Circular Date |
Post |
15-03-2025 |
Notice for CDOE Assistant Professor (Ad-Hoc) Interview |
06-03-2025 |
27-02-2025 |
Walk-in-Interviews for the posts of Assistant Professor (Ad-Hoc) on purely Temporary basis to be appointed at the Centre for Distance and Online Education |
11-02-2025 |
Extension to the last date of submission of forms for the posts of Incubation Manager, MU IDEAS Foundation. (Ref : Advt. No. UoM/HRDC/01/2025, dated 17/01/2025) |
31-01-2025 |
Extension to the last date of submission of forms for the posts of Incubation Manager, MU IDEAS Foundation. (Ref : Advt. No. UoM/HRDC/01/2025, dated 17/01/2025) |
22-01-2025 |
Circular – महाराष्ट्र लोकसेवा आयोगाच्या तज्ञ सूचीमध्ये नाव समाविष्ट करण्याकरीता आयोगाच्या संकेतस्थळावरील Advisor Portal द्वारे व्यक्तीकडून ऑनलाईन पद्धतीने अर्ज मागविणेबाबत |
17-01-2025 |
Advertisement for the post of Incubation Manager, MU IDEAS Foundation |
09-01-2025 |
Walk-in-Interviews for the posts of Assistant Professor (Ad-Hoc) on Purely Temporary basis to be appointed at the Centre for Distance and Online Education (CDOE) |
24-12-2024 |
Walk-in-Interviews for the posts of Assistant Professor (Ad-Hoc) on Purely Temporary basis to be appointed at the Centre for Distance and Online Education (CDOE) |
27-11-2024 |
EPF Consultant ची नियुक्ती बाबत |
14-11-2024 |
National Centre for Nanosciences and Nanotechnology: Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) |
07-11-2024 |
Extension to the last date of submission of forms for the posts of Director, Information & Communication Technology. (Ref : Advt. No. UoM/HRDC/07/2024, dated 12/10/2024) |
29-10-2024 |
National Centre for Nanosciences and Nanotechnology: JRF Advertisement 29 Oct 2024 |
28-10-2024 |
The last date of submission of forms for the post of Director, Department of Information & Communication Technology is extended from 29/10/2024 upto 07/11/2024 (upto 5.00 p.m.) |
16-10-2024 |
Mumbai School of Economics & Public Policy (Autonomous): Applications are invited for the posts of Fellow (B) on purely temporary contract basis |
12-10-2024 |
Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for the Director, Department of Information & Communication Technology |
04-10-2024 |
आपल्या विभागात / संस्थेत / महाविद्यालयात सद्य स्थितीत उपलब्ध असलेल्या शिक्षकीय पदाना उपलब्ध असलेला कार्यभार तसेच हंगामी शिक्षक ३० सप्टेंबर २०२४ पर्यंत किंवा पूर्वी कार्यरत असल्यास त्यांचा सचोटी व कार्याबाबतचा तपशील इमेलद्वारे कळविण्याबाबत |
19-09-2024 |
‘मुख्यमंत्री युवा कार्य प्रशिक्षण योजने’ अंतर्गत मुंबई विद्यापीठाच्या विविध विभागात प्रशिक्षणार्थी उमेदवारांची नियुक्ती करणेबाबत |
09-09-2024 |
मुंबई विद्यापीठाच्या लोककला अकादमी व शाहिर अमरशेख अध्यासन येथील विविध पदे थेट मुलाखतीने भरणेबाबत प्रसिद्धीपत्रक |
03-09-2024 |
लोककला अकादमी व शाहिर अमरशेख अध्यासन, मुंबई विद्यापीठ येथे तात्पुरत्या स्वरुपात पदे भरण्याकरीता ‘थेट मुलाखत’ |
26-08-2024 |
Western Regional Centre, Indian Council of Social Science Research, Mumbai: Applications are invited for Full-time Internship positions |
20-08-2024 |
NOTIFICATION – for the post of Directors/Professor |
30-07-2024 |
Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for the Director, Jamnalal Baja Institute & Management Studies Director, Centre of Excellence in Marine Studies Director, School of International Relations & Strategic Studies Professor of Monetary Economics RBI in the Mumbai School of Economics and Public Policy posts |
29-07-2024 |
Extension to the last date of submission of forms for the posts of REGISTRAR. (Ref : Advt. No. UoM/HRDC/05/2024, dated 13/07/2024) |
25-07-2024 |
Department of Life Sciences: WALK IN INTERVIEWS RESCHEDULED 25.07.2024 |
25-07-2024 |
Extension to the last date of submission of forms for the posts of Director, DICT & CEO MU Ideas Foundation. (Ref : Advt. No. UoM/HRDC/04/2024, dated 05/07/2024) |
19-07-2024 |
Corrigendum and Government Resolutions related to Advertisement dated 08.07.2024 |
13-07-2024 |
Department of Life Sciences: Notice for Walk In Interviews For JRF Position |
13-07-2024 |
Advertisement for the post of Registrar, on the establishment of the University |
09-07-2024 |
कनिष्ठ अभियंता (स्थापत्य / विद्युत ) या पदांवर निवड झालेल्या उमेदवारांची यादी. |
08-07-2024 |
Details of Advertisement of Aided Teaching positions as advertised vide Advt dated 8th July, 2024 |
05-07-2024 |
Applications are invited for Director, Department of Information & Communication Technology and Chief Executive Officer, MU IDEAS Foundation, Mumbai |
04-07-2024 |
Advertisement of Ad-hoc teachers for academic year 2024-2025 |
01-07-2024 |
After 12th do B.A. in German and equip yourself for possibilities of training and jobs in Germany after 3 years – last chance for appearing for entrance test (no prior preparation required) on Friday, 5th July 2024. Google Form link: |
27-06-2024 |
Walk in Interview for the posts Jr. Engineer (Civil)/ Jr. Engineer (Electrical) |
25-04-2024 |
Garware Institute of Career Education and Development (GICED): Advertisement withdrawn Notice |
03-04-2024 |
The last date of submission of forms for the posts as advertised vide Advertisement No. UoM/HRDC/02/2024, dated 15/03/2024 is hereby extended from 04/04/2024 upto 15/04/2024 (upto 5 p.m.). |
21-03-2024 |
The last date of submission of forms for the posts as advertised vide Advertisement No. AAQA/ICD/202324/1830 dated 6th March, 2024 is hereby extended from 21 st March, 2024 to 1st April, 2024. |
20-03-2024 |
संचालक, विद्यार्थी विकास व संचालक, राष्ट्रीय सेवा योजना या पदांकरीता अर्ज सादर करण्यास मुदतवाढ देणेबाबत. |
18-03-2024 |
The last date of submission of forms for the posts as advertised vide above referred advertisement dated 28/02/2024 is hereby extended from 19/03/2024 upto 28/03/2024 |
15-03-2024 |
Advertisement for the post of Director, Sports and Physical Education on the establishment of the University |
05-03-2024 |
Advertisement for the post of Director, Theatre Art and Professor in various University Departments/ Centre/ Institution/ Colleges |
01-03-2024 |
संचालक, विद्यार्थी विकास व संचालक, राष्ट्रीय सेवा योजना ही पदे नामनिर्देशनाव्दारे भरणे बाबत |
28-02-2024 |
Advertisement for the post of Registrar, Director, ICT and CEO, Incubation Centre on the establishment of the University |
13-02-2024 |
National Centre for Nanosciences and Nanotechnology: Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) |
01-02-2024 |
Department of Life Sciences: Walk in Interview for JRF Position |
18-12-2023 |
Mumbai Münster Institute of Advanced Studies (MMIAS): MMIAS | Applications invited for Internship at the Mumbai Münster Institute of Advanced Studies (MMIAS) 2024 | Last date to apply – 31 December 2023 |
14-12-2023 |
Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies (Autonomous): Advertisement for the post of Professor, IMC Chair |
13-12-2023 |
Garware Institute of Career Education and Development (GICED): Application are invited from the eligible candidates for the Promotion Counselor, Asstt. librarian and Peon post |
30-11-2023 |
Alkesh Dinesh Mody Institute for Financial and Management Studies: Revised Advertisement for Temporary Research Positions |
25-11-2023 |
Department of Geography: Applications are invited from candidates for posts Research Assistant |
10-11-2023 |
Centre for European Studies: Advertisement for two Research Assistants (part-time) |
06-11-2023 |
Schedule for walk in interview to be held on Tuesday, the 7th November, 2023 has been postponed |
04-11-2023 |
Schedule for walk in interview to be held on Tuesday, the 7th November, 2023 |
30-10-2023 |
Advertisement for the post of Ad-hoc Assistant Professor purely on temporary basis in various University Departments/ Centre/ Institution/ Colleges |
26-10-2023 |
The last date of submission of forms for the posts as advertised vide Advertisement No. AAQA/ICD12023-241960, dated 12th October, 2023 is hereby extended from 26th October, 2023 upto 3rd November,2023 (upto 5.30 p.m.) |
19-10-2023 |
The last date for submission of forms for the posts as advertised vide Advertisement No. AAQA/ ICD/ 2023-24/ 853 dated 22nd September 2023 extended from 16th October 2023 upto 26th October 2023 |
11-10-2023 |
Advertisement for the post of Director, Board of Examinations & Evaluation and CEO, Incubation Centre on the establishment of the University |
11-10-2023 |
Advertisement for the post of Director Institute of Distance & Open Learning, Professor Department of Computer Science, Professor Department of Information & Technology on the establishment of the University |
10-10-2023 |
Mumbai School of Economics & Public Policy (MSEPP): Applications are invited for the Fellow (A) and Fellow (B) posts as Contractual appointments for the period of Three Years purely on Temporary basis (Application form in word) |
06-10-2023 |
The last date of submission of forms the for the posts as advertised vide Advertisement No. AAQA/ICD/2023-24/853 dated 22nd September, 2023 is hereby extended from 8th October, 2023 upto l6th october,2023 (upto 5.30 p.m.) |
22-09-2023 |
Advertisement for the Deans of the Faculties and Director, Department of Lifelong Learning & Extension |
22-09-2023 |
Advertisement for the post of Registrar, Finance and Accounts Officer and Director, Department of Communication Technology on the establishment of the University |
01-09-2023 |
लोककला अकादमी, मुंबई विद्यापीठ येथे कंत्राटी तत्वावर पदे भरण्याकरीता ‘थेट मुलाखत’ |
19-08-2023 |
Mahatma Phule Art’s Science Commerce College Panvel: Advertisement for Junior Research Fellow (JRF) Position under DSTSERB Funded Project |
18-07-2023 |
Garware Institute of Career Education and Development: Job Opening for Workshop Technician(Paint Technology Lab). |
18-06-2023 |
the last date of submission of forms for the teaching positions to be filled in the various University Departments/Centres/Institutes and conducted Colleges from 16th June, 2023 upto 20th June, 2023 (upto 5.30 p.m.). |
05-06-2023 |
Applications are invited for the teaching positions to be filled in the various University Departments/Centres/Institutes and conducted Colleges viz. (1) Vishwbhushan Bharatratna Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Model Degree College, Amadave, Tal. Mandangad, Dist. Ratnagiri and (2) Vijayalaxmi Vishwanath Dalvie Model Degree College, Talere Tal. Kankavali, Dist. Sidhudurg and Sub campuses at Thane, and Ratnagiri and on temporary (Ad-hoc) basis for the academic year 2023-2024. |
15-05-2023 |
Department of Sociology: Advertisement for Research Assistant for ICSSR funded Research Project. |
26-04-2023 |
Advertisement for the post of Director, Board of Examinations and Evaluation, Director, Innovation, Incubation and Linkages and CEO, Incubation Centre |
05-04-2023 |
National Centre for Nanosciences & Nanotechnology: Advertisement of JRF position on DRDO sponsor project |
17-03-2023 |
Advertisement for the post of Parliamentary Interpreter |
14-03-2023 |
Advertisement for the post of Vice-Chancellor |
20-01-2023 |
विद्यापीठातील विविध विभागांतर्गत Interns नियुक्त करण्याबाबत |
10-01-2023 |
Advertisement for the posts of (1) Professor of Monetary Economics RBI and (2) Professor for Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Chair in Political Economy (RBI Chair) in the Mumbai School of Economics and Public Policy (Autonomous), University of Mumbai |
05-12-2022 |
Inviting nominations/ applications of suitable candidates for the Post of Vice-Chancellor of the Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune |
07-10-2022 |
National Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Advertisement for the post of Project Assistant. |
19-09-2022 |
Garware Institute of Career Education & Development: Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for 3 Posts. |
08-09-2022 |
Temporary vacancy for non-teaching staff for Chinese at Department of German, University of Mumbai. |
30-08-2022 |
मुख्य कार्यकारी अधिकारी, नवसंशोधन केंद्र हे पद कंत्राटी पध्दतीने भरण्याबाबत जाहिरात. |
30-08-2022 |
कनिष्ठ अभियंता (स्थापत्य / विद्युत) ही पदे कंत्राटी पध्दतीने भरण्याबाबत जाहिरात. |
23-08-2022 |
Mumbai School of Economics & Public Policy: Advertisement for the post of Fellow (B) in MSEPP (Economics) – Extended Date. |
18-08-2022 |
Garware Institute of Career Education & Development: Applications are invited for the Jr. System Officer. |
08-08-2022 |
Corrigendum in continuation to advertisement for the teaching positions to be filled in various University Departments/ Centres/ Institute etc. |
04-08-2022 |
Mumbai School of Economics & Public Policy (Autonomous): Advertisement for the post of Fellow (B) in MSEPP (Economics). |
03-08-2022 |
लोककला अकादमी जाहिरात क्र.मुंवि/मासंविक/01/लोककला/2022, दि. 28 मे, 2022 अन्वये निवड झालेल्या उमेदवारांची यादी. |
30-07-2022 |
शिक्षकीय पदे शैक्षणिक वर्ष २०२२-२०२३ करिता हंगामी तत्वावर तात्पुरत्या स्वरूपात करार पद्धतीने भरण्याबाबत. |
18-07-2022 |
लोककला अकादमी, मुंबई विद्यापीठ येथे कंत्राटी तत्वावर पदे भरण्यासाठी पात्र / अपात्र उमेदवारांची यादी. |
30-06-2022 |
Short term vacancy for non teaching contractual staff for Confucius Institute, University of Mumbai. |
16-06-2022 |
Department of Life Sciences: List of Selected candidates of CCRUM. |
09-06-2022 |
Department of Life Sciences: Interview of Shortlisted candidates for the TWO JRF positions. |
28-05-2022 |
लोककला अकादमी, मुंबई विद्यापीठ येथे कंत्राटी तत्वावर पदे भरण्याबाबत जाहिरात. |
27-05-2022 |
Applications invited for the Post of Training and Placement Officer in the Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies. |
23-05-2022 |
राष्ट्रीय सेवायोजन कक्षाकरीता मंत्रालयीन स्तरावर निर्माण केलेले राज्य संपर्क अधिकारी व विशेष कार्य अधिकारी हे पद भरण्याबाबत. |
04-04-2022 |
Department of Life Sciences: Advertisement of TWO JRF positions |
14-03-2022 |
Mumbai School of Public Policy (Autonomous): Applications are invited for MSE&PP-VIDC project posts |
18-02-2022 |
Mahatma Phule Arts, Science & Commerce college Panvel: Advertisement of Junior Research fellow |
11-02-2022 |
Advertisement Inviting applications for the AdHoc post of Assistant Professor at Centre for Excellence in Maritime Studies |
24-01-2022 |
रत्नागिरी उप परिसर, मुंबई विद्यापीठ वैज्ञानिक सहाय्यक व क्षेत्रीय सहाय्यक या पद भरतीसाठी मुलाखतीकरिता प्राप्त अर्जांन्वये उमेदवारांची यादी व इतर तपशील |
17-01-2022 |
Advertisement for the post of Director Department of Lifelong Learning & Extension (Aided), Director School of International Relations & Strategic Studies(Unaided) and Director, Centre of Excellence in Maritime Studies (Unaided) |
14-01-2022 |
रत्नागिरी उप परिसर, मुंबई विद्यापीठ वैज्ञानिक सहाय्यक (Scientific Assistant), क्षेत्रीय सहाय्यक (Field Assistant) या पदांसाठी पात्र उमेदवारांकडून अर्ज मागविण्यात येत आहेत |
15-12-2021 |
Department of Biotechnology: Interview notification for the post of project fellow in DST INSPIRE project |
18-11-2021 |
Department of Biotechnology: Advertisement for the post of project fellow (01) in the Department of Biotechnology, University of Mumbai, 2021-2022 |
25-10-2021 |
Department of Sociology: Advertisement for the post of Assistance |
10-09-2021 |
मुंबई विद्यापीठाच्या आस्थापनेवरील नमूद विनाअनुदानित पदांकरिता पात्र उमेदवारांकडून वर्ग मागविण्यात येत आहेत |
12-08-2021 |
राष्ट्रीय सेवायोजन कक्षाकरीता मंत्रालयीन स्तरावर निर्माण केलेले राज्य संपर्क अधिकारी व विशेष कार्य अधिकारी हे पद भरण्याबाबत.. |
03-06-2021 |
The last date for submission of Online forms for various posts is extended. |
08-05-2021 |
Advertisement for the various statutory post(Dean, Registrar, FAO, Director) on the establishment of the University of Mumbai. |
08-04-2021 |
National Centre for Nanosciences and Nanotechnology: Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow at NCNNUM. |
22-12-2020 |
Circular regarding appointment of VC Fellow |
21-11-2020 |
Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for the various unaided posts on the establishment of the University of Mumbai |
10-11-2020 |
Department of Biophysics: Advertisement of Project fellow- Dept of Biophysics |
29-10-2020 |
Advertisement for the posts of Fellow (A)/Fellow (B) in MSEPP (Autonomous) |
09-10-2020 |
Gondwana University, Gadchiroli: Applications for the Post of Vice-Chancellor, Gondwana University, Gadchiroli |
12-09-2020 |
Gondwana University, Gadchiroli: Search Committee invites Applications for the Post of Vice-Chancellor |
03-09-2020 |
Application for Adhoc appointment of Teachers in Vishwbhushan Bharatratna Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Model Degree College, Amadave, Tal. Mandangad, Dist. Ratnagiri and Vijayalaxmi Vishwanath Dalvie Model Degree College, Talere Colleges of University |
06-08-2020 |
Garware Institute of Career Education & Development: Revised advertisement for the Post of Sr. Accountant and Jr. Accountant |
06-08-2020 |
Garware Institute of Career Education & Development: Revised advertisement for the Post of Peon |
25-06-2020 |
Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies, University of Mumbai: Invites Applications for IMC Pravinchandra V Gandhi Chair in Banking And Finance |
22-06-2020 |
Centre of African Studies (CAS) and Centre for European Studies (CES): Job Opportunity: Postdoctoral Research Fellow. |
17-03-2020 |
Circular of Self Appraisal Report. |
09-03-2020 |
Advertisement for Vacancy of Adhoc Assistant Professors’ in Chinese Studies. |
04-03-2020 |
Garware Institute of Career Education & Development: Applications are invied for the Jr. System Officer. |
15-02-2020 |
Department of Physics: Advertisement for project fellow/ Project Associate under UGC-DAE CSR (KC) funded project. |
15-02-2020 |
Department of Chemistry: Schedule for the interviews of shortlisted candidates for JRF positions. |
14-01-2020 |
Council of Scientific & Industrial Research: Scientist & Technologist for the Position of Director for CSIR- Central Scientific Instruments Organisation and CSIR- Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine . |
14-01-2020 |
Department of Chemistry: Advertisement for Three JRF Positions in Chemistry Department. |
10-01-2020 |
Advertisement for Research Associate, Research Assistant and Field Investigator for ICSSR Funded IMPRESS Research Project |
05-12-2019 |
Sr. Clerk Steno -MLT German Dept. Advt. dt.07.12.19. |
05-12-2019 |
Extended date of Advertisement for the posts of Director/ Deputy Director/ RBI Chair Professor. |
03-12-2019 |
Vacancies for non teaching contractual staff for Confucius Institute, University of Mumbai. |
13-11-2019 |
Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for the post of Research Assistant. |
13-11-2019 |
Advertisement for the post of Senior fellow, Fellow A, and Fellow B in MSEPP. |
13-11-2019 |
Advertisement for the post of project fellow in MSEPP. |
07-11-2019 |
Advertisement for the post of Director in GICED, IDOL, UMLA. |
07-11-2019 |
Advertisement for the post of Professor in History and RBI Chair Professor in Mumbai School of Economics & Public Policy. |
07-11-2019 |
Advertisement for the post of Director in Knowledge Resource Centre (Library) |
01-11-2019 |
मुंबई विद्यापीठाच्या अनुदानित ज्ञान स्रोत केंद्र, येथील संचालक आणि विविध विनाअनुदानित स्वयं अर्थ सहायित गरवारे व्यवसाय शिक्षण व विकाससंस्था, मुंबई विद्यापीठ विधी अनुदानित विद्यानिकेतन येथील संचालक आणि दूर व मुक्त अध्ययन संस्था येथील संचालक व उपसंचालक पदे तसेच विविध विभागातील अध्यासन पदे चेअर प्रोफेसर ऑफ मॉनिटरी इकॉनामिकस डॉ बाबा साहेब आंबेडकर चेअर इन पोलिटिकल इकॉनॉमिक्स चेअर प्रोफेसर गुरु गोविंद सिंह चेअर यांची पदे भरण्याकरिता अर्ज मागविण्यात येत आहे |
01-11-2019 |
Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for the post of Gramsathi and Project Assistant on the establishment of the University of Mumbai on purely temporary basis |
01-11-2019 |
Advertisement for the post of Ombudsperson on the establishment of University of Mumbai |
26-09-2019 |
Department of Geography: Walk in interview for the post of full time Research Assistant on 10th October 2019 |
17-09-2019 |
Recruitment of various post in Prof. Bal Apte Centre for Studies in Students and Youth Movements |
19-07-2019 |
Advertisement for the post of Ombudsperson |
06-07-2019 |
Walk – in – Interview for ad-hoc Assistant Professors in various subjects |
25-06-2019 |
Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for the post of Research Assistant, Gram Sathis and Regional Co-ordinators |
12-06-2019 |
मुंबई विद्यापीठाच्या मुंबई स्कूल ऑफ इकॉनॉमिक्स अँड पब्लिक पॉलिसी येथे विहित केलेल्या अटी / शर्ती वर Fellow (B) पदे भरण्यात येणार आहे |
27-05-2019 |
Walk in Interviews for the posts of Assistant Professor at Institute of Distance & Open Learning (IDOL) |
20-05-2019 |
Department of Bio-Physics: Advertisement of Project Assistant |
08-05-2019 |
Garware Institute of Career Education and Development: Job Vacancy At Garware Institute for Lower Grade Stenographer Post |
29-03-2019 |
Department of German: Vacancy for non teaching temporary staff (Technical Assistant for App.) |
22-03-2019 |
Applications are invited for the Post of Peronal Assistant at Physics Department |
20-03-2019 |
Corrigendum for the corrected advertisement of Dean of Faculty uploaded on 19th March, 2019 |
18-03-2019 |
Advertisement for the post of Director in Alkesh Dinesh Mody Institute of Financial and Management Studies |
18-03-2019 |
Advertisement for the post of Director in University of Mumbai Law Academy |
08-03-2019 |
Advertisement for the post of Finance & Accounts Officer |
08-03-2019 |
Advertisement for the post of Dean of Faculty |
02-03-2019 |
Department of Physics: Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow |
06-02-2019 |
Garware Institute of Career Education and Development: Application is invited for the Jr. Administator |
02-02-2019 |
Vacancy for non teaching contractual staff for Confucius Institute, University of Mumbai |
29-01-2019 |
Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow at National Centre for Nanosciences and Nanotechnology |
21-01-2019 |
Advertisement for the post of Jr. Engineer (Civil) and Jr. Engineer (Electrical) |
29-12-2018 |
Circular- Inviting application from teachers’ for the post of Director, N.S.S. |
29-12-2018 |
Circular -Inviting application from teachers for the post of Director, Students’ Development |
06-12-2018 |
Department of Chemistry: Walk in Interview for Junior Research Fellow |
05-12-2018 |
Application for post of Chief Executive Officer for Incubation Centre. |
05-12-2018 |
Advertisement for various teaching posts |
26-11-2018 |
Garware Institute of Career Education and Development: Vacancy for Lower grade Stenographer in Garware Institute |
15-10-2018 |
Application form for post of Registrar |
15-10-2018 |
Application for post of Director, Board of Examinations and Evaluation. |
15-10-2018 |
Application form for post of Director Innovation, Incubation and Linkages. |
15-10-2018 |
Application for post of Director of Sports and physical Education. |
06-09-2018 |
Applications for the various posts in the Mumbai School of Economics & Public Policy (Department of Economics)
1. Endowment Chair Professors (RBI Chair in Monetary Economics and Seth Walchand Hirachand Chair in Transport Economics).
2. Application Form-Endowement
3. Contractual
4. Application Form-Contractual |
30-08-2018 |
Diasporic Constructions of Home and Belonging: Advertisement for Research Associate CoHaB IDC |
24-08-2018 |
Garware Institute of Career Education and Development: Advertisement for the post of Jr. Accountant |
07-08-2018 |
Mumbai School of Economics and Public Policy (Autonomous), University of Mumbai: Invites application for the post on purely contractual basis for a period of two years |
07-08-2018 |
Garware Institute of Career Education and Development: Advertisement for the post of DRIVER |
22-06-2018 |
Online applications are invited for the Teaching posts in the various University Departments / Sub Centers / Institutes and Colleges purely on temporary basis for a period of 11 months. |
12-06-2018 |
Department of Physics: Applications are invited for the Post of Personal Assistant |
09-05-2018 |
Mumbai School of Economics and Public Policy (Autonomous), University of Mumbai: Applications invited for various posts |
17-04-2018 |
Department Biophysics: Advertisement for Project Fellow |
19-03-2018 |
Garware Institute of Career Education & Development: Application for the post of Asst. Librarian on contractual basis |
08-02-2018 |
Result of the Walk in Interview (Assistant Professor (Law) and Assistant Professor (Management)) |
05-02-2018 |
Reporting time for the post of Assistant Professor (Law) and Assistant Professor (Management) |
25-01-2018 |
Applications are invited for the Teaching Posts in the University of Mumbai Law Academy purely on temporary basis. |
12-01-2018 |
Vacancy for non teaching contractual staff for Confucius Institute, University of Mumbai |
12-01-2018 |
Department of German: Vacancy for non teaching contractual staff for Confucius Institute, University of Mumbai |
10-01-2018 |
Advertisement and details for the post of Vice-Chancellor |
28-12-2017 |
Department of BioPhysics: Advertisement of Research Associate and Project fellow |
04-10-2017 |
Applications are invited in the prescribed form for the post of Registrar on the Establishment of University of Mumbai |
29-07-2017 |
Women Development Cell: Advertisement for the post of Co-ordinator |
28-07-2017 |
Rectification at Sr.No.5 in “Instructions to candidates’ in the advertisement for the post of Registrar. |
19-07-2017 |
Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for the Registrar post on the establishment of the University of Mumbai |
19-07-2017 |
Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for the Director, Board of Examinations and Evaluation post on the establishment of the University of Mumbai |
18-07-2017 |
Department of Biophysics: Advertisement of Project fellow |
23-06-2017 |
Requested to send the Nomination of the eligible/ Interested teaching staff for the post of NSS Programme Co-ordinator, University of Mumbai |
22-06-2017 |
Garware Institute of Career Education & Development: Non Teaching Staff Recruitment |
13-06-2017 |
Department of Sociology: Advertisement for Research Assistant for ICSSR Funded Research Project |
08-06-2017 |
Vacancy for 2 posts of Assistant Professor (Adhoc) in Chinese Studies at the University of Mumbai |
02-06-2017 |
Department of African Studies: Advertisement for Research Associate/ Part time Assistant for ICSSR Funded Research Project |
30-05-2017 |
Department of Biotechnology: Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) |
26-04-2017 |
Vacancies for non teaching contractual staff for Confucius Institute, University of Mumbai |
18-03-2017 |
Department of Physics: Advertisement of JRF |
17-03-2017 |
Advertisement of one Junior Research Fellow At Department of Biotechnology |
16-03-2017 |
History Department , University of Mumbai for the post of Research Associate, Research Assistant and Research/Field Investigators for the MRP Project:“A study of atrocities against Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes in Maharashtra” Walk-in-Interview: 30th March 2017 at 10.30 am in Computer room , Department of History ,University of Mumbai, Kalina , Mumbai |
09-02-2017 |
National Centre for Nanoscience & Nanotechnology: Advertisement for One Junior Research Fellow (JRF) |
12-01-2017 |
One full time Project Fellow required in Department of Mathematics |
01-11-2016 |
Advertisement for the post of Director at the National Centre for Nanosciences and Nanotechnology, University of Mumbai. |
21-10-2016 |
TISS Invites applications for position of Consultants for State Project Directorate Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan, Maharashtra. |
21-10-2016 |
TISS Invites applications for position of Internships for State Project Directorate Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA) Department of Higher and Technical Education Government of Maharashtra |
20-10-2016 |
Department of Sociology: Advertisement for Technical Assistance for Department of Sociology under SAP Phase III |
21-09-2016 |
National Centre for Nanosciences and Nanotechnology: Advertisement for the Post of Project fellow |
21-09-2016 |
Department of Biotechnology: Advertisement of One junior Research Fellow (UGC XII plan). |
21-09-2016 |
Department of Biotechnology: Advertisement of One junior Research Fellow (DST-PURSE). |
16-08-2016 |
13-08-2016 |
Applications are invited for the post of CONTROLLER OF EXAMINATIONS on the establishment of University of Mumbai. |
21-08-2016 |
National Centre for Nanoscience & Nanotechnology: Advertisement with application form for Research Assistant |
18-08-2016 |
Department of Chemistry: Advertisement for Project Fellow |
04-08-2016 |
National Centre for Nanoscience & Nanotechnology: Advertisement for Research Assistant |
22-06-2016 |
Department of Chemistry: Advertisement for Research Associate. |
17-06-2016 |
Department of Physical Education: Advertisement for the Post of “Research Assistance Fellow” |
16-06-2016 |
Application for the Post of Statistical Assistant on purely temporary basis. |
03-06-2016 |
Department of Physics: Interview Notice. |
03-06-2016 |
Garware Institute of Career Education & Development: Application invited for the Post of Asst. Librarian on contractual basis. |
30-05-2016 |
Diasporic Constructions of Home and Belonging Indian Diaspora Centre – CoHaB IDC: Advertisement for Research Associate |
17-05-2016 |
University of Mumbai Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies Invites Applications for IMC- Pravinchandra V Gandhi Chair Professor in Banking and Finance |
17-05-2016 |
Department of Physics: Notice regarding Appointment of Tech. Asstt. and Jr. Ty. clerk |
10-05-2016 |
Vacancies for non teaching contractual staff for Confucius Institute, University of Mumbai |
22-03-2016 |
National Centre for Nanoscience & Nanotechnology: Advertisement for One Sr. Research Assistant and One Research Assistant for DRDO funded project based on UV-LIGA Process |
22-03-2016 |
National Centre for Nanoscience & Nanotechnology: Advertisement for One Research Assistant and Two Project Assistant for DRDO funded project based on Microthruster |
22-03-2016 |
Department of Physics: Application are invited for the post of Technical Assistant |
19-03-2016 |
Department of Chemistry: Interview call for Project Fellow under DST- INSPIRE Scheme |
15-03-2016 |
Department of Mathematics: One full time project fellow |
08-03-2016 |
Vidya Prabodhini College of Commerce, Education Computer & Management recruiting different positions |
08-03-2016 |
Inviting applications to the Urban Labs Innovations Challenge: Delhi |
02-03-2016 |
Department of Chemistry: Advertisement for Project Fellow Position in Chemistry |
27-01-2016 |
07-01-2016 |
Women Development Cell: Advertisement for the post of Co-ordinator |
06-01-2016 |
अनुकंपा तत्त्वावर नोकरी मिळण्यासाठी सादर केलेल्या अर्जदारांची दि ३१/१२/२०१५ ची सामाईक प्रतीक्षा सूची |
04-01-2016 |
Department of Chemistry: Walk in Interview for Project Fellow in Chemistry |
11-12-2015 |
Diasporic Constructions of Home and Belonging Indian Diaspora Centre (CoHaB IDC ): Advertisement for Research Associate |
09-11-2015 |
Department of Physics: Advertisement for the posts of Senior Research Fellow (SRF) and Post Doctoral Fellow |
27-10-2015 |
“राष्ट्रीय सेवायोजन कक्षाकरिता मंत्रालयीन स्तरावर निर्माण केलेले राज्य संपर्क अधिकारी व विशेष कार्य अधिकारी” हे पद भरण्याबाबत |
07-10-2015 |
Applications are invited for the post of ‘CONTROLLER OF EXAMINATIONS’ on the establishment of University of Mumbai. |
29-09-2015 |
Department of Physics: Advertisement for the Post of Library Assistant and Junior Typist Clerk |
10-09-2015 |
National Centre for Nanoscience & Nanotechnology: Advertisement for two Research Assistants |
17-08-2015 |
National Centre for Nanoscience & Nanotechnology: Advertisement for two Research Assistants |
23-06-2015 |
Advertisement inviting applications for the posts of Assistant Professor (B.Sc. IT and BMS) in Vijaylaxmi Dalvi Mahavidyalaya, Talere, Tal. Kankavali Dist. Sindhudurg, and Vishwabhusahn Bharatratna Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Mahavidyalaya Ambavade, Tal. Mandangad, Dist Ratnagiri University of Mumbai |
11-06-2015 |
Advertisement inviting applications for the post of Director in Garware Institute of Career Education and Development, University of Mumbai |
11-06-2015 |
Advertising inviting applications for the various teaching posts in the Model Degress (Adarsh Mahavidyalaya) Ambavade, Tal. Mandangad Dist Ratnagiri and Model Degree (Adarsh Mahavidyalaya), Talere, Tal. Kankavali Dist. Sindhudurg, THane Campus, Community College and Lokakala Academy, University of Mumbai |
07-04-2015 |
Search Committee invites applications for the post of Vice-Chancellor |
30-03-2015 |
National Centre for Nanoscience & Nanotechnology: Advertisement for one Research Assistants |
27-03-2015 |
Department of Physics (Autonomous): Advertisement for Project Fellow |
09-03-2015 |
Department of Physics (Autonomous): Notice for candidates who have applied for the Research Assistant, Technical Assistant, Laboratory Attendant post |
25-02-2015 |
Department of Physics (Autonomous): Advertisement of Research Assistant, Technical Assistant and Laboratory Assistant |
24-02-2015 |
Regarding advertisement published in news paper Lokmat, Ratnagiri Times and Hindustan Times dt. 10/2/2015 & 12/2/2015 respectively for the post Assistant Registrar (F.&A.), Superintendent and Deputy Accountant. |
06-02-2015 |
Advertisement inviting applications for the post of Assistant Professor at Thane Campus |
More …. |