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M.A. Sem.-I
- Sociology of Globalization (Marathi version)
- Sociology of Globalisation (English)
- Classical Sociological Theory (Marathi)
- Academic Reading and Writing (English)
- Academic Reading and Writing (Marathi)
- Perspectives on Indian Society (Marathi)
- Research Methodology (English)
- Education and Society (English)
- Education and Society (Marathi version)
- Perspectives on Indian Society (English)
- Classical Sociological Theory (English).
- Research Methodology (Marathi)
Political Science
- भारताचे संविधान I (Marathi Version)
- संशोधन पद्धती (Marathi Version)
- Indian Constitution I (English Version)
- Indian Political System (English Version)
- Introduction to Political Theory I (English Version)
- आंतरराष्ट्रीय संबंध-I (Marathi Version)
- भारताचे शेजारील राष्ट्रांशी संबंध (Marathi Version)
- भारतीय राजकीय व्यवस्था (Marathi Version)
- International Relations I (English Version)
- राजकीय सिद्धांताचा परिचय I (Marathi Version)
- भारताचे शेजारील राष्ट्रांशी संबंध (Marathi Version)
- Research Methodology (English Version)
- शोध प्रविधि एवं प्रक्रिया
- भाषा विज्ञान
- हिंदी नाटक
- हिंदी पत्रकारिता
- हिंदी साहित्य का इतिहास
- काव्यशास्त्र एवं साहित्य लोचन
- MA SEM-I MARATHI Paper- संशोधनशास्त्र
- MA सत्र-१ संशोधनशास्त्र
- M.A. Sem I Marathi ऐतिहासिक भाषाविज्ञान
- एम.ए. मराठी (NEP)- सत्र १ , साहित्य समीक्षा सिद्धांत
- एम.ए. मराठी (NEP)- सत्र १ , कालखंडाचा अभ्यास -आरंभ ते १६००
- एम. ए. मराठी(NEP) सत्र १ , साहित्यशास्त्र
- एम. ए. मराठी(NEP) सत्र १ , दलित साहित्य
- Microeconomics I (Marathi version)
- Industrial Economics (Marathi Version)
- Economics of Labour Market (English version)
- Economics of Labour Market (Marathi version)
- Microeconomics I (English version)
- Industrial Economics I
- Macro Economics – I (Marathi version)
- Macroeconomics I (English version)
- Indian Economy (Marathi version)
- Indian economy (English version)
- Research Methodology (Marathi Version)
- Research Methodology (English version)
- History of Medieval India (Marathi Version)
- History of Medieval India (1200 CE – 1700 CE (Marathi Version) (मध्ययुगीन भारताचा इतिहास )
- Research Methodology – Marathi Version (संशोधन पद्धती )
- Makers of India in the 20th Century – Marathi Version (विसाव्या शतकातील भारताचे निर्माते)
- History of Modern India (Marathi Version)
- History of Modern India (English Version)
- Research Methodology (English Version)
- Makers of India in the 20th Century (English Version)
- History of Marathas (English Version)
- History of Marathas (Marathi Version)
- History of Early India (Marathi Version)
- History of Early India (English Version)
- History of Medieval India (English Version)
- Climate Change Science (Marathi version)
- Spatial Dimensions of Development, Environment and Society (Marathi Version)
- Spatial Dimensions of Development, Environment and Society (English Version)
- Advanced studies in Human Geography (Marathi Version)
- Advanced Studies in Human Geography (English)
- Climate Change Science (English version)
- Geoinformatics (Marathi version)
- Geoinformatics (English version)
- Research Methodology in Geography (Marathi version)
- Research Methodology in Geography (English version)
- Advanced studies in Physical Geography (English)
- Advanced studies in physical geography (Marathi version)
- MA Economics NEP 2020 Sem II ECONOMICS OF HUMAN DEVELOPMENT (English version)
- Economics of Human Development (Marathi Version)
- Public Economics (English version)
- Industrial Economics II (English version)
- Public Economics (Marathi version)
- MA Sociology SEM II – Sociology of Marginalized Communities (English version)
- MA SEM II Industry Labour and Globalisation (Marathi version)
- Sociology: MA SEM II Industry, Labour and Globalization (English)
- Sociology – Classical Pers. Anthro (English version)
- Feminist Epistemology (Marathi)
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