The University Department of Physics, University of Mumbai established in the year 1971, offers postgraduate leading to the Master of Science (M.Sc.) degree, by research or papers, awarded by the University of Mumbai. In addition, M.Phil and Ph.D. degree programmes are also undertaken by the Department. Experienced faculty of the Department is devoted to research in their respective areas of specialization. Research and teaching are given equal importance by the faculty. Extra care is taken to pay individual attention to the students in their laboratory work and tutorial sessions. Project work and problem sessions are encouraged to develop innovative and analytical approach to physics learning. Topical seminars by scientists of nearby research institutes are arranged to create research-awareness amongst students. Some scientists are also invited for teaching, examination and curricular development.
The Department of Physics is exclusively a postgraduate Department of the University of Mumbai. It is one of the centers of the University of Mumbai for conducting M.Sc., M.Phil. and Ph.D. programmes. Although it is one of the centres, it offers centralised M.Sc. lecture course programme for the benefit of students of other centres (e.g. various affiliated colleges) where lectures are not held. On behalf of the University, it also acts as a centralized admissions center for admission to M.Sc. (by papers), to all the postgraduate centres. University of Mumbai finances the department to create and maintain infrastructural facilities for its various teaching and research programmes. Additional finance required for research work is sought by individual faculty members from various national funding agencies such as UGC, DST, CSIR, BRNS, DOE, etc. It has a close interaction with teachers and scientists from teaching and research institutes associated with the University both for the teaching and research programme of the Department.
M.Sc. laboratories are well equipped to carry out experiment in Electronics, Solid State Electronics, Solid State Physics, Nuclear Physics, Laser and Plasma Physics, Chemical Physics and Astronomy and Space Physics. Electronics is divided into two option i) Electronics – I [Microprocessors & Microcomputers] Students are encouraged to study the 8051 Microcontroller – Programming & Assembly and hand coding on the 8085 microprocessor kits. They also are exposed to numerical methods by programming & writing algorthms in PASCAL on PC?s. ii) Electronics – II [Electronic Communications] students have been exposed in the state of Art facilities for studying the fiber Optic and Microwave experiments. Above all and as a part of their curricular they do projects in the final year, which involves designing, fabrication and testing of new circuits. Solid State Electronics students are encouraged to fabricate simple devices such as Schottky barrier diodes, MOS, etc. and characterize them. High Temperature Furnace required for oxidation of Si and doping of impurities, vacuum thin film units, etc. are available for device fabrication. Structural characterization is emphasized for Solid State Physics students. X-ray diffractometer and the newly acquired FTIR is a major facility for them.
Nuclear physics students are encouraged to examine nuclear decay scheme using alpha, beta and gamma ray spectroscopy. 1 K multichannel analyzer, scintillation and gas filled detectors, Compton spectrometer, Germanium detector and Coincidence Units are some of the major facilities for them. The Laser and Plasma Physics Laboratories has been recently set-up. The Department of Physics, University of Mumbai, together with Inter University Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Pune; Indian Institute of Geomagnetism, Mumbai; Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai; Bhabha Atomic Research Center, Mumbai and Nehru Planetarium, Mumbai, offer a course in Astronomy and Space physics, as an optional subject at the M.Sc. (Physics) since 1998. Recently a specialization of Materials Science has been introduced, which covers topics from conventional materials science to Nano-technology.
How to reach: The Department of Physics is housed in Lokmanya Tilak Bhavan and partely in Dnyaneshwar Bhavan located in well-planned Vidyanagari Campus of the University of Mumbai. The Vidyanagari Campus is off the C.S.T. Road (now known as Vidyanagari Marg) near Kalina.
Contact No. 26529780/26526250, 26528835
Post Graduate
Course Name | M.Sc. in Physics (by Paper) |
Eligibility | A candidate for being eligible for admission to the M.Sc. Degree in Physics must have passed the Bachelor of Science degree examination with Physics as the major subject, or an examination of another University recognized as equivalent thereto. The University of Mumbai gives M.Sc. degree in Physics both by papers and by research. |
Course Name | Ph.D. |
Eligibility |
Course Name | M.Sc. degree by research |
Eligibility | A candidate for being eligible for admission to the M.Sc. Degree in Physics must have passed the Bachelor of Science degree examination with Physics as the major subject, or an examination of another University recognized as equivalent thereto. The University of Mumbai gives M.Sc. degree in Physics both by papers and by research.
The student enrolling for M.Sc. by research in the subject of Physics is required to pass separately obtaining at least 55% marks in Papers I and II listed in section II.3.A before he can submit his dissertation for the award of the Master’s degree by research in Physics. The Department generally admits students, depending on the number of vacancies available. For M.Sc. by research after the admission by papers for that particular year is over. For information of admission to other postgraduate centres (viz. various colleges/institutions) for M.Sc. (by Research), respective colleges/institutions may be contacted directly. |
Programme outcome:
Syllabus for Post Graduation
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Dr. Balasaheb J. Nagare Designation: Professor of Physics and Head of Department Qualification: Ph.D. University of Mumbai, Mumbai Area of Specialization: Computational Physics, Electronic Structure Theory Email: bjnagare@physics.mu.ac.in Profile |
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Prof. Vaishali A. Bambole Designation: Professor Qualification: Ph.D. University of Mumbai (ICT, formerly known as UDCT) Area of Specialization: Polymer Physics, Electronics, Bio-nano Physics Email: vaishali.bambole@physics.mu.ac.in Profile |
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Dr. Radha Srinivasan Designation: Professor Qualification: Ph.D. University of Mumbai (TIFR) Area of Specialization: Experimental Condensed Matter Physics, Material Science, Nanomaterials for biomedical applications Email: radhas@physics.mu.ac.in Profile |
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Dr. Chetan V. Gurada Designation: Assistant Professor Qualification: M.Sc. Physics (Laser and Plasma Physics), SET, M.Phil., Ph.D. Area of Specialization: Ferrite, Material Science, Nanoscience – multilayer coatings. Email: chetang@physics.mu.ac.in |
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Dr. Anil N. Raghav Designation: Assistant Professor Qualification: Ph.D., University of Mumbai, Mumbai Area of Specialization: Solar-terrestrial Physics, Space Physics, and Cosmic Rays Modulation Email: anil.raghav@physics.mu.ac.in Profile |
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Mr. Nitinkumar M. Bijewar Designation: Assistant Professor Qualification: M.Sc., I.I.T., Bombay Area of Specialization: Materials Science, Space Physics Email: nitin.bijewar@physics.mu.ac.in |
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Dr. Milind V. Rundhe Designation: Assistant Professor Qualification: Ph.D. Institute of Physics, Bhubaneshwar Area of Specialization: Experimental Condensed Matter Physics, Material Science Email: milind.rundhe@physics.mu.ac.in |
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Dr. Sajeev S. Chacko Designation: Assistant Professor Qualification: Ph.D., University of Pune, Pune Area of Specialization: Computational Physics, Electronic Structure Theory Email: sajeev.chacko@physics.mu.ac.in |
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Dr. Pradip Sarawade Designation: Assistant Professor Qualification: Ph.D., Hanyang University, South Korea Area of Specialization: Materials Science & Nanoscience Nanotechnology Email: pradip.sarawade@physics.mu.ac.in Profile |
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Mr. Siddharth Kasthurirangan Designation: Assistant Professor Qualification: M. Sc. University of Mumbai, Mumbai Area of Specialization: Atomic and Molecular Collision Physics Email: s.kasthurirangan@physics.mu.ac.in |
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Dr. M. Hemalatha Designation: UGC Assistant Professor Qualification: Ph.D., Bhabha Atomic Research Centre and University of Mumbai Area of Specialization: Nuclear Physics Email: mhemalatha.tandel@physics.mu.ac.in Profile |
Former Heads of the Department
From |
To |
1. | Late Prof. M.C. Joshi |
1971 |
– |
1983 |
2. | Prof. A.A. Rangwala |
1983 |
– |
1993 |
3. | Prof. Ram Pratap |
1993 |
– |
1994 |
4. | Prof. S.B. Patel |
1994 |
– |
2000 |
5. | Prof. V.H. Kulkarni |
2000 |
– |
2002 |
6. | Prof. A.M. Narsale |
2002 |
– |
2004 |
7. | Late Prof. Rao T. R. |
2004 |
2005 | |
8. | Prof. Gupta Sureshchandra J. |
2005 |
2007 | |
9. | Dr. Yadav A. D. |
2007 |
2010 | |
10. | Dr. Kothari D. C |
2010 |
2013 | |
11. | Dr. Anuradha Misra |
2013 |
2016 | |
12. | Dr. Vaishali A. Bambole |
2016 |
2019 |
Technical and Research Staff
1. Dr. S.N. Iyer | Ph.D., University of Mumbai. |
2. Dr. T.K. Achal | Ph.D., University of Mumbai. |
3. Dr. Vidya Shinde | Ph.D. 2009, University of Mumbai. |
Adjunct faculty / Distinguished Professors / Emeritus/ Scientists
Sr.No. | Name | Designation |
1. | Professor A. A. Rangwala | Adjunct Professor |
2. | Professor (Mrs.) L. Natarajan | Adjunct Professor |
3. | Professor. S.J.Gupta | Honoary Professor |
4. | Professor. Dr. Yadav A. D. | Honoary Professor |
5. | Dr. Kothari D. C | Professor |
6. | Dr. S. K. Dubey | Adjunct Faculty |
7. | Prof. B.M.Arora | Adjunct Faculty |
8. | Prof. Ravi Manchanda | NASI Scientist |
9. | Dr. Mamta Aggarwal | DST Scientist |
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Name: Dr. Mamta Aggarwal Qualification: Ph.D Designation: DST Scientist, FASc Specialization: Theoretical Nuclear Physics, Nuclear Structure Email: mamta.a4@gmail.com Elected Fellow of The Academy of Sciences, Chennai. |
Post-Doctoral Fellows
Non-Teaching Staff
Administrative, Laboratory and Workshop Staff
Sr. No. | Name of the Employee | Designation |
1. | Mr. Harjuram jaggaram | Sr.Typist Clerk |
2. | Mr. R.H.Ghadi | Peon |
3. | Mr. D.R. Khapre | Hamal |
4. | Mr. Vijay D. Ghag | Lab Assst. |
5. | Mr. M.A.Pawar | Lab. Attendant |
6. | Mr. S.K.Chavan | Lab. Attendant |
7. | Mr. Y.C. Raut | Lab. Attendant |
8. | Mr. M.S. Rane | Lab. Attendant |
- Invitation cum Poster for National Science Day Program
- Guest Lecture on Science: The Past and the Future by Prof. B. M Bhanage
- Guest Lecture on Wonderful World of Dead Stars by Prof. R. K. Manchanda
- Star Gazing Night
- Talk by “Some Fun Aspects of Condensed Mater Physics”
- Talk on “Blue and Yellow Minimalist Web Development Instagram Post”
Important Notices
- Notice for the verification of Degree Certificate Data and Gazette Copy
- Notice for Selected Candidates for Ph. D. Programme 2024-2025
- Notice for Ph. D. Pending fees
- Notice for Practical Exam Time -Table
- Notice for Practical Exam Time -Table
- Notice for Ph. D. Interviews
- Late fees Notification M.Sc. End Semester examination Jan 2025
- Notification for Ph.D. Admission in Physics for the Academic Year (2024-2025)
- M.Sc. Exam Fee Notice
- TIME TABLE M.Sc. Physics
- Investment Awareness Programme
- Meeting held on University Department Ranking Framework
- Extension of date for registration and admission for MSc Physics (Autonomous)
- Notice for M. Sc. Practical Exam
- 2nd Merit List, Other university and Spot Admission round
- Department of Physics (Autonomous) Advanced Physics Practical Lab – I & II External Exam Time Table Semester – III & IV
- Final merit list for admission
- Notice for Ph. D. Physics Admission 2024 -2025
- Provisional merit list
- Notice for M. Sc. End Sem. Exam forms July 2024
- Notice for M. Sc. End Sem. Exam July 2024
- Orgnises Annual Lecture for Material Research Society of India
- Online e-Tender are invited for Supply of Chairs
- Notice for exam form
- Timetable for M.Sc. (Physics) Sem. I & II
- RAC Meeting for admitted students for Ph. D. program under the guidance of Prof. B. J. Nagare and Dr. Sajeev Chacko
- Notice for M. Sc. End Sem. Exam Form November 2023
- Notice for Exam Time – Table
- Notice for data verification
- Notice for Ph. D. Physics Viva Voce of Ms. Radhika Vinze.
- Notice Ph. D. course work Time-Table 2023-2024
- Additional Admission Round
- Other university and Spot admission notice
- Notice of Ph. D. Physics Course Work
- Extension of Advertisement for CRS Project Fellow (Junior)
- 1st Merit List admission round
- 1st Merit List 28 Aug 2023
- Advertisement for CRS Project Fellow (Junior)
- Department Brochure
- Notice of Ph. D. Provisional fees paid
- Ph.D. Open Defence (viva-voce) Examination of Mr. Chetan Vasant Gurada.
- Notice Provisionally selected Ph. D. Candidates 2023-2024
- Notice for Provisionally Selected Candidates Ph.D. Candidates
- Timetable for M.Sc. (Physics) Theory Examinations
- Notice for examination form of M.Sc End semester examination
- Notice Ph. D. Interviews
- Workshop
- Notice Ph.D. Course work exam 2022-2023
- Notice for project and practical exam for ATKT sem IV
- Notice Ph.D. Admission 2022-2023 (Winter Session)
- Notice for M.Sc. Part I, II and Ph.D. enrolled students
- Exam Time Table Semester – III
- M.Sc. Exam Notice
- Notice (Bhimanjali)
- M.Sc end sem. examination Dec. -Jan 2022-2023
- Seminar on “Advice to my younger self” by Dr. Sanjiv Kapoor on 25th Nov. 2022 at 2.00 pm, Venue: Seminar Room, National Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, University of Mumbai.
- Time Table Dec.2022 t0 Jan.2023
- Ph.D. Thesis Open Defense (Viva-voce examination) of Mr Siddhesh
- Ph.D. Viva Notice of Mrs. Sapna Jadhav
- Ph.D. Viva Notice of Mrs. Sapna B Jadhav
- Notice Ph. D. course work Lecture Schedule
- Ph.D. viva Notice of Ms. Pradnya M. Bodhankar
- Admission Notice M. Sc. II
- Notice (Ph. D. Physics Provisional Admission fees)
- Notice Lecture Schedule Ph.D. Course work
- Notice Ph. D. Course work
- Time table for End Sem Project Viva Examination for M.Sc. Part 2 Sem IV ATKT 2021-22
- M.Sc. Semester I Lecture Schedule
- M.Sc. Semester III Lecture Schedule
- Notice Ph. D. candidates selected 2022-2023.
- Practical Exam Time Table MSc Part-II SEM-IV
- Notice for students
- Spot Admission Notice
- Admission 2022-2023 counselling round 2
- Practical Exam Timetable
- Final Announcement: Call for Abstracts Submission: International Conference on Sustainability: Integrated and Scientific Approach (ICS-2022) in Virtual Mode from August 4th – 6th, 2022.
- Final Merit List 14 Jul 2022.
- Provisional Merit List
- Ph.D. Admission Notice 2022
- Ph. D. fee
- M.Sc. sem II and Sem IV (regular) and Sem I to Sem IV (ATKT) Examination July – August 2022
- Timetable for M.Sc. (Physics) Theory examinations (Regular and ATKT)
- M.Sc.-I Physics Admission notice
- Notice for PHD Viva.
- PHD. notice
- Notice for Ph.D. Admission 2022-23
- Organizing a special lecture for competitive exams in Physics
- Summer vacation notice
- Advertisement for Junior Research Fellow Position
- Notice regarding hostel admission
- Advertisement for Junior Research Fellow (JRF) under DST-SERB project
- Practical Exam FEB.2022
- Ph.D. coursework exam, 2021-22
- M.Sc. Sem II Lecture schedule
- Time table End Sem Project Voce-Viva Examination (Online mode) for M.Sc. Part 2 sem III
- Advanced Physics Practical lab-1 External Exam Time Table Semester-III
- Notice for End semester Paper of the course Advanced Electronics
- Notice regarding Submission of Project Report
- Notice for the examination of the course Advanced Electronics
- Time table MSc Physics 28-Jan-2022.
- Timetable for M.Sc. (Physics) Theory Examinations
- Page 2 time table 27-Jan-2022
- Quotations are invited for the laptop required under DST-SERB project.
- Quotations are invited for the laptop required under DST-SERB project.
- Quotations are invited for IDL software required under DST-SERB project.
- Notice for M.Sc. II students to pay Admission Fess and Examination fee
- Exam Time Table Jan. 22
- Students data 2020-21 and 2021-22
- Rescheduled Open Defense on the Doctoral Thesis of Mr Kamble Ravindra Ningappa
- Ph.D. viva-Voce Examination
- M.Sc. (Physics) Examination Notice
- Time table M.sc course 3rd semester Sept- 2021- January, 2022
- Final merit list and admission counselling round
- Admission Notice.
- Second Extension date of filling of Admission form for M.Sc. in Materials Science
- Extension date of filling of Admission form for M.Sc. in Materials Science
- Notice M. Sc. (Physics) Degree Certificate Collection
- Exam September 2021
- JRF Advertisement
- Ph.D. coursework, 2021-22
- Admission for Year 2021-22 Master of Science (MSc) in PHYSICS
- Notice Pre-Synopsis Presentation
- Revised list for Ph.D. interview results, 2020-21
- Notice for e tenders for BET equipment
- Notice for e tenders for multichannel workstation
- Advertisement for Admission to M.Sc. in Materials Science at the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Kalyan sub-center of the University of Mumbai.
- Pre-synopsis seminar notification-Siddhesh Padval, July 27, 2021, 11 am
- PhD interview notification, 2020-21
- Poster for admission of 2021-22 batch of MSc students in the Department of Physics
- Notification Ph.D. admission 2020-2021
- Notification regarding extension of last date for PhD application to 19.06.2021
- Notice Time Table for End SEM Project Voce-Viva Examination (Online mode) for MSc part 2 – SEM IV and SEM III (ATKT) 2020-21
- Practical Exam ATKT May 2021 TT for Notice Board
- Sem 4 – Electronics End Semester Practical Exam Time Table
- Notification for Ph.D. Admission (Academic Year 2020-21)
- Notification regarding extension of last date of submission of applications for PhD admission, 2020-21
- Advanced Physics Practical LAB External Exam Time Table SEM-III(KT) & SEM IB (Regular)
- Notification Ph.D. Admission (Academic Year 2020-21)
- Time table Sem. II 2020-21
- Exam Schedule – May – July 2021
- Exam Schedule – May – July 2021
- Notice for Open Ph.D. Defence VIVA Mr. Prashant Singh.
- Exam Notice
- Notice for students
- Notice Ph. D. candidates selected 2020-2021.
- Notice Ph. D. Admission 2021-2022
- End Semester Practical Exam time table Sem 1 – April 2021.
- Notice for Exam Fee Jan 2021
- Notice for Exam Form April 2021
- Ph.D. Viva Voce Examination of Mr.Suraj B Vishwakarma
- Notice Ph. D. Viva Voce of Suraj Vishwakarma
- Scholarship notice
- Examination Notice Sem.-I M.Sc. (Physics)
- Exam Notice SED rescheduled
- Sealed Tenders for purchase of 2L Autoclave Reactor
- JRF Advertisement-UDP MU SERB DST
- GOI Scholarship notice
- Academic Calendar 2020-21
- Time table Sem 1 2020-21
- Time table Sem 4 2020-21
- Practical Internal Viva Schedule Sem 1,2,3,4 ATKT
- Practical End Sem Viva Schedule Sem 1,2,3,4 ATKT
- Grade Card collection notice
- Notice
- Advanced Physics Practical External Exam TT Jan 2021
- Notice for M.Sc. Part-I Orientation Programme
- Exam Notice 2.01.2021
- Jan 2021 Exam Candidate Lists for verification
- Jan 2021 Exam Time Table Revised
- Exam Notice Dec 2020.
- Time table for Sem-III and ATKT examination to be held in Jan 2021
- M.Sc. Sem-1 Provisional-Results ATKT Nov. 2020
- Notice for Grade Card collection
- First Merit list
- Notice for Admission in M.Sc. Physics
- M.Sc Sem I ATKT Exam Urgent Notice-24th November.2020
- Revised Time Table ATKT Sem I November 2020
- Practical Time table (ATKT) on the Physics
- M.Sc Sem I ATKT Exam Notice-Nov.2020
- M.Sc Sem II Provisional Results 2019-20
- Admission Brochure 2020-2021
- Notice regarding M.Sc. Physics result declaration
- Ph.D. open defense viva voce examination of Mr, Sunil Chavan, Ph.D. Student of the Physics Department
- Template for TT Slots_Physics
- Time-table-course-wise-list
- Exam Notice September 2020 Practical Examination Time Table Sem I & II
- Sample MCQ question bank of Physics
- Exam Notice course wise students list sept 2020
- Ph.D. Viva Notice Sept 21, 2020
- Revised Lecture Schedule Sem III 2020-21
- Exam Notice September 2020 Practical Examination Time Table Sem III
- Exam Notice September 2020 Practical Examination Time Table Sem IV
- M.Sc. SEM III 2020 exam notice
- Exam Notice September 2020
- Exam Schedule September 2020 & Theory and Project Viva Time Table
- Notice for Bridge Course
- M.Sc. Sem III- Lecture Schedule 2020-21
- M.Sc. Part II Semester III lectures for academic year 2020-21
- Notice for Quantum Mechanics-I
- Notice for Examination forms 2019-20
- Ph.D. Open defense Viva of Sonal Patel, Ph.D. student, University Department of Physics, will take place online via Google Meet on 15th July 2020 at 3 pm. The link to join the oral examination is https://meet.google.com/fjx-xfgo-dzn
- ConCEPT workshop organised by department of physics
- Notice for Time Table Viva-voce examination (Internal) M. Sc. Part II, Semester IV, 2019-20
- Notice for project internal viva time table MSc Part II SEM 4
- Notice for M. Sc. Part II: Physics- Advanced Electronics Practical’s Examination (Internal)
- Notice for Ph.D. Viva
- Rescheduled Ph. D. Open Viva Voce Examination Notification
- Notice for Ph.D. viva voce examination of Mr. Ajay R Yadav
- Invitation for Ph. D. Open Viva Voce Examination of Mr Ajay R. Yadav through Video Conferencing.
- Open Ph D Viva-Voce Examination
- GIAN 2020 Brochure
- Degree Distribution Ceremony of the Department of Physics
- Notice of Ph. D. students fees paid
- Ph. D. Seminar of Ms. Jessy P. J.
- Advertisement for project fellow/ Project Associate under UGC-DAE CSR (KC) funded project
- Notice for Ph. D. Interviews
- Placement Notice
- Notice Ph. D. Admission 2019-2020 date extend
- Notice Ph. D. Course work exam
- Departmental merit scholarship 2019-2020
- Notice Ph. D. Admission 2019-2020
- M. Sc. Phy. sem. II Lecture schedule (Jan. – April)
- Practical exam Time Table
- M.Sc. sem III Advanced Physics Lab End Semester
- Notice for M.Sc. Part I and M.Sc. II to collect grade cards
- M.Sc I M. Sc II Theory Examination class Room
- Time Table for M.Sc (Physics).December 2019- January 2020
- Time Table 2019 20
- Time Table
- M. Sc. Exam Forms Notice
- Scholarship application form Notice
- Notice
- Notice Scholarship
- The students of M.Sc. (Physics) who have passed the June 2019 End semester Examination may collect their Semester 4 grade cards
Address: Department of Physics
Lokmanya Tilak Bhavan
University of Mumbai, Vidyanagari,
Kalina Campus, Mumbai-400098
Contact: The Head,
Department of Physics
Lokmanya Tilak Bhavan
University of Mumbai, Vidyanagari,
Kalina Campus, Mumbai-400098
Phone Number: 022-2652 8835
EMail: head.upd@physics.mu.ac.in