 4.30 Certificate Course in Urdu Calligraphy
- 4.5 A Certificate Course in Hindi for Foreigners
- 4.4 Post Graduate Translation Diploma – Hindi 30.03.2019
- Item no.4.28 Advance Diploma in Buddhist Studies and Vipassana
- Item no.4.27 regarding Diploma in Buddhist Studies & Vipassana
- 4.8 Revised syllabus of Advanced Diploma in French
- 4.5 Advanced Diploma in Yoga
- 4.4. Diploma in Foundations in Yoga
- AC – 16.2.18 -4.1 PG Diploma in Auditory Verbal Therapy (PGDAVT) Course- (1)
- 4.29 Amendment of O.5928 relating to the Title of Certificate Course in Indian Aesthetics
- 4.15 Diploma Course in Dance (Odissi) New Course
- 4.16 Advance Diploma Course in Dance (Odissi) New Course
- Certificate Course in Dance (Odissi)
- 4.29 P. G. Diploma in CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility)
- 4.23 Advanced Diploma in Communicative Marathi Level III
- 4.2 Revised Syllabus of Diploma in Social Work
- 4.26 Amendment of O.5932 relating to the eligibility criteria of Certificate Course in Philosophy of Communal Harmony and Social Peace
- One Year Part-time Course for the Diploma in Buddhist Studies and Vipassana
- One Year Part-time Advance Diploma Course in Buddhist Studies and Vipassana Theory and Practice
- Short Term Certificate Course in Chinese Mandrian (HSK 1 & 6)
- 4.24 Revised syllabus Diploma course in aviation & safety
- 4.66 Certificate-In-French
- 4.67 Diploma-in-French
- 4.68 Certificate-in-Spanish
- 4.69 Diploma-in-Spanish
- 4.68 One Year Diploma in Pariyatti and Patipatti
- 4.67 One Year Advanced Diploma Course in Buddhist Studies : Vipassana Theory and Practice
- 4.66 Two Year Post Graduate Advanced Diploma Course in Pali
- 4.65 Post Graduate Diploma Course in Comparative Mythology
- M.A. CBCS Sem IV Project Based Courses List (Faculty of Humanities)
- 4.282 P.G. Diploma in Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
- 4.137 PG Advanced Diploma Course in Sanskrit a.y. 2017-18
- 4.133 Diploma in Bhakti a.y. 2017-18
- 4.138 Certificate Course in Sanskrit a.y. 2017-18
- 4.136 Diploma Course in Sanskrit a.y. 2017-18
- 4.140 PG Cert.course in Research Methodology
- 4.283 PG Diploma in Cyber Law & Information Tech. a.y. 2017-18
- 4.54 PG Diploma in Human Rights Course a.y. 2017-18
- 4.63 Advanced Diploma in Yoga a.y. 2017-18
- 4.281 PG Diploma in Securities Law a.y. 2017-18
- 4.62 Diploma Course in Foundation of Yoga a.y. 2017-18
- 4.246 Certificate Course in Environment Management & Disaster Mitigation a.y. 2017-18
- 4.158 Diploma in Buddhist Studies & Vipassana a.y. 2017-18
- 4.54 PG Diploma in Human Rights Course
- 4.46 Certificate Course in Hindi
- 4.159 Advance Diploma in Buddisht Studies & Vipassana
- 4.16 P.G. Diploma in Therapeutic Councelling
- 4.17 Diploma in Social Work
- 4.138 Certificate Course in Sanskrit revised
- 4.30 Midterm PG Dip.
- 4.17 HSK1 – Short Term Certificate I – Chinese Mandrine
- 4.136 Diploma Course in Sanskrit revised
- 4.133 Diploma in Bhakti
- 4.58 Certificate in Jainology
- 4.89 A Syllabus (Marathi) for Certificate Course for Teachers teaching Marathi as Second Language
- 4.47 Certificate Course in Hindi
- 4.36 Diploma Course in Pali Language and Buddhist Art
- 4.37 Diploma coure in Pali and Buddhist Studies
- 4.38 Certificate course in Pali Language and buddhist culture
- 4.39 Certificate course in Pali Language & teachings of buddha
- 4.133 Diploma in Bhakti
- 4.128 Sem III Sans Alamkarashastra
- 4.134 Certificate Course in Prakrits
- 4.135 Sem III Sans Veda
- 4.136 Diploma Course in Sanskrit revised
- 4.137 Advanced Diploma Course in Sanskrit revised
- 4.138 Certificate Course in Sanskrit revised
- 4.141 Sem III Sans Darshana Liter
- 4.142 Sem III Sans Vedanta
- 4.143 Sem III Sans Vyakarana
- 4.145 Sem III Sans Modern Sans Lit
- 4.146 Sem III Sans Law and Administration
- 4.147 Sem III Sans Indology
- 4.148 Sem III Sans Classical Sanskrit
- 4.149 Sem IV Sans ID Course in Ancient Indian Art
- 4.150 Sem IV Sans ID Course in Yoga and Meditation
- 4.151 Sem IV Sans ID Course in Ancient Indian Knowledge Systems
- 4.152 Sem IV Sans ID Course in Indian Aesthetics-Theory and Application
- 4.153 Sem IV Sans ID Course in Narratology- Theory and Application
- 4.154 Sem IV Sans Skill-based Course on Alamkaras and Vrittas
- 4.155 Sem IV Sans Skill-based Course on Creative Writing
- 4.156 Sem IV Sans Skill-based Course on Translation Studies
- 4.157 Sem IV Sans Audited Course in Research Methodology
- 4.58 Certificate in Jainology
- 4.59 Diploma in Jainology
- 4.62 Diploma in Foundations of Yoga
- 4.63 Advance Diplomain in Yoga
- 4.158 Diploma in Buddisht Studies & Vipassana
- 4.159 Advance Diploma in Buddisht Studies & Vipassana
- 4.301 Bachelor in Film Art
- 4.302 Bachelor in Film Production & Management
- 4.303 Bachelors in Psychological Health and Behavioural Sciences
- 4.246 Certificate Course in Environment Mgmt & Disaster Mitigation
- 4.17 HSK1 – Short Term Certificate I – Chinese Mandrine
- 4.17 HSK2 – Short Term Certificate II – Chindese Mandrine
- 4.18 HSK3 – Diploma I – Chinese Manderin
- 4.18 HSK4 – Diploma II – Chinese Manderian
- 4.36 One Year Diploma Course in Pali Language and Buddhist Art
- 4.37 One Year Diploma coure in Pali and Buddhist Studies
- 4.38 One Year Certificate course in Pali Language and buddhist culture
- 4.39 One Year Certificate course in Pali Language & teachings of buddha
- 4.46 PG Diploma in Hindi – Forengers
- 4.87 skill based course in Zala Vedanta
- 4.112 Fee Structure – Certificate, Diploma & Adv. Diploma – Kathak
- 4.54 P.G. Human Rights change marks
- 4.61 One Year Diploma Course in Foundation of Yoga
- 4.62 One Year Advance Diploma Course in Foundation of Yoga
- 4.63 One Year Diploma Buddisht Studies and Vipassana
- 4.64 One Year Advanced Diploma Buddhist Studies and Vipassana
- 4.59 One Year Certificate Course Jainology
- 4.60 One Year Diploma Course in Jainology
- 4.47 Certificate Course in Hindi
- 4.40 revised syllabus Certificate Course, Diploma Course & Advance Diploma Course in Urdu
- 4.11 fee structure for Art(Film,Television & New Media Structure)
- 4.35 Advance Diploma in Arabic
- 4.34 Certificate Course in Ornamental Fish Farming
- 4.93 Certificate Course in Honey Bee processing for approval
- 4.35 Advance Diploma in Arabic
- 4.36 Certificate in Arabic
- 4.37 Certificate in Islamic Studies
- 4.38 Certificate in Persian
- 4.39 Diploma in Arabic
- 4.40 Diploma in Islamic Studies
- 4.41 Diploma in Persian
- 4.45 Diploma in Russian
- 4.46 Advanced Diploma in Russian
- 4.55 Certificate in Russian
- 4.42 PG Diploma in Security Studies Syllabus
- 4.71 Diploma Programme in Fiancial Journalism
- 4.72 PGDME 1 Year Diploma Course
- 4.82 Course in Research Methodology
- 4.86 Revision of fees for Certificate in French (Intensive)
- 4.87 Revision of fees for Certificate in Italian & Certificate in Spanish
- 4.88 Revision of fees for Diploma in French, Diploma in Italian, Diploma in Spanish
- 4.89 Revision of fees for Advanced Diploma in French, Advanced Diploma in Italian, Diploma in Spanish
- 4.90 Revision of fees for the Bridge Course in French
- Career Oriented Certificate course in Advanced Accounting Practices
- Career Oriented Certificate course in Communication Skills in English
- Certificate Course in Appreciation of Urdu Ghazal
- Certificate Course in Conversational Urdu
- 4.38 P.G. Diploma in Urdu Journalism
- 4.39 Advanced Diploma Web Designing in Urdu
- 4.40 (A) Advanced Diploma in Urdu
- 4.40 (B) Cerificate Course in Urdu
- 4.40 (C) Diploma Course in Urdu
- Item No.4.2 Diploma in Accounting & Taxation introduced 2015-16
- 4.17 Short time Certificate Chinese Mandarin
- F.Y.B.Com (Actuarial Studies)
- 4.45 revised question paper pattern F.Y.B.Com. Sem. I & II a.y. 2019-20
- Question Paper Pattern of Environmental Studies (Sem I & Sem II)
- 4.60 National Service Scheme Sem I to IV
- 4.49 BAF Semester II Innovative Financial Services Syllabus to be implememnted 2018 2019
- 4.53 F.Y.B.Com.
- 4.17 F.Y.B.Com Business Economics
- 4.79 F.Y.B.Com Mathematics & Statistics
- 4.84 revised syllabus for Extension Work F.Y.B.A./B.Com/B.Sc & Other Professional Courses for foundation course
- F. Y. B.Com Sem I-& II
- F. Y. B.Com Travel & Tourism Management
- S.Y.B.Com (Actuarial Studies)
- 4.46 Revised Question Paper Pattern (Financial Accounting & Auditing) Sem III & IV
- 5.4 S.Y.B.Com. paper pattern & revised syllabus
- 4.60 National Service Scheme Sem I to IV
- 4.178 S.Y.B.Com. Applied Component Elective Course under Business Economics a.y. 2017-18
- 4.177 S.Y.B.Com. Sem -III & IV in Business Economics a.y. 2017-18
- 4.314 S.Y.B.Com. Financial Market Sem – III & IV a.y. 2017-18
- 4.177 S.Y. B.Com Sem 3 & 4 under Business Economics
- 4.178 S.Y.B.Com applied component elective course under Business Economics
- 4.76 Second Year Foundation Course-II Extension Work
- S.Y.B.Com Advertising sem III & IV
- 4.183 S.Y.B.Com Commerce Sem III & IV
- 4.178 S.Y.B.Com applied component elective course under Business Economics
- 4.183 S.Y.B.Com Travel Tourism Management
- T.Y.B.Com (Actuarial Studies)
- Item No. 5.30 revised syllabus of T.Y.B.Com. (Marathi) Sem V and VI (CBCS)
- 7.2 Regional Case Study BBI Regional Case Study Under Skill Enhancement Courses
- 7.1 B.Com. (Accounting & Finance) (Semester – IV) Regional Case Study Under Skill Enhancement Courses
- 4.56 Revised Syllabus T.Y.B.Com. in Hindi (Optional)
- 4.16 revised syllabus T.Y.B.Com. in Marathi a.y. 2019-20
- 4.41 and 4.49 T.Y.B.Com. (Accounting & Finance) Programme in Sem. V of Elective Course Taxation – III (Indirect Taxes – I) and Sem. VI of Elective Course Taxation – IV
- 4.42 Revised Elective Courses-Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC) DIT GST
- T.Y.B.Com. Programme (Sem. V & VI)
- 4.43 Revised B.Com (Accounting & Finance) Sem VI core courses – Financial Accounting -VII
- Circular No. 160 dated 14th March, 2019, AC Meeting date 14/06/2018 vide Item No. 4.6 related T.Y.B.Com. in English (Applied Component Group) Course – Literature in English – Sem V and VI
- 4.6 T.Y.B.Com. VI & VII – Literature in English
- Item no.4.11 regarding question paper pattern T.Y.B.Com. Sem.V & VI
- 4.5 B. Com Finacial management Semester -V & VI to be implemented from 2018 2019
- 4.42 BAF Semester V and VI Syllabus to be implememnted 2018 2019
- 4.52 Revised syllabus of T.Y.B.Com. in Sindhi – Sem V & VI
- 4.6 T.Y.B.Com. VI & VII – Literature in English
- 4.48 B.Com Semester V and VI Syllabus to be implememnted 2018 2019
- 4.47 Transport Mangement Semester V and VI Syllabus to be implememnted 2018 2019
- 4.46 BIM Semester V and VI Syllabus to be implememnted 2018 2019
- 4.45 BBI Semester V and VI Syllabus to be implememnted 2018 2019
- 4.174 T.Y.B.Com. (Banking & Insurance) a.y. 2017-18
- 4.185 B.Com. Financial Markets (Sem -III & IV) a.y. 2017-18
- 4.173 B.Com (Accounting & Finance ) under Business Economics Sem -III a.y. 2017-18
- 4.183 B.Com Sem – III & IV a.y. 2017-18
- 4.313 B.Com. Banking & Insurance sem – III & IV a.y. 2017-18
- 4.181 B.Com. Accounting & Finance Sem -III & IV a.y. 2017-18
- 4.315 B.Com. Investment Management sem – III & IV a.y. 2017-18
- 4.312 B.Com. in Transport Management sem – III & IV a.y. 2017-18
- 4.171 B.Com. (Actuarial Studies) sem I to VI a.y. 2017-18
- 4.15 B.Com Transport Management
- 4.3 B.Com Financial Market
- 4.73 B Com (Financial Management) Semester I and II Syllabus
- 4.74 B. Com (Banking and Insurance) Semester I and II
- 4.75 B. Com (Transport Management) Semester I and II
- 4.76 B. Com Semester I and II Syllabus with Course Structure
- 4.77 B.Com (Accounting and Finance) Semester I and II Syllabus with Course Structure
- 4.78 B.Com (Financial Market) Semester I and II Syllabus with Course Structure
- 4.79 B.Com (Investment Management) Semester I and II Syllabus with Course Structure
- 4.11 B.Com. (Financial Management)
- 4.15 B.Com. (Transport Management) Semester V and VI
- 4.18 F.Y. B. A. & T. Y. B.Com Sindhi
- 4.173 B.Com (Accounting and Finance) under Business Economics
- 4.174 B.Com (Banking and insurance) under Business Economics
- 4.175 B.Com Investment Managemet under Business Economics
- 4.176 B.Com. FInancial Markets (Economics II)
- 4.180 B.Com Economics II B.M.S.
- 4.181 B.Com (Accounting and Finance) Semester III and IV
- 4.183 B.Com Semester III and IV
- 4.185 B.Com. (Financial Markets) BFM Semester III and IV
- 4.305 Bachelors in Capital Markets
- 4.312 B.Com (Transport Management) BTM Semester III and IV
- 4.313 B.Com. (Banking & Insurance) BBI_Semester III and IV
- 4.314 B.Com. (Financial Markets) BFM Semester V and VI
- 4.315 B.Com. (Investment Management) BIM Semester III and IV
- 4.173 B.Com (Accounting & Finance) under Business Economics
- 4.179 B.Com (Indian Financial System) under Business Economics
- 4.183 B.Com Semester III and IV
- T.Y.B.Com Hindi (Optional) Sem V & VI
- 4.175 B.Com Investment Managemet under Business Economics
- 4.176 B.Com. FInancial Markets (Economics II)
- 4.171 B.Com ( Acturial Studies ) Sem I to VI
- 5.46 T.Y.B.Com in Sindhi – Sem V & VI (CBCS)
- 4.44 BMS Semester V and VI Syllabus to be implememnted 2018 2019
- 4.7 T. Y. BMS
- 4.80 BMS Semester I and II Syllabus with Course Structure
- 4.172 Five Years Integrated B.M.S. – M.B.A. syllabus Sem I to X
- 4.172 Five Years Integrated B.M.S. – M.B.A. syllabus Sem I to X
- 4.182 Bachelor of Management Studies (BMS) Semester III and IV
- Revised M.Com. (Maritime Studies)
- 6.26 M.Com. Maritime Studies Syllabus
- 4.184 M.Com Sem – III & IV a.y. 2017-18
- 4.16 M.Com. Economics
- 4.81 M.Com Semester I and II Syllabus with Course Structure
- 4.184 M.Com Semester III and IV
- M.Com Semester III and IV Syllabus to be implememnted 2017 2018 – Final
- Vide item No. 8.1 (N) B.Com, B.Ed. four years Integrated Course – Sem I to VIII (CBCS)
- Item No. 4.72 regarding Ordinances No. 6508 & 6509 the syllabus of Diploma in Computerised Financial Accounting and Tax Practice
- Item No. 8.1 Ordinances, Regulations and Syllabi relating to the Part – time (Three year) Master Degree Course 1) M.M.M., 2) M.F.M., 3) M.A.M. to Nomenclature.
- Item No. 4.73 regarding Ordinances No. 6510 & 6511 the syllabus of B.Voc. (Finance & Taxation) Programme (Sem. I to II)) Programmes
- Circular No. UG/18 of 2019-20 dt. 20th May, 2019 Item No. 4.17 AC dt. 26th Dec., 2018 revised syllabus Add-on-Vocational Certificate, Diploma & Advanced Diploma course in Principles & Practices of Insurance (Sem I to VI0 (intake capacity 25 students)
- Circular No. UG/17 of 2019-20 dt. 20th May, 2019 Item No. 4.16 AC dt. 26th Dec., 2018 revised syllabus Add-on-Vocational Certificate, Diploma & Advanced Diploma course in Tourism & Travel Management (Sem I to VI0 (intake capacity 25 students)
- Circular No. UG/16 of 2019-20 dt. 20th May, 2019 Item No. 4.15 AC dt. 26th Dec., 2018 revised syllabus Add-on-Vocational Certificate, Diploma & Advanced Diploma course in E-commerce (Sem I to VI0 (intake capacity 25 students)
- 4.306 New BAF Course
- 4.35 Syllabus of Advance Diploma 2nd Year Sem III and IV (Accounting and Taxation)
- 4.2 A Certificate Course of Diploma in Accounting & Taxation
- 4.2 B – Advance Certificate Course Diploma in Accounting & Taxation
- 4.2 C – Diploma Course in Accounting & Taxation
- 4.11 Certificate Course inAdvanced Accounting Practices
- Circular – Vide Item No. 6.15(R)- Revised syllabus of F.Y.B.Sc Physics (Sem .- I & II) (CBCS)
- F.Y.B.Sc. (Biochemistry)
- Vide item No. 6.10(R) Revised Syllabus of F.Y.B.Sc. programme in Information Technology (Sem. I & II ) (CBCS)
- Vide Item No. 6.5(R) Revised syllabus of F.Y.B.Sc.(Chemistry) (Sem.I & II) (CBCS)
- Vide item No. 6.10(R) Revised Syllabus of F.Y.B.Sc. programme in Information Technology (Sem. I & II ) (CBCS)
- Vide Item No. 6.5(R) Revised syllabus of F.Y.B.Sc.(Chemistry) (Sem.I & II) (CBCS)
- Item No. 6.61 Correction in the ordinance No. 6606 for eligibility criteria for admission for the B.Sc. Data Science (Sem. I & II) (CBCS)
- Vide Item No. 6.10 (R) Revised Syllabus F.Y.B.Sc. (Forensic Science) (Sem I & II ) CBCS
- 6.3 Rev., Syllabus (F.Y.B.Sc. Bio -Technology) USBT Sem I-II
- 6.38 Revised syllabus as per the CBSGS for the F.Y.B.Sc. (Com Science Sem I & II)
- 4.62 Revised Syllabus F.Y.B.A./ F.Y.B.Sc. in Geography
- 4.69 F.Y.B.Sc. Nautical Science Syllabus
- 4.106 F. Y B. Sc. B. A. Maths
- 4.23 & 4.24 regarding revised syllabus F.Y.B.Sc. (Sem. I) Paper- II Micro Economics – II and F.Y.B.Sc. (Sem. I) Paper- I Micro Economics – I w.e.f. 2019-20
- 4.21 & 4.22 regarding revised syllabus F.Y.B.Sc. (Sem. II) Paper III Macro Economics -I and F.Y.B.Sc. (Sem. II) Paper IV Macro Economics – II in Economics w.e.f. 2019-20.
- Circular No. 155 dated 14th March, 2019, AC Meeting date 08/09/2018 vide Item No. 4.18 related 1) use the F.Y.B.A. (Psychology) syllabus for F.Y.B.Sc. (Psychology) and to 2) use the F.Y.B.Com. (ActurialStudies) syllabus for the F.Y.B.Sc. (Acturial Studies)
- 4.18 F.Y.B.Sc. (Psychology) and F.Y.B.Sc. (Acturial Studies)
- 4.76 Revised syllabus F.Y.B.Sc./B.A. Mathematics sem. I & II
- 4.60 National Service Scheme Sem I to IV
- 4.186 F.Y.B.Sc. Biochemistry Part – I Sem – I & II a.y. 2017-18
- 4.190 F.Y.B.Sc. Biochemistry sem – I & II a.y. 2017-18
- 4.1 F.Y.B.Sc Botany
- 4.12 F. Y. B. Sc. Chemistry
- 4.15 F.Y.B.SC Microbiology
- 4.82 F. Y. B.Sc Computer Science
- 4.88 F. Y. B. Sc Biotechnology
- 4.50 F.Y.B.Sc Physics
- 4.51 F. Y.B. A.& B. Sc Mathematics CBCS
- 4.57 F.Y.B.Sc. Life Sciences
- 4.82 F. Y. B.Sc Computer Science
- 4.83 F.Y.B.Sc. Forensic Science
- 4.84 S.Y.B.Sc Forensic Science
- 4.94 F.Y.B.A. & F.Y.B.Sc Macro Economics
- 4.51 F.Y.B.Sc Home Science
- 4.67 SYBA & FYBSC Microeconomics
- 4.80 F.Y.B.Sc Zoology Paper pattern
- 4.85 F.Y.B.Sc Statistics
- 4.76 F. Y. B. Sc Information Technology
- 4.40 F.Y.B.Sc. Physics CBSGS
- FYBSc Biotechnology 16-17 Restructured Syllabus
- 4.57 B.Sc. Geology
- 4.59 B.Sc.Preamble Geology
- 4.84 revised syllabus for Extension Work F.Y.B.A./B.Com/B.Sc & Other Professional Courses for foundation course
- 4.186 F.Y.B.Sc. Biochemistry Sem I & II
- 4.209 F.Y.B.Sc. Computer Science Pratical Course Amendments Sem I & II
- 4.70 Zoology fybsc
- 4.5 F.Y.B.SC. Bridge Course Computer Science
- 4.76 RevisedF.Y.B.Sc-F.Y.B.A syllabus
- Vide Item No. 6.10 S.Y.B.Sc. (Statistics) Sem III & IV and T.Y.B.Sc (Statistics) Sem V- VI
- Item No. 6.4 (A) S.Y.B.Sc. Microbiology
- Item No. 6.5 (A) S.Y.B.Sc. Zoology
- Item No.6.2 (A) S.Y.B.Sc. & T.Y.B.Sc. Scheme of Examination Evaluation Pattern (Theory)
- S.Y.B.Sc (Physics) Sem. (III & IV)
- S.Y.B.Sc. (Biochemistry) Sem. (III & IV)
- 6.1 S.Y.B.Sc. Chemistry (sem III & IV)
- 6.4 S.Y.B.Sc. (I.T)
- 6.5 S.Y.B.Sc. (Biotech)
- Vide Item No. 6.6(R) revised syllabus of S.Y.B.Sc. (Computer Science) (Sem . III & IV) (CBCS)
- 6.17 S.Y.B.Sc./ S.Y.B.A Mathematics Sem. III & IV (CBCS)
- Vide Item No. 6.11(R) Revised Syllabus of S.Y.B.Sc. (Forensic Science) (Sem III & IV) CBCS
- 6.32 Second Year Bachelor Science in Botany at Semester III OR IV Minutes of the Meeting was held on 09th June, 2021
- 6.17 S.Y.B.Sc./ S.Y.B.A Mathematics Sem. III & IV (CBCS)
- 4.70 SY B.Sc. Nautical Science Syllabus
- Item No. 4.70 (A.C.23/7/2020) the revised syllabus as per the (CBCS) of S.Y.B.Sc. Nautical Science (Sem-III & IV)
- Circular No. UG/35 of 2019-20 dt. Revised Syllabus of S.Y.B.Sc. Physics Paper III in (Sem.III &IV)
- 4.13 Bridge course leading to S.Y.B.Sc. in Biotechnology
- 4.9 Revised Syllabus as per the (CBCS) for the M.Sc. in Nano Science and Nano Technolgy (Sem III & IV)
- 4.37 S.Y.B.Sc. Biochemistry Sem. III to IV
- 4.74 S. Y. B.Sc. Mathematics
- 4.60 National Service Scheme Sem I to IV
- 4.31 Revised syllabus of S.Y.B.Sc. in Zoology – Sem III & IV
- 4.37 Biochemistry S.Y.B.Sc. proposed revised syllabus – 2018-19
- 4.238 S.Y.B.Sc. Zoology a.y.2017-18.
- 4.215 S.Y.B.Sc. Botany Paper -III Sem -III a.y. 2017-18
- 4.214 S.Y.B.Sc. Botany Paper – II Sem – III a.y. 2017-18
- 4.210 S.Y.B.Sc. Computer Science (Sem III & IV) a.y. 2016-17
- 4.226 S.Y.B.Sc. Life Science (Sem – III & IV) a.y. 2017-18
- 4.193 S.Y.B.A. / S.Y.B.Sc. Mathematics (Sem -III & IV) a.y. 2017-18
- 4.245 S.Y.B.A. & S.Y.B.Sc. in Geography Paper -III Sem -IV a.y. 2017-18
- 4.243 S.Y.B.A. & S.Y.B.Sc. in Geography Paper -II sem – III a.y. 2017-18
- 4.234 S.Y.B.Sc. Biotechnology Sem – III & IV a.y. 2017-18
- 4.233 S.Y.B.Sc. Information Technology Sem III & IV a.y. 2017-18
- 4.207 S.Y.B.Sc. Chemistry Sem – III & IV a.y. 2017-18
- 4.222 S.Y.B.Sc. Physics sem – III & IV a.y. 2017-18
- 4.195 S.Y.B.Sc. Statistics Sem – III & IV a.y. 2017-18
- 4.316 S.Y.B.Sc. Home Science Sem -III & IV a.y. 2017-18
- 4.7 SYBSC Zoology Syllabus
- 4.12 S Y B.Sc Computer Science
- S.Y.B.Sc. Physics
- 4.102 S.Y. B.Sc. Statistics Sem III & IV
- 4.195 S.Y. B.Sc. Statistics Sem III & IV
- 4.207 S.Y.B.Sc. Chemistry Sem III & IV
- 4.210 S.Y.B.Sc. Computer Science Sem III & IV
- 4.213 S.Y.B.Sc. Botany SEM III PAPER I
- 4.214 S.Y.B.Sc. Botany SEM III PAPER II
- 4.215 S.Y.B.Sc. Botany SEM III PAPER III
- 4.217 S.Y.B.Sc. Microbiology
- 4.226 S.Y.B.Sc. Life Science
- 4.233 S.Y.B.Sc. Information Technology
- 4.234 S.Y.B.Sc. Biotechnology
- 4.235 S.Y.B.A. & B.Sc. Geography Paper III (Physical geography of India)
- 4.238 S.Y.B.Sc. Zoology Sem III & IV
- 4.219 (A) S.Y.B.Sc. Geology Sem – III (1)
- 4.219 (A) S.Y.B.Sc. Geology Sem – III (2)
- 4.222 S.Y.B.Sc. Physics Sem III & IV
- 4.316 S.Y.B.Sc. Home Science Sem III & IV
- 4.238 S.Y.B.Sc. Zoology Sem III & IV
- S.Y.B.Sc. Zoology sem (III & IV)
- 4.217 S.Y.B.Sc. Microbiology
- 4.213 S.Y.B.Sc. Botany Paper I Sem -III
- 4.74 S. Y. B.Sc. Mathematics syllabus 2018
- 6.4 (R) T.Y.B.Sc. Biotechnology (Sem V & VI)
- Item No. 6.4 (A) T.Y.B.Sc. Microbiology
- Item No. 6.5 (A) T.Y.B.Sc. Zoology
- Item No.6.2 (A) T.Y.B.Sc. Scheme of Examination Evaluation Pattern (Theory)
- 6.6 (R) T.Y.B.Sc. in Information Technology (Sem V & VI)
- Cir – 15 (6.3 (R) B.Sc. Applied Component (Electronic Instrumentation))
- Cir -16 (6.4 (R) T.Y.B.Sc (Applied Component Computer Science)) -1-2
- Circular -14 (6.2 (R) T.Y.B.Sc (Physics) Sem V & VI)
- 6.9 (R) T.Y.B.Sc. (Organic Chemistry) – Sem V & VI (CBCS)
- 6.10 (R) T.Y.B.Sc. (Physical Chemistry) – Sem V & VI (CBCS)
- 6.11 (R) T.Y.B.Sc. ( Applied Component (Drugs and Dyes) – Sem V & VI (CBCS)
- 6.12 (R) T.Y.BSc. ( Analytical Chemistry) – Sem -V & VI (CBCS)
- 6.13 (R) T.Y.B.Sc. Applied Components (Petrochemicals) Sem V & VI
- 6.14 (R) T.Y.B.Sc. Applied Components (Heavy and Fine Chemicals) Sem V & VI
- 6.15 (R) T.Y.B.Sc. Applied Component (Inorganic Chemistry) Sem. V & VI
- 8.1 T.Y.B.A.& B.Sc. Geography
- 6.2 T.Y.B.Sc. Comp. Sci.
- 6.3 T.Y.B.Sc. Data
- Vide Item No. 6.9 (5N) B.Sc. (Data Science and Sports Studies) Sem I & II (CBCS)
- Vide Item No. 6.9 (4N) B.Sc. (Artificial Intelligence & Sports Analytics) Sem I & II (CBCS)
- Item No.6.9 T.Y.B.Sc. /B.A (Mathematics) (Sem V and VI)
- Vide Item No.6.12 (R) Revised Syllabus of T.Y.B.Sc. Forensic Science (Sem V& VI ) (CBCS)
- 6.22 Minutes of the meeting of Ad-hoc Board of Studies in Hospitality Studies was held on 20thMay, 2021
- 6.36 Minutes of BOS in Hospitality Studies held on 18th March, 2021
- 6.35 Hospitality Studies MARKSHEET FORMAT WITH ‘CREDITS’ for SEM III/IV RESEARCH / PROJECT A.Y. 2020-21 (only)
- 6.34 T.Y.B.Sc. Chemistry Applied Component (Sem – V & VI) Chemistry Case Study
- 6.33 B.SC. (MARITIME HOSPITALITY STUDIES) Research Project Proposal 2021-22
- 6.22 Minutes of B.Sc. Hospitality studies 20th May, 2021
- 6.5 CBCS of B.Sc. Maritime Hospitality Studies (Sem V)
- 4.73 revised syllabus B.Sc. Aeronautics Avionics
- 4.72 revised syllabus B.Sc. Aeronautics Mechanical
- 4.71 TY B.Sc. Nautical Science Syllabus
- Item No. 4.71 (A.C.23/7/2020) the revised syllabu4.73 revised syllabus B.Sc.Aeronautics Avionics
- 4.41 T. Y. B.Sc. Inorganic Chemistry 6 Units Sem-V
- 4.41 T. Y. B.Sc. Organic Chemistry 3 Units Sem-V
- 4.41 T. Y. B.Sc. Organic Chemistry 6 Units Sem-V
- 4.41 T. Y. B.Sc. Physical Chemistry 3 Units Sem-V
- 4.41 T. Y. B.Sc. Physical Chemistry 6 Units Sem-V
- 4.41 T. Y. B.Sc.Chemistry Applied Component Sem-V. (Heavy & Fine Chemicals )
- 4.52 Revised syllabus T.Y.B.Sc. in Applied Component Com. Prog.& System Analysis sem. V& VI
- 4.51 Revised syllabus Microbiology sem. V& VI
- 4.50 Revised syllabus Life Science sem. V& VI
- 4.40 Revised syllabus Computer Science sem. V& VI
- 4.38 Revised syllabus Bio-Technology sem. V& VI
- 4.69 T.Y.B.SC. Statitistics
- 4.41 T.Y.B.Sc. Analytical Chemistry-3 Units
- 4.41 T.Y.B.Sc. Analytical Chemistry-6 Units
- 4.41 T.Y.B.Sc. Drugs and Dyes
- 4.41 T.Y.B.Sc. HFC syllabus
- 4.41 T.Y.B.Sc. Inorganic Chemistry-3 Units
- 4.41 T.Y.B.Sc. Inorganic Chemistry-6 Units
- 4.41 T.Y.B.Sc. Organic Chemistry-3 Units
- 4.41 T.Y.B.Sc. Organic Chemistry-6 Units
- 4.41 T.Y.B.Sc. Petrochemicals
- 4.41 T.Y.B.Sc. Physical Chemistry-3 Units
- 4.41 T.Y.B.Sc. Physical Chemistry-6 Units
- 4.50 T.Y.B. Sc. Life Science Syllabus for Academic Council 2018
- 4.51 MICROBIOLOGY Final Revised TY Syllabus AY 2018 – 19 onwards
- 4.52 AC-T. Y. B. Sc-Mathematics syllabus-2018-19
- 4.38 TYBSC Biotech revised 2018-19
- 4.39 Computer Science BridgeCourse 2018 19
- 4.40 TYBSC-Syllabus- Computer Science 2018-19
- 4.70 T.Y.B.Sc. Statistics (Sem V & VI) Applied component
- 4.32 TYBSc(Sem – V & VI) Syllabus Final 9th April 2018 26 April 2018-1
- 4.27 T.YB.Sc. in Geology (Sem -V & VI)
- 4.26 TYBSc Physics FINAL Syllabus
- 4.26 TYBSc. Physics Applied Component (Electronic Instrumentation)
- 4.26 TYBSc.physics Applied Component (Computer Science )
- 4.189 B.Sc. Maritime Hospitality Studies Sem -I to VI a.y. 2017-18
- 4.211 B.Sc. programme in the Course of Computer Science
- 4.212 B.Sc. programme in the Course of Computer Science (Sem. V & VI)
- 4.129 B.Sc. Aeronautics – Mechanical (Sem I & VI)
- 4.198 T.Y.B.Sc. (Home Science) Branch I : Foods, Nutrition and Dietetics (Sem – V & VI) a.y. 2017-18.
- 4.239 T.Y.B.Sc. Zoology ( Sem – V & VI ) a.y. 2017-18
- 4.200 T.Y.B.Sc. Home Science Branch : III Textiles & Fashion Technology Sem – V & VI a.y. 2017-18
- 4.199 T.Y.B.Sc. Home Science Branch : II Human Development (Sem – V & VI ) a.y. 2017-18
- 4.194 T.Y.B.A. / T.Y.B.Sc. Mathematics Sem -V & VI a.y. 2017-18
- 4.231 T.Y.B.Sc. Marine Science for Sem V & VI a.y. 2017-18
- 4.232 T.Y.B.Sc. Economic Entomology (Applied Component) sem – V & VI a.y. 2017-18
- 4.304 Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Instrumentation sem – I to VI a.y. 2017-18
- 4.222 T.Y.B.Sc. Physics Sem – V & VI a.y. 2017-18
- 4.8 TYBSC Human Sciences
- 4.9 B.Sc Equivalance
- 4.13 T. Y. B. Sc Chemistry
- 4.14 T. Y. B. Sc. CHEMISTRY (Three Units)
- 4.13 T.Y.B.Sc. Microbiology
- 4.32 (A) T.Y.B.Sc Physcis
- 4.32 (B) TYBSc Applied Comp_2016-17
- 4.13 T.Y.B.Sc. Microbiology
- 4.57 B. Sc Geology
- T.Y.B.Sc. Physics
- T.Y.B.Sc. Applied Component
- TYBSc Biotechnolgy 16-17 REV SYLL
- 4.60 TYBSC Home Sc Textile and Fashion Technology
- 4.61 TYBSC Home Sc Human Development
- 4.62 TYBSC Home Sc Community Resource Management
- 4.63 TYBSC Home Sc Foods Nutrition and Dietetics
- 4.65 A B.Sc-Aeronautics I and II Avionics
- 4.65 A B.Sc-Aeronautics III and IV Avionics
- 4.65 A B.Sc-Aeronautics V and VI Avionics
- 4.65 B.Sc-Aeronautics I and II Mechanical
- 4.65 B.Sc-Aeronautics III and IV Mechnical
- 4.65 B.Sc-Aeronautics V and VI Mechanical
- 4.189 B.Sc. Meritime Hospitality Studies Sem I to VI
- 4.211 T.Y.B.Sc. Computer Science Sem V & VI
- 4.212 T.Y.B.Sc. Computer Science (Web Design and Technologogies) Sem V & VI
- 4.220 T.Y.B.Sc. Electronic Instrumentation – Applied Comp
- 4.221 T.Y.B.Sc. Computer Science – Applied Comp.
- 4.222 T.Y.B.Sc. Physics
- 4.230 T.Y.B.Sc. Fishery Biology Sem V &VI
- 4.231 T.Y.B.Sc. Marine Science Sem V & VI
- 4.232 A T.Y.B.Sc. Environmental Science Sem V & VI
- 4.232 T.Y.B.Sc. Economic Entomology Sem V & VI
- 4.239 T.Y.B.Sc. Zoology Sem V & VI
- 4.188 (A) B.Sc. Hospitality Studies Sem – I
- 4.188 (B )B.Sc. Hospitality Studies Sem – II
- 4.188 (C) B.Sc. Hospitality Studies Sem – III & IV
- 4.188 (D )B.Sc. Hospitality Studies Sem – V
- 4.188 (E) B.Sc. Hospitality Studies Sem – VI
- 4.222(A) T.Y.B.Sc. Physics Sem V & VI
- 4.198 T.Y.B.Sc. Foods, Nutrition and Dietetics V & VI
- 4.199 T.Y.B.Sc. Human Development V & VI
- 4.200 T.Y.B.Sc. Textiles & Fashion Technology V & VI
- 4.201 T.Y.B.Sc. Community Reserach Mgmt (CRM)
- 4.299 T.Y.B.Sc. Zoology Sem V & VI
- 4.2 T.Y.B.Sc. (F.S.) – Syll.
- 4.201 T.Y.B.Sc. Home Science – Community Resourse Management
- 4.232 T.Y.B.Sc. Economic Entomology Sem V & VI
- 4.71 Mathematics T. Y. B. Sc. syllabus 2018
- 6.10 B.Sc. Actuarial science
B. Voc.
- 4.54 B.Voc – Retail Mgmt. & Tourism & Hospitality Mgmt
- B Voc GHM ordinance
- S Y B Voc GHM 2016
- TYBVoc GHM revised 2016-17
- 4.67 M.Sc. Material Science
- 8.7 Final Marine Sciences I to IV
- 8.9 Marine Biogeochemistry
- M.Sc.(Marine Science)
- M.Sc. (Material Science)
- M.Sc. (Marine Science)
- Vide Item No. 6.13 (R) – Revised syllabus of 1) M.Sc. (I.T) specialized in Artificial Intelligence 2) M.Sc. (I.T) specialized in Security 3) M.Sc. (I.T) specialized in Cloud Computing and 4) M.Sc. (IT) Specialized in Image Process
- 6.1 M.Sc. Life Sciences specialization Biochemistry Semester III and IV
- 6.2 M.Sc. Life Sciences specialization Aquaculture Technology Semester III and IV
- 6.3 M.Sc. Life Sciences specialization Biotechnology Semester III and IV
- 6.4 M.Sc. Life Sciences specialization Environmental Biotechnology Semester III and IV
- 6.7 (R) M.SC. CS Syllabus Sem-III & IV (CBCS REVISED) 2022
- Vide Item No. 8.5(R) Revised Syllabus of M.Sc. (Environmental Science) – Sem I and II (CBCS)
- 6.27. M. Sc. (Maritime Studies)
- 6.21 M.Sc. (Sem. I and II) in Life Sciences
- 6.19 M.Sc./M.A. (Sem. I to IV) in Mathematics List of Equivalent courses
- 6.18 M.Sc./M.A. Mathematics Sem.-III & IV CBCS
- 8.29 M.Sc. Geology Sem IV (CBSGS)
- 6.40 M.Sc. Computer Science- (Sem I & II) (CBSGS)
- 6.39 M.Sc. Computer Science with Specialization in Data Science (Sem I & II)
- 6.1 CBCS of M.Sc. (part II) Biodiversity, wildlife Conservation & Management
- 4.98 regarding M.Sc. in Statistics
- Item no.4.65 revised syllabus M.Sc. Botany Part I & II
- 4.107 revised syllabus M.Sc/M.A. in Mathematic
- 4.67 syllabus of Material Science in Physics
- 4.102 Revised syllabus for M.Sc. Part-II Zoology
- 4.96 Revised Syllabus M.Sc. Part I Nano Science & Technology
- 4.97 Hospitality Studies (guidelines for Training/Internship under the current COVID 19)
- 4.100 Revised Syllabus M.Sc. Part II Information Technology
- 4.102 M.Sc. II Revised Syllabus Animal Physiology
- 4.110 Syllabi Msc-Micro II 10.3.20
- 4.107 revised syllabus M.Sc/M.A. in Mathematic
- 4.104 (A.C.23/7/2020) the revised syllabus as per the (CBCS) of M.Sc. (Part II) (Sem.III & IV) in Bio-Technology
- Item no. 4.6 Revised syllabus M.Sc. Biophysics
- 4.75 M.Sc. Computer Science (Spl. Data Science)
- 4.53 M.Sc. Computer Science (Data Science)
- Item no. 4.8 regarding revised syllabus M.A/ Statistics Sem. I & II
- Syllabus for Sem III and Sem IV Program: M.Sc. Course : Zoology Biotechnology – Oceanography and Fishery Science (AC 27/2/13 Item No. 4.39)
- 4.40 M.Sc. Biotechnology Sem. I & II
- 4.52 M.Sc. Computer Science
- 4.24 amendment of Ordinance 5088 relating to Eligibility criteria for M.Sc. Home Science
- 4.8 revised syllabus M.A./M.Sc. Part II Statistics (Sem. III & IV) w.e.f. 2019-20.
- 4.14 revised syllabus M.Sc. (Sem. V & VI) Hotel & Hospitality Administration (H&HA)
- 4.76 revised syllabus M.Sc. (I.T.) Part – I (Sem. I & II) w.e.f. 2019-20.
- 4.11 revised syllabus M.Sc. Part – I (Sem. I & II) (PSMB) in Microbiology w.e.f. 2019-20.
- 4.4 regarding revised syllabus M.Sc. Part – I Zoology
- 4.3 regarding revised syllabus M.Sc. course in Biodiversity, Wildlife Conservation & Management
- 4.31 M.Sc. Forensic Science (Sem. III & IV)
- 4.12 M.A./M.Sc. in Geography (Sem.IV)
- 4.7 & 4.8 AC Meeting Date 30th July, 2017 The amended O.5088 relating to the syllabus of M.Sc. in Home Science newly introduce (Self Finance Course) Branch III : Textile and Fashion Technology
- 4.48 Revised syllabus as per (CBCS) for the M.Sc. in Forensic Science (Sem I & II)
- 4.14 The Ordinances 6462 & 6463 and Regulations 9202 & 9203 the syllabus of Master’s Degree/Micro Degree in Data Science
- Revised Syllabus of M.Sc. (Hotel & Hospitality Administration)
- 4.12 Revised Syllabus as per CBCS for the M.Sc. in Physics (Sem. III & IV)
- 4.4 Syllabus of M.Sc. in NCNNUM
- 4.74 M. Sc. Inorganic Chemistry
- 4.73 M.Sc. Analytical Chemistry (Sem III & Sem IV)
- 4.72 M.Sc. Physical Chemistry (Sem III & Sem IV)
- 4.71 M.Sc. Organic Chemistry (Sem III & Sem IV)
- 4.48 Revised syllabus Forensic Science sem. I& II
- 4.71 M.Sc. Organic Chemistry (Sem III & Sem IV)
- 4.72 M.Sc. Physical Chemistry (Sem III & Sem IV)
- 4.73 M.Sc. Analytical Chemistry (Sem III & Sem IV)
- 4.74 M. Sc. Inorganic Chemistry
- 4.48 MSc.Sem1 & 2 Forensic Science Syllabus 2018-19
- Item no.4.2 Rev. syllabus Hotel & Hospitalty Administration
- MSC Hospitality Syllabus Final Document Sem 3 and 4 ( 9-2-18)
- 4.1 M.Sc. Mathematics syll III IV CBCS
- 4.206 M.Sc. Home Science Branch IC – Sports Nutrition (Sem III & IV) a.y. 2017-18
- 4.203 M.Sc. Home Science Branch III : Textiles & Fashion Technology Sem -III & IV
- 4.225 M.Sc. Part – II Life Science Specialization Biological Macromolecules Sem – III & IV a.y. 2017-18
- 4.241 M.A. & M.Sc. Geography (Sem. III)
- 4.205 M.Sc. in Home Science (Sem. III to IV) a.y. 2017-18.
- 4.208 M.Sc. Part – I (Sem. I & II) (Chemistry) a. y. 2017-18.
- 4.219 M.Sc. in Geology (Sem -III ) a.y. 2017-18
- 4.204 M.Sc. Home Science Branch IA : Foods, Nutrition & Dietetics ( Sem III & IV ) a.y. 2017-18
- 4.216 M.Sc. Botany (Sem -III & IV ) a.y. 2017-18
- 4.191 M.Sc. Biochemistry Part -I Sem – I & II a.y. 2017-18
- 4.187 M.Sc. Biochemistry Part -I sem -I & II a.y. 2017-18
- 4.228 M.Sc. Part – II Life science Neurobiology sem – III & IV a.y. 2017-18
- 4.229 M.Sc. Part -II Life Science for Electives /Optional sem – III & IV a.y. 2017-18
- 4.202 M.Sc. Home Science Branch : Human Development Sem -III & IV a.y. 2017-18
- 4.14 MA. & M.Sc. Geography
- 4.12 (A) M.Sc Computer Science
- 4.12 (B) M.Sc Computer Science
- 4.26 Master of Library & Information Science
- 4.33 M.Sc. Biophysics
- 4.46 M. Sc. Life Sci Part I
- 4.47 M.Sc Life Sci (Marine Biotechnology)
- 4.12 (B) M.Sc Computer Science
- 4.14 MA. & M.Sc. Geography
- 4.89 MA. & M.Sc. Geography
- 4.58 M. Sc Geology
- 4.59 Preamble for Geology
- 4.60 M. A. & M. Sc Geography
- 4.18 A – Revised FND Syllabus
- 4.18 B – Revised FPP Syllabus
- 4.18 C – Revised SN Syllabus
- 4.18 D – Revised HD Syllabus
- 4.18 E – Revised -TFT Syllabus
- 4.18 F – Scheme of examination
- 4.18-M.Sc.Home Science revised syllabus
- 4.20 M.Sc Zoology
- 4.24 MSc Microbiology Sem I & II
- MSc Part I Biotechnology 16-17 REV SYLL
- 4.14 MA. & M.Sc. Geography
- 4.187 M.Sc. Biochemistry Sem I & II
- 4.191 M.Sc. Bio-chemistry Part -I Sem I & II
- 4.196 M.Sc. Hotel & Hospitality Administration Sem I to IV
- 4.202 M.Sc Human Development III & IV
- 4.203 M.Sc Textiles & Fashion Technology III & IV
- 4.204 M.Sc Foods, Nutrition and Dietetics III & IV
- 4.205 M.Sc. Food Processing and Preservation III & IV
- 4.206 M.Sc Sports Nutrition III & IV
- 4.208 M. Sc. Chemistry Part-I Sem I & II
- 4.216 M.Sc. BOTANY SEM III & IV
- 4.218 M.A. & M.Sc. Mathematics Sem I & II
- 4.219 M.Sc. Geology
- 4.223 M.Sc II- Life Sciences- Biotechnology- Latest 2017-18
- 4.224 M.Sc. Part II Life Science (Environmental Biotechnology)
- 4.225 M.Sc. Life Sci. Part – II Biological Macromolecules
- 4.228 M.Sc Sem III & IV Neurobilogy
- 4.229 M.Sc. Life Sci. For Electives-Optional Sem III & IV
- 4.236 M.Sc. Biotechnology Part – I
- 4.236 M.Sc. Biotechnology Part – II
- 4.237 M.Sc. Physics
- 4.241 M.A & M.Sc Geography Sem III
- 4.242 M.A. & M.Sc Geography Sem IV
- 4.240 M.Sc. Oceanography Sem I & II
- 4.288 Masters in Agri Business Management
- 4.236 M.Sc. Biotechnology Part – II
- 4.237 M.Sc. Physics
- 4.187 M.Sc. Bio-Chemistry Sem I & II
- 4.196 M.Sc. Hotel & Hospitality Administration Sem I to IV
- M.Sc. Part – II [Semester III and IV] Life Sciences Aquaculture Technology
- M.Sc. Part – II [Semester III and IV] Life Sciences Biochemistry
- Item No. 4.37 regarding Ph.D. Nanoscience & Nanotechnology (CBCS)
- 4.12 revised syllabus Ph.D. course work in Microbiology w.e.f. 2019-20.
- 4.27 Ph. D Course work Library Information Science
- New Marking Scheme of examination MSC CS Part 2
- New Marking Scheme of examination MSC IT Part 1
- New Marking Scheme of examination MSCIT Part 2
- New Marking Scheme of examination SYBSC
- TY BSc IT New Scheme (1)
- Item no.4.97 Examination Scheme of IDOL for B.Sc. & M.Sc. 80 20 Scheme
- Marking Scheme of FY Bsc computer Science
- Marking Scheme of TYBSC IDOL
- New Marking Scheme of examination MSC CS Part 1
Diploma and Certificate Courses
- Vide Item No. 6.9 (N)11.07.2022, P.G. Diploma in Block Chain Technology (PGDBCT)
- Vide Item No. 6.11 (A)11.07.2022, amendment of O.5051 relating to change the eligibility criteria for the Diploma holders taking admission of direct Second year B.Sc. (Information Technology)
- Vide Item No. 6.12 (R) – P.G.Diploma in Cyber Security law and Forensics
- 6.30 P.G.Diploma in Cyber Security Law and Forensics (PGDCSLF)
- Item No. 6.8 Post Graduate Diploma in Biodiversity Assessment & Conservation
- Item No .6.6 Certificate Course In Organic Farming
- Item No. 6.7 Certificate Course in Cultivation of Spice Plants.
- Item No. 6.5 Certificate Course in Gardening & Nursery Management
- 8.18 Online Certificate Course in Knowledge Updates in Human Development
- 8.17 Add-on One-year Diploma course in Indian Sign Language
- 8.16 Diploma in Interior Designing
- 8.15 Diploma in Fashion Designing
- 8.14 Diploma in Graphic Design & Visual Communication
- 8.13 Add-on Certificate course in Creative Parenting
- 8.12 Certificate Course in Interior Designing
- 8.10 Advanced Diploma in Interior Designing
- 8.9 Advanced Diploma in Fashion Designing
- 8.8 Advanced Diploma in Graphic Design & Visual Communication
- 8.2 Certificate Course in Home-Science
- 6.13 (N) B.Voc (Big Database Cloud Computing) (Sem I & II) (CBCS)
- 6.14 (N) B.Voc (Cyber Security and Digital Forensics) (Sem I & II) (CBCS)
- 7.2 (N) B.VoC (Nursing and Hospital Management)
- 6.11(N) Bachelor of Design ( Industrial Design) (Sem.- I & II)
- Vide Item No. 8.2 (N) B.Sc, B.Ed. four years Integrated Course – Sem – I to VIII (CBCS)
- 6.29 In respect Bridge Courses for B.Sc. and M.Sc. students in Physics
- 4.25 amendment of Ordinance 3545 relating to the Eligibility criteria for admission of P.G. Diploma in Dietetics & Applied Nutrition.
- 4.7 revised syllabus PG Diploma in Applied Statistics with Software (PGDASS) sem. I & II w.e.f. 2019-20
- 4.4 P.G.D. in D.C.F. & R.L. – Syll.
- 4.92 Post Graduate Diploma in Food Science and Technology
- Post Graduate Diploma in Digital and Cyber Forensics and Related Law
- 4.197 Assocate Degree in Hospitality Studies
- 4.304 Bachelors in Biomedical Instrumentation Science
- 6.38 (R) SE Electrical and Computer Engineering SEM IV
- Item No. 6.9 (A) B.E. Computer Science & Engineering (Sem.- III & IV)
- Ordinance amended with new branches in O. 3701 and Equivalence syllabus for the B.E. program
- Vide Item No.6.7 (N) B.E. (Automation and Robotics) Sem VII & VIII
- BOD 6.22 (R) B.E. (Computer Science & Design) (Sem – VII & VIII) (REV – 2019 ‘C’ Scheme)
- BOD 6.23 (R) B.Des. (Design) (Sem – V & VI) (CBCS) (REV – 2019 ‘C’ Scheme)
- 7.2 (N) B.VoC (Nursing and Hospital Management)
- 6.11(N) Bachelor of Design ( Industrial Design) (Sem.- I & II)
- Cir No. 114 item No. 6.1 MCA
- Item No. 6.8 New Branches & Equivalence syllabus for the B.E. Program
- Arrangement of Term 2023-24 (Technology)
- 6.16 M.E. (Electronics Engineering) (Sem – I to IV) CBCS
- 6.18 M.E.(Equivalence OR alternate subject given for syllabus of following program Rev2016 to Rev2022)
- Item no.6.17 Equivalence/alternate subject of the B.E. program revised 2016 to rev.2019
- 6.12 (N) Five Branches (CBCS) (Sem- VII & VIII) (Rev- 2019 ‘C’ Scheme)
- 6.10 (N) B.E. (Computer Science & Design) (Sem – V & VI)
- 6.8 (N) B.E. (Automation and Robotics) (Sem – V & VI)
- 6.7 (N) B.E. (Internet of Things) (Sem – V & VI)
- Item no.6.6 B.E.(Computer Science and Engineering)(Internet of Things and Cyber Security Including Block Chain Technology)
- 6.5 (N) B.E. (Cyber Security) (Sem – VII & VIII)
- 6.4 (N) B.E. (Civil & Infrastructure Engineering) (Sem – VII & VIII)
- 6.15(N) B.Des. (Design) (Sem.- III & IV)
- 6.19 (R) ME CEM Syllabus R-22 Rev Scheme
- 6.20 ME WRE Syllabus R-22 Rev Scheme
- 6.22 (R) ME PED
- 6.31 ME EXTC
- 6.36 (R) Final ME Inst & Control Merged organized
- 27 ME IT 2022-23 final syllabus
- B.E. (Biomedical Engineering)(Sem VII & VIII) (CBCS)
- B.Des. (Design)
- B.E. (Automation and Robotics)
- Vide Item No. 6.60 (R) – Revised syllabus of Revised Syllabus for M.E. (Electronics Engineering) (Sem. – I to IV) (Choice Based Credit System)
- Cir. No. AAMS_UGS/171 Dated 17th Nov. 2022 A.C Date – 11/07/2022 revised syllabus of B.E. (Computer Engg.) (Sem -VII & VIII) (CBCS) (Rev -2019 C Scheme)
- Cir. No. 191 dt. 8th Feb., 2023 AC dt. 28-12-2022 Point No. III B.E. Reduced syllabus 25 branch
- Item No. 6.43 (A) Ordinance 3701 relating to introduced new branch for B.E. (Computer Science & Design).
- Vide Item No.6.28 (R)- M.E. (Information Security) ( Sem.- I to IV) (CBCS)
- M.E. Degree Course by adding new branch for (Information Security) vide item No. 6.29 (A) ,Circular No. 167
- Vide Item No. 6.55 (R) . 11 July, 2022 B.E.(Mechanical & Automobile Engineering) Sem – V
- Vide Item No. 6.56 (R) . 11 July, 2022. B.E. Mechanical Engineering (Sem- VIII) (CBCS)
- Vide Item No. 6.60 (R) – Revised syllabus of M.E . ( Electronics Engineering) (CBCS) (Sem.- I to IV) (REV- 2022 Scheme)
- Vide Item No. 6.58 (R) – Revised syllabus of M.E. (Energy System and Management) ( Sem.- I to IV) (CBCS) (REV – 2022 Scheme)
- Vide Item No. 6.54 (R) -Revised syllabus of M.E. (Machine Design ) (Sem – I to IV) (CBCS) (REV – 2022 Scheme)
- Vide Item No. 6.53 (R) – M.E. (Heat Power Engineering) (Sem.- I to IV) (CBCS) (REV- 2022 Scheme)
- Vide Item No. 6.52 (R) – M.E. (Product Design & Development) ( Sem- to IV) (CBCS) (REV- 2022 Scheme)
- Vide Item No. 6.51 (R) – Revised syllabus of M.E. (Manufacturing System Engineering) (Sem.- I to IV) (CBCS) (REV- 2022 Scheme)
- Vide Item No. 6.50 (R) – Revised syllabus of M.E. (Thermal Engineering) (Sem -I to IV) (CBCS) REV- 2022 Scheme)
- Vide Item No. 6.49 (R) – Revised syllabus of M.E. ( CAD-CAM and Robotics) (Sem I to IV) (CBCS) (REV- 2022 Scheme)
- Vide Item No . 6.18 (R) – Revised syllabus of M.E. ( Structural Engineering) ( Sem- I to IV) (CBCS) (REV- 2022 Scheme)
- Vide Item No. 6.59 (N)11.07.2022, O.6829 & O.6830 Regulations 9617 to 9620 and the syllabus of Honours Minor Degree Programs in Engg.
- Vide Item No. 6.57 (A)11.07.2022, O.5134 relating to Eligibility criteria for M.E. or M.Tech (Artificial Intelligence)
- Vide Item No. 6.47 (R) – B.E. (Mechatronics Engineering) (Sem. VII & VIII) (CBCS) (REV- 2019 ‘C’ Scheme)
- Vide Item No. 6.23 (R)- B.E (information Technology) (Sem VII & VIII) CBCS- Rev- 2019 ‘C’ Scheme.
- Vide Item No. 6.17 (R) – B.E. (Civil & Infrastructure Engineering) (Sem – V &VI) CBCS (Rev – 2019 Scheme)
- Vide Item No . 6.42 (R) – Five Branches (CBCS) (Sem- V & VI) (Rev- 2019 ‘C’ Scheme)
- B.E. (Cyber Security) Sem V & VI
- B.E. (Electrical Engg) Sem VII & VIII
- B.E. Civil Engg. (Sem. VII & VIII)
- B.E. Computer Science & Engg. Sem. V & VII
- B.E. Electronics & Computer Science)
- B.E. Electronics Sem VII & VIII
- B.E. Instrumentation Engg. Sem. VII & VIII
- B.E. IOT Sem V & VI
- B.E. Production Engg. Sem VII & VIII
- M.E. (PED) Sem I to IV
- M.E. (WRE) Sem I to IV
- M.E. CEM Sem I to IV
- M.E. EXTC Sem I to IV
- M.E. IT Sem I to IV
- Vide Item No. 6.48 (R) – The revised syllabus of B.E. (Printing & Packaging Technology) (Sem- VII & VIII) (CBCS) (REV- 2019 ‘C’ Scheme)
- Vide Item No. 6.36 (R)- The revised syllabus of M.E. (Intrumentation and Control) (Sem – I & IV) (CBCS) (REV–2019 ‘C’ Scheme.
- Vide Item No. 6.37 (R) – The revised Syllabus of B.E (Chemical Engineering) (Sem.- VII & VIII) (CBCS) (REV- 2019 ‘C’ Scheme).
- Vide Item No. 6.38 (R) – The revised Syllabus of M.E. (Chemical Engineering) ( Sem I to IV) (CBCS) (REV- 2022 Scheme)
- Vide Item No. 6.39 (R) – The revised Syllabus of B.E (Biomedical Engineering ) (Sem – VII & VIII) (CBCS) (Rev- 2019 ‘C’ Scheme)
- Vide Item No. 6.40(R)- The revised syllabus of M.E. (Biomedical Engineering) (Sem.- I to IV) (CBCS) (REV- 2022 Scheme)
- Vide Item No. 6.44 (R) – The revised syllabus of M.E. (Computer Engineering) (Sem- I to IV) (CBCS)
- Vide Item No. 6.45 (R) -The revised syllabus of B.E.(Mechanical Engineering) (Sem.- VII & VIII) (CBCS)
- Vide item No. 6.46 (R) – The revised syllabus of B.E ( Automobile Engineering) (Sem.- VII & VIII) (CBCS) (REV-2019 ‘C’ Scheme)
- Amendment of O.5134 relating to the editing new branch for (Artificial Intelligence and Data Science) (CBCS)
- Vide Item No. 6.1 (N) M.Arch. (Landscape) Sem – I to IV (CBCS)
- Item no.6.17 regarding the reduced syllabus for B.E(Electronics & Telecommunication Engg.) A.Y.2021-22 only
- Item no.6.16 regarding the reduced syllabus for B.E Computer eight branches A.Y.2021-22 only
- Item no.6.15 regarding the reduced syllabus for B.E.(Computer Engg.)A.Y.2021-22 only
- Item no.6.14 regarding the reduced syllabus for B.E(Production Engg.) A.Y.2021-22 only
- Item no.6.13 regarding the reduced syllabus for B.E(Instrumentation Engg.)A.Y.2021-22 only
- Item no.6.12 regarding the reduced syllabus for B.E(Electrical Engg.) A.Y.2021=22 only
- Item no.6.11 regarding the reduced syllabus for B.E(Information Technology)A.Y.2021-22 only
- Item no.6.10 regarding the reduced syllabus for B.E.(Chemical Engg.)A.Y.2021-22 only
- Item no.6.9 regarding the reduced syllabus for B.E(Electronics & Computer Engg.)A.Y.2021-22 only
- Item no.6.8 regarding the reduced syllabus for B.E.(Electronics Engg.)A.Y.2021-22 only
- Item no.6.7 regarding the reduced syllabus for B.E.(Printing & Packaging Tech.)A.Y.2021-22 only
- Item no.6.6 regarding the reduced syllabus for B.E.(Automobile Engg.)A.Y.2021-22 only
- Item no.6.5 regarding the reduced syllabus for B.E.(Mechatronics Engg.)A.Y.2021-22 only
- Item no.6.4 regarding the reduced syllabus for B.E.(Mechanical Engg.) A.Y.2021-22 only
- Item no.6.3 regarding the reduced syllabus for B.E.(Bio-Medical Engineering A.Y.2021-22 only
- Item no.6.2 regarding the reduced syllabus B.E.(Civil Infrastructure Engineering A.Y. 2021-22)
- Item no.6.1 regarding the reduced syllabus for B.E.(Civil Engineering A.Y. 2021-22 only.
- 6.2 CBCS Rev. 2019 Pharmacy syllabus covers ‘Practice School & Project Work’
- Revised syllabus (Rev-2019 ‘C’ Scheme) for the B.E. in Computer Engineering (T.E. – Sem V & VI)
- Revised syllabus (Rev-2019 ‘C’ Scheme) for the B.E. in Electronics Engineering (T.E. – Sem V & VI)
- Revised syllabus (Rev-2019 ‘C’ Scheme) for the B.E. in Information Technology (T.E. – Sem V & VI)
- Revised syllabus (Rev-2019 ‘C’ Scheme) for the B.E. in Printing & Packaging Technology (T.E. – Sem V & VI)
- Revised syllabus (rev-2019 ‘C’ Scheme) for the B.E. in Production Engineering (T.E. – Sem V & VI)
- Revised syllabus (Rev-2019 ‘C’ Scheme) for the B.E. in Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering (T.E. – Sem V & VI)
- Revised syllabus (Rev-2019 ‘C’ Scheme) for the B.E. in Electronics & Computer Science (T.E. – Sem V & VI)
- Revised syllabus (rev-2019 ‘C’ Scheme) for the B.E. in Chemical Engineering (T.E. – Sem V & VI)
- 6.28 Rev syllabus as per the (CBCS) for the T.Y.B.Pharm. and B.Pharm. Degree Course ( Sem. V to VIII)
- Item no.6.16 regarding Bachelor of Engineering
- 6.15 T.E. & B.E. in Computer Engg. (sem V & VI) (CBCS)
- 6.14 B.E. (Electronics & Computer Science)
- 6.13 B.E. in Electronics Engg. (T.E. Sem V & VI)
- 6.12 B.E. in Information Technology (T.E. – Sem V & VI)
- 6.11 B.E. in (Printing & Packaging Technology)(T.E. Sem V & VI)
- 6.10 B.E. in Automobile Engg. (T.E. Sem V & VI)
- 6.9 B.E. in Mechatronics Engg. (T.E. Sem V & VI)
- 6.8 B.E. in Mechanical Engg. (T.E. Sem. V & VI)
- 6.7 B.E. in Instrumentation Engg. (T.E. Sem V & VI)
- 6.6 B.E. in Production Engg. (T.E. Sem V & VI)
- 6.5 B.E. in Electronics & Telecommunication (T.E. Sem V & VI)
- 6.4 B.E. in Electrical Engg. (T.E. Sem V &VI)
- 6.3 B.E. in Chemical Engg. (T.E. -Sem V & VI)
- 6.2 B.E. in Civil Engg. (T.E.-Sem V & VI)
- 6.1 B.E. in Bio-medical Engg. (T.E. Sem V & VI)
- Item No.9.10 Null and Void Cir No.67 of 2016-17 dated 2nd September, 2016 .
- Item no. 6.3 regarding B. E. Equivalence of Rev. 2012 to Rev. 2016 scheme/ syllabus
- Regarding O.3701 relating to the B.E. degree course has been amended by incorporating Electronics & Computer Science Branch
- 4.55 regarding revised syllabus TE in Civil Engg. (Rev-.2016)
- 4.177 regarding revised syllabus SE Civil (Rev-2016)
- 4.116 considering equivalence for transfer of B.Pharm. students passed from CBCS 2016 syllabus
- 6.11 regarding the syllabus for second year of B.E Degree Course (Rev-2019 ‘C’ Scheme) for Direct second year (Sem- III).
- 4.134 regarding Syllabus of MCA
- 4.149 regarding swayam course equivalence mapping UG & PG courses
- 4.147 regarding scheme & revised syll.B.E. in Production Engg.
- 4.145 regarding revised syll.B.E. in Electronics & Telecommunication Engg.
- 4.143 regarding scheme & revised syll.B.E. in Instrumentation Engg.
- 4.140 regarding revised scheme B.E. in Biomedical Engg.
- 4.139 regarding revised syll.B.E. in Biomedical Engg.
- 4.136 regarding revised scheme B.E. in Chemical Engg. (Sem.III to VIII)
- 4.135 regarding revised scheme B. E. in Chemical Engg.
- 4.127 regarding revised syllabus B.E. in Computer Engg.
- 4.126 regarding scheme & revised syll. B.E. in Information Tech.
- 4.125 regarding scheme & revised syll. B.E. in Civil Engg.
- 4.124 regarding scheme & revised syll. B.E. in Electrical Engg.
- 4.122 regarding scheme & revised syll. B.E. in Electronics Engg.
- 4.121 regarding scheme & revised syll. B.E. in Printing and Packing & Tech.
- 4.120 regarding Scheme & revised syll. B.E. in Mechatronics Engg.
- 4.119 regarding scheme & revised syll. B.E. in Mechanical Engg.
- 4.118 regarding Scheme & revised syllabus B.E in automobile Engg.
- Item no.4.38 Manual & Revised Scheme and syllabus for M.Pharm.(Sem. I to IV)
- Item no.4.39 Manual & Revised Scheme and syllabus for B.Pharm.(Sem. I to VIII)
- Item no. 4.16 O.5134 M.E/M.Tech.Degree Program relating to the Eligibility Criteria
- Item no.4.56 regarding revised syllabus B.E.Instrumentation
- Item no.4.51 regarding revised syllabus for B.E. Civil Engineering
- Item No. 4.37 to Existing and Amended of Ordinance No. 6263 relating to B.E. degree (CBSGS)
- Item No. 4.36 regarding amended Ordinance 6262 regarding to the B.E. degree (CBSGS)
- 4.15 regarding implementation of the Regulations 8806A for Sem. X and Scheme of Exam. for Sem. VIII of B.Arch. Programme.
- 4.29 regarding M.E. Artificial Intelligence
- 4.40 Syllabus for F.E.
- 4.41 B.E. Degree – Printing & Packaging Technology (Sem. VII & VIII)
- Iiem No. 4.53 regarding syllabus for T.E.& B.E. in Electronics & Telecommunication Engg.
- Circular No. UG/21 of 2019-20 dt. 22nd May, 2019 Item No. 4.14 AC dt. 26th Dec., 2018 revised syllabus Add-on-Vocational Certificate, Diploma & Advanced Diploma course in Computer Application (Sem I to VI)
- 4.12 MCA Manual on CBCGS and equivalance for CBSGS
- 4.7 AC Meeting Date 10th July, 2018 The eligibility of students studying in CBSGS revised curriculum of 2012 to higher class admission in CBCS revised curriculum of 2016 applicable to Faculty of Technology
- 4.6 – Item for AC CBCGS BE & ME
- 4.10 M.Tech. in Computer Engg. at Kalyan Sub Center
- The regulations for Sem X and Scheme of examinations for Sem VIII of B.Arch Program
- 4.58 Revised syllabus of T.E. (Printing & Packing Technology)
- 4.75 Mechanical Engg -syllabus -MANUFACTURING SCIENCES LAB
- 4.58 T.E. Printing & Packaging Technology Engg. Sem. V & VI
- 4.53 Revised syllabus T..Y.B.Pharm. & B.Pharm. sem. V to VIII
- 4.58 Revised syllabus Mechanical Engineering sem. V& VI
- 4.57 AC Resolution Rules for Entry of B. Pharm CBSGS Students to B. Pharm CBCS Syllabus at the Third Year Level
- 4.53 B. Pharm. Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) Third Year B. Pharm. and Final Year B. Pharm ( Semester V to Semester VIII ), from Academic Year 2018 -19 and 2019-20
- 4.57 T.E. & B.E. in Electrical Engg. (Bio-Medical Engg.) (Sem V to VIII)
- 4.56 T.E. & B.E. in Instrumentation Engg (Sem V to VIII)
- 4.54 Electronics Engg-Syllabus copy 2016 Rev
- 4.53 T.E. & B.E. in EXTC (Sem V to VIII)
- 4.52 TE BE Electrical Engineering Syllabus Rev 2016-17
- 4.51 TE BE Comp Engg CBCGS Rev. 2016
- 4.253 Bachelor of Engg. (Biomedical Engg.) (Sem. III & VIII)
- 4.297 Bachelors in Paint Technology (Sem. I to VI) a.y. 2017-18.
- 4.250 M.C.A. (Second Year & Third Year) a.y. 2017-18
- 4.248 S.E. to B.E. (Production Engineering) a.y. 2017-18
- 4.249 S.E. to B.E. Automobile Engineering a.y. 2017-18
- 4.247 SE to BE Mechanical Engineering a.y. 2017-18
- 4.264 SE to BE Chemical Engineering a.y. 2017-18
- 4.2 B. Pharm. sem – I to IV a.y. 2017-18
- 4.257 SE – BE Electrical Engineering sem – III & IV a.y. 2017-18
- Item no.2.1 Equivalence/alternate subjects as per the guidelines for exam. and results processing related
- Item no.4.259 regarding B.E.equivalence/alternate
- Item no.4.276 regarding M.E.equivalence/alternate
- 4.307 SE Electronics & Telecomm.
- 4.26 M.E. Computer Network & Information Security
- 4.3 Change in Regulations for Sem X and Sem VIII of B.Arch Program
- 4.28 M. E. in Information Tech. Specialtion in Information & Cyber Welfare
- 4.70 ME Product Design and Development ChBCGS
- 4.30 M.E. (Signal Processing)
- 4.17 Revised Syllabus for Phd Course Work
- 4.17 Credit System Manual – Pharmacy
- 4.5 M.Arch by Research partly by papers
- 4.4 M.Arch in Project Management
- 4.16 M. Pharm.
- 4.15 B. Pharm. Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)[2016-17]
- 4.24 M. E. (Mechanical) CAD CAM & Robotics
- 4.23 M. E. (Information Technology)
- 4.19 M.E. (Mechnical) Energy Systems and Management
- 4.27 M. E. Electronics and Telecommunication Engg.
- 4.29 M. E. Information Tech. Information Security Subjects
- 4.31 M.E. (Mechical) Heat Power Engineering
- 4.32 M.E. (Mechical) Machine Design
- 4.33 M.E. (Mechical) Thermal Engineering
- 4.63 ME Civil Engg (Strutural Engg)
- 4.61 M.E Civil Engg. (Construction Engineering & Management)
- 4.64 First Year Engineering
- 4.69 ME Manufacturing Systems Engineering ChBCGS 2016
- 4.4 B.E. Printing & Packaging Technology Program
- 4.56 T.E. Electrical-Electronics
- 4.91 M.Arch by Research partly by papers
- 4.92 M.Arch Urban Design
- 4.7 M.E. Biomedical Engg.
- 4.8 M.E. Electrical Engg. (Power Electronics & Drives)
- 4.9 M.E. Electrical Engg. (Power System Engg)
- 4.10 M.E. Instrumentation and Control
- 4.11 M.E. Instrumentation Engg.
- 4.20 ME Chemical Engineering.
- 4.22 M.E. Electronics Engg.
- 4.25 ME Computer Engg.
- 4.26 ME Computer Network & Information.
- 4.61 M.E Civil Engg. (Construction Engineering & Management)
- 4.62 ME Civil Engg (Water Resourses Engg)
- 4.63 ME Civil Engg (Strutural Engg)
- 4.64 First Year Engineering
- Master of Computer Application (MCA) Sem I & II
- 4.3 M. Arch. in Architectural & Urban Conservations
- 4.250 Master of Computer Application (MCA)
- 4.296 Bachelors in Interior Design
- 4.297 Bachelor in Paint Technology
- 4.298 Bachelor in Screen Writing
- 4.299 Bachelor in Animation (Recovered)
- 4.300 Bachelor in Visual Effects
- 4.2 B.Pharm Sem I to IV
- 4.258 Electronics-and-Electrical-Engineering-Sem-VII-Sem-VIII-R-2012-23-05-2017
- 4.254 SE – BE Information Technology Rev 2016
- 4.253 SE – Biomedical Engineering Rev 2016
- 4.268 SE – Computer Engineering CBCS Rev. 2016
- 4.257 SE – Electrical Engineering Rev 2016
- 4.307 SE – Electronics & Telecommunication Engg Rev 2016
- 4.252 SE – Electronics-Engineering Rev 2016
- 4.262 SE – Instrumentation Engineering Rev 2016
- 4.255 SE – Printing and Packaging Technology Rev 2016
- 4.249 SE to BE – Automobile Engineering CBCGS 2016
- 4.263 SE to BE Biotechnology Rev 2016
- 4.247 SE to BE – Mechanical Engineering CBCGS 2016
- 4.248 SE to BE – Production Engineering CBCGS 2016
- 4.264 SE to BE -Chemical Engineering Rev 2016
- Syllabus of MBA (Innovation Entrepreneurship & Venture Development (Sem I to IV)
- Vide Item No. 6.9 (2N) BMS (Hospitality Management & Sports Studies) Sem I & II (CBCS)
- Vide Item No .6.9 (3N) BMS ( Sports Management ) Sem I & II (CBCS)
- 6.9 (1) BMS (Management & Sports Administration)
- Item No. 7.1 regarding MBA (Innovation Entrepreneurship and Venture Development.
- 7.3 Regional Case Study BMS Under Skill Enhancement Courses
- Item No.9.10 Null and Void Cir No.67 of 2016-17 dated 2nd September, 2016 .
- 4.55 Five-Years-Integrated-B.M.S.-M.B.A.-syllabus-Sem-I-to-X
- 4.47 Transport Mangement Semester V and VI Syllabus to be implememnted 2018 2019
- 4.293 Master in Financial Technology ( MFT ) Sem. I to IV a.y. 2017-18
- 4.172 Five Years Integrated BMS-MBA Programme sem – I to X a.y. 2017-18
- 4.1 D/E – M.M.S. (Sem.III & IV) Marketing and Operations Subjects
- 4.292 Master in Tourism Management
- M.M.S. in Digital business Management Sem III & IV
- MMS in Digital Business Management
- M.M.S. -Sem I and II
- 4.72 PGDME 1 Year Diploma Course
- 4.12 MMM-MFM
- 4.36 Post Graduate Diploma in Financial Management
- 4.91 Master of Management Systme (MMS) – Sem I and II
- 4.1 B – Course Structure of DBM
- 4.1 C – MMS Sem – II
- 4.1 D – MMS Sem – III
- 4.1 E – MMS Sem – IV
- 4.34 (A) Elective Negotiation & Selling – Sem I
- 4.34 (B) Core Management System – Sem II
- 4.19 2 year MBA
- 4.98 BSM Programme
- 4.99 MSM Programme
- 4.286 JBIMS – Master of Management Studies (MMS) Sem I to IV (Recovered)
- 4.287 Master of Management Studies (MMS) – Sem III-IV
- 4.288 Masters in Agri Business Management
- 4.289 Master in Susrainable Development & Environment Management
- 4.291 Master in Global Financial Management
- 4.292 Master in Tourism Management
- 4.293 Master In Financial Technology
- 4.294 Master in Emotional Intelligence & Human Relations
- 4.295 Master In Emotional Intelligence and Life Coaching
- 4.289 Master in Susrainable Development & Environment Management
- 4.291 Master in Global Financial Management
- Item No. 8.6 R. 9452 relating to the Standard of passing for PG Diploma in Proficiency in Playback Singing & Stage Performance
- B.P.A. Music
- B.P.A. (Music)
- Vide Item No. 8.9 (R) – Revised syllabus of Foundation – I and Foundation – II (Dance)
- Vide Item No. 8.9 (N)11.07.2022, O.6835 & O.6836 Regulations 9628 to 9630 and the syllabus of Post Graduate Diploma in Sahityaratna Anna Bhau Sathe’s Works
- Vide Item No. 8.8 (N)11.07.2022, O.6833 & O.6834 Regulations 9625 to 9627 and the syllabus of Certificate Course in Sahityaratna Anna Bhau Sathe’s Works
- Vide Item No. 8.2 (N)11.07.2022, O.6831 & O.6832 Regulations 9621 to 9624 and the syllabus of Master of Performing Arts (Folk Arts) Sem – I to IV (CBCS)
- Vide Item No. 8.6 (R) Revised Syllabus of B.P.A.(Dance) – Sem I to VI (CBCS)
- Vide Item No. 8.7(R) Revised Syllabus of M.P.A. (Dance) – Sem I to IV (CBCS)
- Vide Item No. 8.8 (R) Revised Syllabus of M.P.A. (Dance) – Sem I to IV (CBCS)
- 8.4 Certificate Course in Dance for Special Students
- 8.3 Diploma in Bharatanatyam
- 8.2 Diploma in Acting Skill
- 8.26 regarding Bachelor of Performing Arts (Music)
- 8.25 regarding Master of Performing Arts (Music)
- 8.24 regarding Bachelor of Performing Arts (Music)
- 8.22 Diploma in Music
- 8.1 BPA 3 Year Degree Syllabus For Academy of Theatre Arts
- 8.11 Master of Performing Arts (Dance)
- Item no.8.10 regarding M.P.A. (Dance) degree course (Human Movement)
- Item no.8.9 regarding Amendment of O.1828 relating of M.P.A. (Dance)degree course by incorporating Odissi.
- Item No.9.10 Null and Void Cir No.67 of 2016-17 dated 2nd September, 2016 .
- Item No. 4.6 regarding the revised syllabus for the Diploma Course in Vallabha Vedanta (Suddhadvaita) and Vaisnavism
- Item No. 4.5 regarding the revised syllabus of the Certificate Course in Vallabha Vedanta (Suddhadvaita) and Vaisnavism
- Item No. 4.1 regarding Ordinances No. 6514 & 6515 the syllabus of Diploma in Bharatnatyam
- Item No. 4.2 regarding Ordinances No. 6516 & 6517 the syllabus of Certificate Course in Dance for Special Students
- Item No. 4.1 regarding Ordinances No. 6514 & 6515 the syllabus of Diploma in Bharatnatyam
- 4.11 Master of Fine Arts in Dramatics
- Item no.4.33 regarding Foundation I & II theory examination
- Item no.4.36 regarding MPA dance Part-II
- 4.35 Bachelor of Performing Arts
- 4.32 Foundation Course I & II in Dance
- 4.73 Revised syllabus B.P.A. Part -I
- 4.33 AC resolution
- 4.34 AC resolution
- 4.36 AC resolution
- 4.72 Existing Syllabus of MPA Dance Kathak Part-II Practicals Sem- I
- 4.9 Master of Performing Arts in Dance (MPA)
- 4.8 Bachelor of Performing Arts in Dance (BPA)
- 4.50 Performing Arts – Dance
- Regarding replacement of the paper and syllabi for Law Program Vide Item No. 8.10 (N)
- 5.10 Final Certificate Course Copyrights and Plagiarism
- 8.4 Syllabus- LL M in Commercial Law
- B.A.LL.B.
- B.A. LL.B.
- LL. B. (3 years) Sem – I to VI and LL. B. (5yrs) Five Years Integrated Course
- vide item No. 8.3(A) Scheme of Examination for Undergraduate 3 Years LL.B. and 5 Years B.L.S., LL.B. programme
- Vide Item No. 8.6 (A)11.07.2022, Amendment of R 4465, R 4469, R 4453 and R 4457 relating to the eligibility for admission
- Item No. 8.4 revised syllabus of LL.B. (3 years) (Sem – I to VI) and LL.B. (5 Yrs) Five Year Integrated Course (Sem – I to X) (CBCS)
- Item No. 8.5 (A) Amendment of R.4439 relating to semester examination conducted of 3 years LL.B. Course and 5 years LL.B. Course
- Item No. 8.4 revised syllabus of LL.B. (3 years) (Sem – I to VI) and LL.B. (5 Yrs) Five Year Integrated Course (Sem – I to X) (CBCS)
- 8.20 AAMS (UG) 111 LLB (3 Yrs and LLB (5 Yrs)
- 8.3 Master in Law 2 years programme
- Item No.9.10 Null and Void Cir No.67 of 2016-17 dated 2nd September, 2016 .
- 9.9 पदवी व पदव्युत्तर CGPA/ CGPI परीक्षांमध्ये सुधारणा करण्याबाबत
- 8.7 regarding the revise syllabus of Torts and Consumer Protection Laws
- 8.6 regarding syllabus of the paper Code of Criminal Procedure Juvenile Act & Probation of Offenders Acts of Sem V of LL.B () yrs and Sem IX of LL.B (5 yrs) .
- 8.5 regarding to include GST in paper III & IV Diploma in Taxation Law
- 8.4 regarding revised syllabus for Taxation Law
- 4.64 the addendum to 60;40 pattern that was sought by Principal of various Law College
- 4.16 the students in the subsequent years i.e. 2nd & 3rd years only of the 3 years LL.B. programme & 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th year only of the 5 Years LL.B. programme w.e.f. 2019-20.
- 5 years integrated B.B.A., LL.B. (Hon.) degree programme.
- Circular No. UG/19 of 2019-20 dt. 20th May, 2019 Item No. 8.2 AC dt. 15th April, 2019 regarding impletation of CBCS system for the Three years LL.B. and Five years B.L.S., LL.B. programmes
- 4.62 Ordinances and Regulations for the 5 years integrated BBA, LL.B. (Hon.) degree programme presently conducted at UMLA fort and School of Law at Thane Sub-Campus
- 4.285 L.L.B. (3 years) Sem -III & IV / L.L.B.( 5 years) Sem – V & VI a.y. 2017-18
- 4.2 B.B.A. – L.L.B. (Hons.) Sem – VII a.y. 2017-18
- 4.19 BBA LLB (Hons.) 5 years integrated course Sem I to VI
- LLB Degree Course 3yrs & 5 yrs I to X
- 4.21 Arrangements of Terms of LAW
- 4.49 L.L.M. Syllabus
- 4.85 P.G.D. in D.C.F. & R.L.
- 4.86 P.G.D. in F.S. & R.L.
- 4.285 3 yrs LL.B and 5 yrs LL.M) sem III & IV
- BOD 6.20 (N) B.Voc (Big Database and Cloud Computing) Sem III & IV
- BOD 6.21 (N) B.Voc (Cyber Security and Digital Forensics) Sem III & IV
- 6.13 (N) B.Voc (Big Database Cloud Computing) (Sem I & II) (CBCS)
- 6.14 (N) B.Voc (Cyber Security and Digital Forensics) (Sem I & II) (CBCS)
- 7.2 (N) B.VoC (Nursing and Hospital Management)
- 6.11(N) Bachelor of Design ( Industrial Design) (Sem.- I & II)
- B.Voc (Retail)
- B.Voc (Interior Design)
- B.Voc (Tourism & Hospitality)
- B.Voc. (Med. Comm.& Journalism)
- B.Voc. (Media, Ent., Acting)
- B.Voc. (Accounting & Taxation)
- B.Voc. (E-Commerce and Digital Marketing)
- B.Voc. (Management & Entrepreneurship Development)
- B.Voc. (Wealth Management)
- M.Voc. (Management & Entrepreneurship Development)
- Item No 6.4 B.Voc (Tourism and Hospitality and Tourism Administration)
- 7.4 B.Voc. in Sales and Marketing Management
- 5.42 TY.B.Voc(Media Production) (Sem-V & VI) Syllabus with Credit Points.docx
- 5.41 S.Y.B.Voc( Media Production) Sem-III & IV Syllabus with credit points
- The Bachelor of Vocation Program in faculties of Art/ Commerce/Science in the course of Medical Laboratory Technology ( Sem. I to VI).
- Item No.6.7 regarding Master of Vocation (Medical Laboratory Technology)
- Item No. 7.2 B.Voc (Banking & Financial Services)
- Item No. 7.1 regarding B.Voc (Retail Management)
- Item No.9.10 Null and Void Cir No.67 of 2016-17 dated 2nd September, 2016 .
- 4.4 Revised Syllabus B.Voc. Media Production
- 4.3 B.Voc. (Interior Design)
- Item No. 4.73 regarding Ordinances No. 6510 & 6511 the syllabus of B.Voc. (Finance & Taxation) Programme (Sem. I to II)) Programmes
- Item No. 4.74 regarding Ordinances No. 6512 & 6513 the syllabus of B.Voc. (Health Care) Programmes
- Item No. 4.71 regarding Ordinances No. 6506 & 6507 the syllabus of B.Voc. (Travel and Tourism) Programme (Sem I to VI)
- Item No. 4.69 regarding Ordinances No. 6502 & 6503 the syllabus of B.Voc. (Hospitality and Tourism) Programme
- 4.50 regarding B.Voc.course in Travel and Tourism Mgt. & Software Development
- 4.50 Syllabus of B.Voc. Course in Travel and Tourism Management and B.Voc. Course Software Development Course
- B.Voc interior design syllabus
- 4.122 B.Voc Media Production
- 4.10 B.Voc Tourism and Travel Management Sem I to IV
- 4.65 B.VOC Pharma analytical Science
- 4.66 M.VOC – Pharma analytical Sciences
- 4.54 B.Voc – Retail Mgmt. & Tourism & Hospitality Mgmt.
- 4.65 B.VOC Pharma analytical Science
- Item No. 4.19 B.M.S (Event Management & Public Relation)
- Item No. 9.3 M.A (Event Management & Public Relations)
- Item no 7.9 B.Sc. Aeronautics
- Item No. 9.3 B.A (Advertising Communication Design)
- Item No. 9.3 BMS (Customs Clearance, Freight Forwarding & Logistics)
- Item No. 7.2 BMS (Retail Management)
- Item No. 7.3 BMS (Travel & Tourism Management)
- Item No 9.23 M.Com (Agri Business Management)
- Item No. 9.22 BMS (Sport Management)