Notification – WRC/ICSSR – Western Regional Centre of Indian Council of Social Science Research invites Minor Research Project proposals from Teachers, Professors, Researchers on Impact and Assessment of Implementation of NEP – 2020 in State of Maharashtra
Organising a national seminar on “Breaking the Glass Ceiling : Women Who Made It”
The ICSSR Western Regional Centre in collaboration with Dept of Archaeology, University of Mumbai organising a special lecture of Shri Hemanta Dhing Mazumdar
Souvenir of the conference on “Investigating the Impact of Socioeconomic Environment on Academic Research and Outcomes: A Policy Oriented Approac”
Organising a National Conference on the topic ‘Investigating the Impact of Socioeconomic Environment on Academic Research and Outcomes: A Policy Oriented Approach’
Invitation of Applications for Financial Grant for Organizing Seminars, Conferences, Workshops & Research Methodology Workshop / Capacity Building Programme (FY-2024-25)
Orientation Meet for the Workshop on “Systemic Functional Linguistics”
हिंदी राजभाषा प्रतियोगिता
Last date to apply for Internship has been extended till 30th September 2024.
Advertisement – Applications are invited for Full-time Internship positions
Notification – WRC/ICSSR – Invitation for proposals from teachers, professors from the colleges in tribal areas for documenting the knowledge.
Notification – WRC/ICSSR – Invitation of Applications for Grant to organise Seminars/Conferences/Research Methodology/Workshops and CBP during AY-2023-24
Notification – WRC/ICSSR – Invitation of Applications for Minor Research Projects for financial year 2023-24
Activities organized on MyGov platform by M/o Defence on the occasion of Parakram Diwas (Birth anniversary of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, 23rd January) – Call for University and College students to participate
Registration Notification – One Day Online Training on SPSS Statistics Organized by WRC/ICSSR and SPSS – 12.08.2022
WRC/ICSSR – Application invitation for Capacity Building Program on Research Methodology in Social Sciences – 18th to 28th July 2022
Invitation for Collaborative Lecture session – WRC/ICSSR and UMASA – on ‘Plagiarism, Scientific Conduct and Publication Ethics for Social Science Researchers’ – July 4 2022
WRC/ICSSR – Invitation for Lecture Session on ‘Relevance of Kautilya’s Arthashastra for India@75’ – by Dr. Radhakrishnan Pillai, 21st June, 4.00 pm on Zoom
Call for Papers – MMIAS-WRC/ICSSR joint conference on the theme – India 75: Reflections On and From the Indian Diaspora – Dates 24th to 26th August 2022
WRC/ICSSR Invites Grant Applications for organizing Seminars, Symposiums, Conferences, Research Methodology Workshops, and CBP – AY 2022-23
8th International Yoga Day Activity Report – WRC/ICSSR – 29th April, 2022
WRC- ICSSR and MVM College are jointly organizing an online conclave on – Union Budget 2022 – Challenges, Prospects, and Opportunities – 15th March 2022
WRC/ICSSR – Invitation of Application of Grants for Seminars/Conferences/ Workshops/Webinars on Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav
WRC-ICSSR – Application Invitation for Minor Research Projects in Social Sciences
WRC-ICSSR – Invitation of Applications for Financial Grant for Organizing Seminars, Conferences, Research Methodology Workshops
Outreach Drive to collect data of the Social Scientists in the Western Region
Important Announcement – Notification of ICSSR regarding ‘Online and offline Conduct to Research Methodology Course (RMC) and Capacity Building Programme (CBP) – ICSSR
Seminar on “Reading Ambedkar’s Preamble”
Panel Discussion on Understanding Pluralism and Mutual Coexistence
Research Methodology Workshop from 23rd to 28th March, 2020
The Indian Council of Social Science Research, an autonomous organisation, was established by the Government of India in 1969 and ever since, its role and functions have constantly been growing. The Council functions through a system of programme divisions at its headquarters in New Delhi and a network of six Regional Centres at Mumbai, Kolkata, Chandigarh, Hyderabad, New Delhi and Shillong.
The Council has set up, in collaboration with respective state governments, six Regional Centres as part of its programme of decentralizing
administration and broad-basing social science research.
The Western Regional Centre was established with the approval of the Government of Maharashtra in January 1973 in collaboration with the University of Mumbai on the new campus of the University at Vidyanagari. It consists of three buildings – a wing of the Jawaharlal Nehru Library (1976), the ICSSR Hostel building (1976) and the J P Naik Bhavan (1983). The ICSSR Conference Hall is located on the ground floor of the J P Naik Bhavan.
The major objectives of the Centre are – the promotion of research in social sciences, the imparting of training in research methodology to those aspiring to undertake research and the exposure of young social scientists and researchers to the benefit of the expert knowledge of specialists not only from the western region but also from the rest of India and abroad.
Objectives of the WRC
The ICSSR has before it the primary objective of promoting research in social sciences. Social science research in the country has a long history. Valuable contributions have been made by scholars of outstanding ability and international repute in their own fields. Research has made strides both in regard to conceptualisation of problems and empirical analyses.
Aims of the WRC:
- To operate a study grant scheme under which travel costs and local maintenance charges at the prescribed rates are given to social scientists who come to Mumbai to avail themselves of the research material available, in accordance with the rules framed by the ICSSR;
- To organize and fund training courses in Research Methodology in the social sciences as approved by the ICSSR from time to time;
- To arrange and fund lectures, seminars and discussions for Indian social scientists with the help of eminent social scientists;
- To undertake any other programs designed to promote and facilitate social science research in the region;
- To support quality (limited in number) Minor Research projects;
- To extend book and journal grants;
- To maintain a hostel where social scientists (university teachers, college teachers, doctoral students in social sciences or other research workers in the field) can stay at a minimal cost;
- The Council awards several types of fellowships to assist social scientists to engage in research on a whole-time basis or to complete research already in progress. Scholars from the western region who are awarded these fellowships by the ICSSR can join the WRC for the purpose of disbursement of their fellowship amount.
The WRC, in pursuance of its aims and objectives, conducts research methodology courses, seminars, and workshops, receives foreign visitors, administers study grant, provides hostel facilities, etc. The WRC also provides grants for seminars, workshops, conferences, lectures and the like in different parts of the western region. The activities of the center have been continued despite ofCOVID-19pandemic impact.
Support and Grant facilities extended by WRC/ICSSR:
- Grant for Seminars/Workshops/Conferences
The primary objective of the Centre is to improve the research capacity of scholars and potential research workers in the region so as to encourage research in social sciences all over the region.
Maximum grant of up to rupees one lakh fifty thousand can be extended per seminar / conference proposal received and approved by approval committee.
- Study Grants
The purpose of the Study Grant is mainly to provide financial assistance to doctoral students in the field of social sciences in order to enable them to visit Mumbai and consult libraries & specialists for their research purpose. The assistance under the Study Grant scheme is given to research scholars who are registered in any Indian University for a Ph.D. or D.Litt. degree in social science and who do not receive any fellowships or other assistance carrying travel or contingency grant from any other agency.
Grant is sanctioned for a maximum period of 30 days including second class sleeper rail fare/bus plus a fixed daily allowance of Rs 400/- per day towards lodging/boarding expenses and Rs 1000/- to meet local conveyance and other miscellaneous expenses to visit two cities via shortest route.
- Grant to Regional Journals:
Under this program, modest financial assistance (Rs. 25,000) is provided to help regional journals to publish articles of contemporary interest for larger dissemination of scholarship through vernacular writings.
- Book Grant Scheme:
Western Regional Centre of the ICSSR supports colleges/institutions in western India (Maharashtra, Gujarat & Goa) for improving social science studies and research. Certain colleges/institutions in socially and economically backward areas in the region which need funds to improve their libraries are provided assistance to improve their library collection in social sciences. Many colleges in interior Maharashtra & some in Gujarat have availed of this facility regularly.
- Financial Support for Minor Research Projects:
A research proposal on any theme having significant social science content, is required to be submitted by an individual scholar through his/her employer for a short period. Of twelve months. Professional social scientists having significant publications to their credit are eligible for this grant which has a ceiling of Rs 1.00 lakh.
The broad disciplines of study, within the domain of social sciences, are:
(i) Sociology and Social Anthropology;
(ii) Political Science / Public Administration;
(iii) Economics;
(iv) International Studies;
(v) Social Geography and Population Studies;
(vi) Commerce and Management;
(vii) Social Psychology;
(viii) Education;
(ix) Social Linguistics / Socio-Cultural Studies
(x) Law / International Law
(xi) National Security & Strategic Studies;
(xii) Other allied Social Science disciplines (Library Science, Social Work, Media Studies, Modern Social History, Health Studies, Gender Studies and Environmental Studies, Diaspora Studies, Area Studies, Sanskrit-Society & Culture, etc.) to promote interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research.
- ICSSR Fellowships
The Council awards several types of fellowships to assist social scientists to engage in research on a whole-time basis or to complete research already in progress. Scholars from the western region who are awarded these fellowships by the ICSSR can join the WRC for the purpose of disbursement of their fellowship amount.
- Foreign Scholars
Distinguished foreign social scientists invited to India by the Council under its programme of international collaboration visit the Centre. The Centre takes advantage of their visits and also those of other foreign scholars who happen to visit the city by arranging meetings with specialists, researchers and professionals and by organising seminars/lectures in their respective field of specialisation for the general benefit of interested persons from various fields.
- Prof. (Dr.) Kavita Laghate – Hon. Director
- Sanjay Karnik – Office Supervisor
- Shri Srinivas Rao – Attendant
- Mukesh Solanki – Driver
- Ramesh Solanki – Sweeper
Type of Accommodation | Mumbai Univ./UGC/ICSSR* | Institutions/ Departments (other than Mumbai University) | SAARC Countries Registered NGOs/ Faculty’s Guest/ other Agencies | Foreign Institutions/ Foreign Scholars/ Corporate Sector |
Single Occupancy | 700 | 850 | 1000 | 2000 |
Double Occupancy | 900 | 1250 | 1500 | 3000 |
Suits | 1100 | 1500 | 2000 | 4000 |
Extra Bed | 150 | 300 | 300 | 500 |
Check in / Check out : 24 Hours
*Identity cards to be produced
For Bookings contact at:
Sl. No. | WRC/ICSSR | |
1. | Office:
Prof. (Dr.) Kavita Laghate, | |
2. | Guest House:
Shri. Sanjay Karnik |