Department of Biophysics

Final Admission List 2024
Spot Admission
Second Merit List
First Merit list
Provisional General Merit List
Admission Video
Admission Banner 2024-25
M.Sc. Biophysics Syllabus As per NEP 2020
Admission Notification 2024-2025
Admission notifications 2024-2025
Admission notifications 2023-2024
National Science Day, 18-19th March 2021
Second merit list of admission to M.Sc. (Biophysics) by papers 2020-21.
First Merit list of admission to M.Sc. Biophysics 2020-21
Admission notice of M.Sc. (Biophysics) 2021
Admission Notification of M.Sc. Biophysics 2020-21
Advertisement of Project fellow- Dept of Biophysics
Revised time table of MSc Biophysics
Sample MCQ BP-CCT 403
Sample MCQ BP CCT 404
Sample MCQ BP-CCT 401
Sample MCQ BP-CCT 402
Webinar on career advice in Biophysics
Webinar on “Career planning in biophysics in the shadow of the pandemic”



Biophysics is a discipline that helps us understand the functioning of biological systems using theories and methods in physics, chemistry and mathematics, and computer modeling. The main emphasis of biophysics is on the quantitative analysis of the physical and chemical aspects of the functions of biological molecules, organisms, and entities. The techniques and methodologies that biophysics relies on are closer to Physics and Chemistry, but areas of application are diverse in the biological, medical, and related sciences.

The University of Mumbai at Vidyanagari Campus established the Department of Biophysics in 2001-2002. It offers M. Sc. (Biophysics) and Ph.D. (Biophysics). The department aims to make a high class of globally recognized “Centre of Excellence” in the field of Interdisciplinary areas of Science education training and research on the campus of the University of Mumbai. The quantitative regions covered under the M.Sc. course are Molecular and Cellular Biophysics, Radiation and Medical Biophysics, Biophysical Techniques, Bioinformatics, Molecular Modeling, X-ray Crystallography, and rDNA technology, and protein engineering, Environmental Biophysics, Nano-biophysics & Nanomedicine, etc. Primary emphasis is given to hands-on practical training for the learners.

Adjunct faculties, Scientists, and experts from other Research Institutes and University Departments actively participate in the teaching program. Scientists and Professors from different Institutes and universities are invited for seminars on specialized areas of Biophysics. The teaching and research laboratories in the department are well equipped with the latest equipment. The Department has a Library with over 500 books. Special efforts are taken to update the collections with the latest textbooks and scientific journals.

The students are provided with internet facilities to access relevant research in their area of interest and other disciplines. Every student must complete a research project during the M. Sc. program’s second year. The department takes special enforcement for the students who wish to appear for National Test for a junior research fellowship and lectureship and test conducted by UGC/CSIR and other National Institutes. Along with the teaching and research, the department also organizes social, cultural, and personality development programs, which facilitate students’ overall development. The department strives to receive grants from funding agencies like UGC, CSIR, DST, DBT, DRDO, DAE, etc.


Biophysics is the integration and application of physics and physical chemistry principles to explain and explore the form and function of living things. It is an interdisciplinary science that applies the principles of Physics, chemistry, math, and computer modeling principles to understand how biological systems work. Biophysics explains biological function in terms of molecular structures and their properties. It is a bridge between biology and physics. It is a highly fascinating and intellectual field and the very root of our existence. Karl Pearson originally introduced the term biophysics in 1892. Principles of physics have been used to explain some of the most fundamental processes in biologies, such as osmosis, diffusion of gases, and the function of the eye’s lens in focusing light on the retina. Biophysicists study how organisms develop, see, hear, think and live. They investigate how the brain processes and stores information, the heart pumps blood, muscles contract; plants use light in photosynthesis, genes switch on and off, and many other questions.

The foundations for the study of biophysics were laid down in the 19th Century by a group of physiologists in Berlin. The Berlin school of physiologists included Hermann von Helmholtz, Emil DuBois-Raymond, Ernst von Brücke, and Carl Ludwig. In 1856, one of Ludwig’s students, Adolf Fick, published the first biophysics textbook. But technology in physics had not sufficiently advanced at this time to study life forms in a straightforward way, such as at the molecular level. In the first half of the 20th Century, German scientists dominated biophysics. They studied electromagnetic fields and light and became mainly concerned with studying the effects of radiation on living things. The popularity of biophysics rose when the Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger published the book, What is Life? in 1944. This book was based on a series of public lectures. Schrödinger gave explaining the processes of living things through physics and chemistry. In it, he proposed the idea that there was a molecule in living things that contained genetic information in covalent bonds. This inspired scientists like James Watson and Francis Crick to search for and characterize the genetic molecule. With Rosalind Franklin’s X-ray crystallography research, they discovered the double helix structure of DNA in 1953. By the mid-20th century, biophysics programs had sprung up and gained popularity in other countries, and from 1950-1970, biophysics research occurred faster than ever before.

Biophysical methods are increasingly used to serve everyday needs, from forensic science to bioremediation. Medical imaging technologies, including MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging), CAT (Computed Axial Tomography) scans, etc., are the invention of Biophysics. Biophysics shares a strong bond with other advanced biological fields biochemistry, bioengineering, systems biology, nanotechnology, etc. Biophysics incorporates studying all levels of biological organization, from molecules to ecosystems. Sir JC Bose was the first Indian Biophysicist. His significant contribution to biophysics was demonstrating the electrical nature of the conduction of various stimuli (wounds, chemical agents) in plants, which were earlier thought to be of a chemical nature for the first-time action of microwaves in plant tissues and corresponding changes in the cell membrane potential, the mechanism of the effect of seasons in plants, the effect of the chemical impact on plant stimuli, and the effect of temperature. Another great Indian biophysicist G.N. Ramachandran is famous for the Ramachandran plot which is an elegant visual representation of secondary protein structure. Both of these scientists were Institution builders as well. JC Bose founded Bose Research Institute in Kolkata, whereas GNR established the Department of Biophysics at the University of Madras. Prof G. Ramachandran is also the founder of the Molecular Biophysics Unit (MBU, 1971) at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. Another pioneer of Indian Biophysics is Prof. Girjesh Govil, from The Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai. He is known for his research in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) and semi-empirical quantum chemical theories. He was awarded the Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize for Science and Technology, one of the highest Indian science awards, in 1978, for his contributions to chemical sciences.

Department of Biophysics, University of Mumbai, Vidyanagri, Santacruz (E), Mumbai India
Email id:


P.G. Diploma in Biophysics (One year)
M.Sc. (Biophysics) As per NEP 2020 (Two Year)
M.Sc Biophysics Syllabus As per NEP 2020


a) M.Sc (Biophysics) by Papers; b) PhD (Biophysics)

  1. Post graduate (M.Sc. by Papers, (choice-based credit system)):

The two-year M.Sc. (Biophysics) programme is prescribed according to the choice- based credit system of the University of Mumbai from the academic year 2016-17.

The chief areas covered under the program:

  • Molecular and Cellular Biophysics
  • Radiation and Medical Biophysics
  • Advanced Biophysical Techniques
  • Bioinformatics, Molecular Modeling & Drug Design
  • Spectroscopy & Bio-crystallography
  • Nanobiophysics & Nanomedicine
  • Physiological Biophysics
  • Environmental biophysics
  • rDNA Technology & Protein Engineering
  • Biostatistics and Biomathematics

Syllabus Structure 

Semester I
Paper code Course Paper Nomenclature Lectures/Practicals Credit
57111 Course 1 General Physico-Chemical Principles 60 4
57131 Course 2 Basic Analytical tools in Biophysics 60 4
57192 Course 3 Practical Lab Work 15 4
57121 Course 4 Molecular and Cellular Biophysics 30 2
57151 Elective Course 1       OR Biomolecular Hydrodynamic Methods 30 2
57152 Elective Course 2 Recombinant DNA Technology and Protein Engineering 30 2
57194 Practical Elective Course 1     OR Biomolecular Hydrodynamic Methods 6 2
Practical Elective Course 2 Recombinant DNA Technology and Protein Engineering 8 2
57191 Research Methodology 60 4
Total 22
Semester II
57112 Course 1 Membrane Biophysics & Ion channels 60 4
57122 Course 2 Radiation Biophysics 60 4
57197 Course 3 Practical Lab Work 60 4
57132 Course 4 Biochemistry 30 2
57171 Elective Course 1      OR Biocrystallography & Magnetic resonance techniques 60 4
57172 Elective Course 2 Proteomics 30 2
57198 Practical Elective Course 2 Proteomics 7 2
57173 MOOCS
57196 On Job training (OJT) 4
Total 22
Semester III
57113 Course 1 Advanced Biophysical Techniques 60 4
57123 Course 2 Nanobiophysics 60 4
57133 Course 3 Practical Lab Work III 60 4
57141 Course 4 Environmental Biophysics 30 2
57161 Elective Course 1 Structural Biophysics 30 2
Practical Elective Course 1     OR Structural Biophysics Practical Lab Work 8 2
57162 Elective Course 2 Medical Biophysics 6 4
57163 MOOCS
57199 Research Project (Literature review) 4
Total 22
Semester IV
Course 1 Physiological Biophysics 60 4
Course 2 Biomethematics & Biostatistics 60 4
Course 3 Elements of Bioinformatics 60 4
Elective Course 1 Nanomedicine 60 4
Elective Course 2 Advanced Microscopy and Single Molecule Biophysics 60 4
Research Project 6
Total 22

Detailed syllabus M.Sc I (PDF)

Detailed syllabus M.Sc II (PDF)


The knowledge of this program will provide an intellectually enlarging experience to students.  The courses attempt to teach critical thinking, problem solving, and communication skills that can be used throughout a life of learning. The program helps to prepare students and make them competitive to enter in the workforce or further their studies in research (Ph.D) at professional colleges, pharmaceutical / biomedical industries, medical schools, Universities  etc.

After completing the M.Sc . in  Biophysics  Program at  University department of Biophysics, the     students will be able to acquire the following skills:

  1. Students will demonstrate proficiency in principles of physics, chemistry and mathematical concepts that are needed for a proper understanding of biological process.
  2. Students will be able to Integrate knowledge and skills of the physics, chemistry & mathematics with biology and to address research questions.
  3. Students will demonstrate knowledge of cell & molecular biology, methods in biophysics, radiation & medical biophysics, physiological biophysics, structure –functions of biological macromolecules, biomathematics and biostatistics, biochemistry & protein engineering, molecular modeling & drug design etc. .
  4. Students will show that they have learned laboratory skills, enabling them to purify and characterize biological samples using various spectroscopic and microscopic tools. They will be able to collect, evaluate and interpret scientific data, and employ critical thinking to solve problems in biology  and supporting fields  .
  5. Students  will demonstrate  knowledge of various spectroscopy, microscopy and other     analytical tools that are used in biology
  6. Students will communicate scientific information in a clear and concise manner both orally and in writing.
  7. Student will identify and describe the impact of biophysics  on society.

Program specific outcome  (PSO) :

A Master’s degree of Biophysics will  provides  theoretically and practically  a broad  foundation  in biophysics with particular focus on  cell and membrane biophysics, advanced biophysical techniques, structural biology, radiation and medical biophysics, physiological biophysics, molecular modeling and drug design, environmental biophysics.

In particular, this study includes in depth learning about the structure and function of important biomolecules and cellular systems, biophysical tools as well as physiological biophysics. Students will also learn about methods of protein purification and characterization, measuring the effects of radiation on biological systems, understanding fundamental principles of various biophysical techniques (Fluorescence spectroscopy & Microscopy, UV visible, FTIR, NMR, ESR,  Raman Spectroscopy and other  light scattering) etc. This study will lead further towards problems in medicine, medical physics, use of techniques in radiation for cancer therapy and diagnosis, applications of various spectroscopy tools in biology and medicine.

During the study of this Master’s degree course, the students will also learn fundamental scientific working methods, for example, to work independently on a large-scale project, to design research project, to write scientific contents / research papers and presentation etc.

Course outcome (CO):

Semester I
Paper code Course Paper Nomenclature Course Outcome
57111 Course 1 General Physico-Chemical Principles General Physico-chemical principle: objectives of this course is fundamental understanding of physical, chemical principle which help for quantitative  underrating of biological process.
Course  outcomes:
By the end of this course the students should be able to develop an understanding of the process of biological system.
57131 Course 2 Basic Analytical tools in Biophysics Basic Analytical Tools in Biophysics:  objective of this course is to familiarize students with various biophysical methods such electrophoresis, UV visible spectroscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy, circular dichroism, microscopy ( bright field, dark field, fluorescene, SEM, TEM etc).
Course Outcome: By the end of the course the student able to understand basics principles of spectroscopic and microscopic techniques and their applications in biological and medical sciences.
57192 Course 3 Practical Lab Work
57121 Course 4 Molecular and Cellular Biophysics Molecular and Cellular Biophysics: objective of this is to understand fundamentals of various types of cells, their structure and function, physical aspects of cells and to understand structure and function, stability of biological macromolecules (enzyme, protein, lipids, nucleic acids etc).
Course Outcome: By the end of this course, the students should able to understand the principles underlining cell function, cell differentiation, cell growth, cell communication and the structure of protein, lipid, carbohydrates. Techniques use to study protein stability, protein folding and significance in biological system etc.
57151 Elective Course 1       OR Biomolecular Hydrodynamic Methods
57152 Elective Course 2 Recombinant DNA Technology and Protein Engineering rDNA Technology & Protein Engineering: This course provides students to understand preparation, analysis and manipulation of DNA & RNA, construction of rDNA libraries, mutagenesis, methods of protein sequencing and chemical approach to protein engineering etc.
Course Outcome: By the end of this course student able to learn manipulation of genetic materials, construction of recombinant DNA libraries, sequencing strategies of proteins.
57194 Practical Elective Course 1     OR Biomolecular Hydrodynamic Methods
Practical Elective Course 2 Recombinant DNA Technology and Protein Engineering
57191 Research Methodology
Semester II
57112 Course 1 Membrane Biophysics & Ion channels Membrane biophysics and Ion channels: The objectives of this course is students understand physics of membrane, membrane structure, function,  lipid technology etc.
Course outcomes: at the end of the course students should be able to understand various physical and chemical aspects of cell membrane, cell membrane functions etc.
57122 Course 2 Radiation Biophysics Radiation Biophysics : objectives of the course is to understand  the interaction of radiation with matter, living system, biological effects of ionizing and non ionizing radiation etc.  Assessment of radiation effects using various mathematical models.
Course outcomes: by the end of course students will gain the basic principle of interaction of radiation with matter and living system, they will be familiar with the knowledge of ionizing radiation and its impact on biological system.
57197 Course 3 Practical Lab Work
57132 Course 4 Biochemistry Biochemistry: This course provides insight of biochemical pathways, signals, cellular level synthesis of biological macromolecules, gene expression in prokaryotes and eukaryotes etc.
Course outcomes:  By the end of this course the student able to discuss mechanisms of various pathways takes place in biological system, their impact on biological system, mechanism and regulation of gene expression
57171 Elective Course 1      OR Biocrystallography & Magnetic resonance techniques Biocrystallography & Magnetic Resonance Techniques: This course will provide basics principals and fundamental understanding of NMR and its various types, ESR, X-Ray diffraction techniques etc.
Course outcomes:  by the end of the course students will be familiar with fundamental understanding of magnetic resonance technique and their applications.
57172 Elective Course 2 Proteomics
57198 Practical Elective Course 2 Proteomics
57173 MOOCS
57196 On Job training (OJT)
Semester III
57113 Course 1 Advanced Biophysical Techniques Advanced Biophysical Techniques: Objectives of the course is to make the students familiar with advanced biophysical  techniques such as Differential Scanning colorimetry, Mass spectrometry, force spectroscopy, cryo electron microscopy, patch clamp techniques etc.
Course outcomes:  by the end of the course student will gain the knowledge of advanced biophysical techniques, they will understand basics principals and applications in biology and medicine.
57123 Course 2 Nanobiophysics Nanobiophysics: objectives of  the course is to familiar the students with  nanosciences and nanotechnology, understand basics principles of synthesis  of nanostructures, nanotoxicology and application of nanostructures in medicine and biology.
Course outcomes : By the end of course students will able to gain knowledge of nanomedicine, nanostructures. Various applications of metallic nanostructures in medicine and biology.
57133 Course 3 Practical Lab Work III
57141 Course 4 Environmental Biophysics Environmental Biophysics: Aim of the course is to know the importance of environment, life and environment, Electromagnetic radiation and environment etc. conductance of heart and mass transfer etc.
Course outcomes: at the end of course student will able to familiar with environment and its importance to human being.
57161 Elective Course 1 Structural Biophysics Structural Biophysics: Objectives of the course is to make the students familiar with structural biology which deals with structural analysis of living material (formed, composed of, and/or maintained and refined by living cells) at every level of organization.
Course Outcome: By the end of this course student able to understand structural analysis of living material (formed, composed of, and/or maintained and refined by living cells) at every level of organization.
Practical Elective Course 1     OR Structural Biophysics Practical Lab Work Structural Biophysics: Objectives of the course is to make the students familiar with structural biology which deals with structural analysis of living material (formed, composed of, and/or maintained and refined by living cells) at every level of organization.
Course Outcome: By the end of this course student able to understand structural analysis of living material (formed, composed of, and/or maintained and refined by living cells) at every level of organization.
57162 Elective Course 2 Medical Biophysics Medical Biophysics: This course will provide basics of radiotherapy, nuclear medicine and diagnostics radiology, basics of radiation  protection.
Course  outcomes: at the end of the course students will understand fundamental principles of radiation therapy, radio diagnosis , radiation protection and application radiation in medicine. Role of isotopes in medical diagnostics
57163 MOOCS
57199 Research Project (Literature review)
Semester IV
Course 1 Physiological Biophysics Physiological Biophysics: this course will provide insight into functional  aspects of various human organs,  physical and chemical aspects of various organs.
Course outcomes : at the end of the course student able to understand basics physiological function of various organs.
Course 2 Biomethematics & Biostatistics Biomathematics & Biostatistics:  Objectives of this course is basic understanding of statistics and mathematics which help the students for quantitative prediction of biological data.
Course outcomes: by  the end of this course students understand basics concepts of statistics  and mathematics  such as mean mode, median, std deviation, types of hypothesis & tests, limits & functions, probability etc.
Course 3 Elements of Bioinformatics Elements of Bioinformatics, Molecular modeling and drug design:  this course will provide fundamental understanding of bioinformatics, structural bioinformatics, molecular mechanics, denovo ligand and 3D QSAR
Course outcomes : by the end of the course students able to gain knowledge of molecular modeling and drug design, they will able to discuss virtual screening etc.
Elective Course 1 Nanomedicine Nanomedicine: objectives of  the course is to familiar the students with  nanosciences and nanotechnology, understand basics principles of synthesis  of nanostructures, nanotoxicology and application of nanostructures in medicine and biology.
Course outcomes : by the end of course students will able to gain knowledge of nanomedicine, nanostructures. Various applications of metallic nanostructures in medicine and biology.
Elective Course 2 Advanced Microscopy and Single Molecule Biophysics Advanced Microscopy and Single Molecule Biophysics: Objectives of the course is to make the students familiar with advanced biophysical  techniques such as Differential Scanning colorimetry, Super resolution Microscopy, force spectroscopy, cryo electron microscopy, patch clamp techniques etc.
Course outcomes:  by the end of the course student will gain the knowledge of advanced biophysical techniques, they will understand basics principals and applications in biology and medicine.
Research Project

Ph.D. (Biophysics) Programme

The Ph.D. Degree (in Biophysics): involves submission of Dissertation / Thesis to the University based on the research conducted under the supervision of a faculty member (who are recognized teachers of the University for guiding students for Ph. D degree) working at the Department of Biophysics. Students with Master’s Degree (M. Sc) in Sciences (as per the University circular No. 441 of 2005 & VCD’s) are entitled to seek admission for Ph.D. programme of Biophysics.

Program outcome:

The Ph D program in Biophysics has been started in 2007-2008.  The students having post graduate in Biophysics/ Biochemistry/Physics / allied branches of life sciences can enrolled for PhD course.

The PhD program is designed to prepare each student to actively participate in the development and growth in the field of biophysics at all levels in industry / teaching in Universities/ Institutes.  The students research training enhanced by organizing seminars, discussions, invitation  of  world renowned Scientists/ Professors for special lecture, Journal club activity etc. The students will demonstrate depth knowledge  of  various biophysical tools such as  fluorescence spectrophotometer, Raman spectrophotometer, FT-IR, Fluorescence Microscopy, UV Visible spectrophotometer, Fluorescence Microscope, Dynamic Light Scattering, Atomic Force Microscope (Bio AFM), Surface Plasmon Resonance Analyzer, single and 2-D gel electrophoresis. The research projects span across a broad range of topics covering various aspects of structure-function of biological macromolecules; nanostructure-biomolecule interaction; nanostructure based snake venom inhibitor; nanostructure based targated drug delivery system, tumor targeting proteins etc.


Eligibility for M.Sc

B.Sc. / B.Sc. (Hons) majoring in Biophysics/Physics/Chemistry/Biochemistry/Microbiology/ Biotechnology/ Forensics science/ Bioinformatics/ any branch of biology with chemistry or physics/ B. Tech (Biotechnology /Bioinformatics). A candidate must have secured minimum 50% marks at B.Sc. examination in the major subject for open candidates. For reserved candidates, University rules and regulation apply.

Fees Structure

The total numbers of seats are 20, out of which seats are allotted to reserve categories as per the rules and regulation of Govt. of Maharashtra and 3% seats are reserved for the students from other universities other than Mumbai University.

Revised Fee structure for M.Sc. courses (wef from the academic year 2009-2010)

Sr No. Fee Part I Part II
1 Tution 17000 17000
2 Form and Prospectus fee 100 100
3 Other fees/ Extracurricular activities 250 250
4 Caution money 150 150
5 Laboratory Deposit 250 250
6 Registration form fee 25 25
7 Project fee 0 0
8 Convocation Fee only for M.Sc. Part II 0 0
9 Registration fee for M.SC. Part 1 only 1025 1025
10 Library deposit 250 250
11 NSS 10 10
12 Laboratory fee 21500 21500
13 library 1000 1000
14 Gymkhana 200 200
15 Admission processing fee 200 200
16 Vice Chancellors Fund 20 20
17 Magzine 100 100
18 Identity Card 80 80
19 Group insurance 40 40
20 Student Welfare 50 50
21 University sports and cultural activity 36 36
22 Development fee 800 800
23 Utility 250 250
24 Computer/internet 500 500
25 E suvidha 50 50
26 Echarges 20 20
27 Disaster relief fund 10 10
28 University Entrepreneurship Development Cell Activity Fee (Rs. 5 For University and Rs. 5 for College) 10 10
Total 43926 43926

Note: some fee heads may change time to time

Document verification: 400/- wherever applicable

Refundable deposit Caution Money: 150/-

Library Deposit: 250/-

Laboratory deposit: 400/-

Project fee: 2000/- (wherever applicable)

Registration fee for M.Sc. Part I only: 1000/-

Convocation fee only for MSc. Part II: 250/-

  1. NB. Foreign students will have to pay five times of prescribed fees. The fees collected in different heads be spend only for specified purpose for which it has been collected.

Fees are payable by cash in the Allahabad Bank, Kalina Branch, Wadia High School, Ground Floor, Opp. University Campus.

  • Tuitions fees once paid are normally not refunded. However, tuition fees will be refunded if the candidates do not attend any theory/practical/seminar class. Application for refund of fees should be addressed to the Registrar, University of Mumbai in duplicate.
  • No transference Certificate will be issued to the students who leave the Department, unless they clear all the dues.

Eligibility for PhD:

  • Should have M.Sc. degree in Biophysics with minimum 55% marks.
  • Candidates qualified in ICMR-JRF/DBT-JRF/CSIR-JRF/ GATE examination under Life Sciences/Biotechnology or PET Biophysics (University of Mumbai) can also apply.

Admission will be subject to their qualifying the departmental interview.
All the applications will be screened and candidates found suitable will be called for interview. Travelling Allowance is not payable by University Department of Biophysics and candidates have to make their own arrangement for stay at Mumbai. Merely fulfilling of the minimum requirements stipulated in the notification would not automatically entitle a person for selection. The decision of the department in this regards shall be final. Applications will be accepted only upon advertisement of PhD notification displayed on Mumbai University website.



Name: Dr.Mrs. Varsha Kelkar-Mane (MSc, PhD FRSC, FISC)
Designation: Professor and I/c Head
Area of specialization: Bioprospecting and Nano-Biotechnology
Subjects taught: Biochemistry, Bioprocess technology, Nanotechnology.
Contact details:

Adjunct faculties:

Prof. B. S. Rao, PhD
Contact Details:

Dr. Badanidiyoor Srinivasa Rao joined as an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Biophysics after superannuation from BARC, Mumbai. He started his service as a scientific officer at BARC after graduating from the 12th batch of BARC training school in 1969. He obtained his Ph.D. in biophysics in 1978 from the erstwhile Cancer Research Institute. During his post-doctoral studies (1980-82), he undertook mammalian cell radiobiology in the department of Therapeutic Oncology MCMC, Wisconsin, USA. His research activities have been mainly in the biophysical aspects of radiation quality, radiobiology, radiation cytogenetics, and mutagenesis. He was a recipient of the Madam Marie Curie fellowship of the Europe Commissionerear 1995 and worked on the translocation essay application in bio dosimetry at the University of Leiden, The Netherlands. He has served as an IAEA expert in biodosimetry. He was honored to be on the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Radiation Biology (UK). He also edited the Journal of Radiation Protection and Environment and EMSI newsletter for several years. He retired from BARC in 2005 as the Head of Radiological Physics and Advisory Division.


Prof. S. Sivakami, PhD
Contact Details:

Prof. (Mrs.). S. Sivakami joined as an adjunct professor at the Department of Biophysics after superannuation from the Department of Life Sciences, University of Mumbai. She obtained her Ph.D. from the Christian Medical College, Vellore, Tamil Nadu. She had postdoctoral training from the University of Leeds, UK, University of Georgia, USA, and the University of California, Santa Cruz, California, USA. Her main research interests are in the biochemical characterization of enzymes. She has worked on the glycosidases of experimental animals’ brush border membrane of the small intestine and kidney, antioxidant enzymes in experimentally induced diabetes, and non-enzymic glycation in diabetes. More recently, she has studied some enzymes of biotechnological potential from the Cyanobacterium Spirulina platensis. She has been a visiting professor at the National University of Singapore several times. She has published several research papers in reputed national and international journals and authored review articles, popular articles, and a book chapter. She is a fellow of the Maharashtra Academy of Sciences, a fellow of the TWOS, Trieste, Italy, and a member of the editorial board of the Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics.

Visiting Faculties:

Dr. Sandhya P Kulkarni,
Contact Details:

Mrs. Sandhya Kulkarni has been visiting the faculty of the department of Biophysics since 2002. She is a former Assistant Professor of Biophysics, Department of Physiology, BYL Nair Hospital & T N Medical College, and Mumbai. Currently, she is an Associate Director of New Horizons Child Development Centre, Mumbai. Her areas of interest are physiological biophysics, Radiation & Medical biophysics.


Dr. Jessy Mariam, PhD
Contact Details:
Designation: Assistant Professor
Subject taught:  Nanobiophysics, Membrane Biophysics, Advanced Biophysical Techniques, Biophysical Chemistry

Dr. Jessy has obtained her Ph.D. in Biophysics from the Department of Biophysics, University of Mumbai. She was awarded the DST-INSPIRE fellowship (2010- 2014) for her doctoral tenure. She obtained her Bachelor’s degree in Microbiology, Biotechnology and a Master’s degree in Biophysics from the University of Mumbai. She worked as a postdoctoral fellow for four years at IIT Bombay. She is an awardee of DBT- Research Associateship, 2015-2018. Her research interests include nanobiophysics, protein-nucleic acid dynamics, and fluorescent probes to study biomolecules. Currently, she is an assistant professor at the Department of Biophysics.


Former Faculty members:

Name: Dr.Prabhakar Dongre
Designation: Professor and Former Head
Areas of research : Radiation biophysics, Structural Biophysics, Nanoscience, Nanotechnology, Molecular dynamics and Bioinformatics
Contact details:



Dr. Bipin Khade, PhD
Designation: Assistant Professor
Area of specialization: Protein Biophysics, Nano-Biophysics
Subject taught:  Cell & Mole Biophysics, Biochemistry, Membrane biophysics, Advanced Biophysical Techniques, Biophysical Chemistry, Nanotech
Contact Details:,

Dr. Bipin S Khade received a Master’s Degree in Biophysics from Govt. Institute of Science Aurangabad, and a Ph.D. in Biophysics from the University of Mumbai. He has qualified for various national Examinations like CSIR-NET JRF, GATE, MH-SET, IISc JRF, etc. He has been awarded the Research Fellowship (2014-2017) from University Grants Commission (UGC), New Delhi, for his Ph.D. studies. He is currently working as Assistant Professor at the Department of Biophysics, University of Mumbai. His research focuses on Nano-Biochemistry, Protein Biochemistry/Biophysics and targeted drug delivery applications. His research interests are finding the structure and functional aspects of various proteins (Serum Albumins, TAU protein, and enzymes) using biophysical approaches. He has published his work in the Journal of Luminescence, Journal of Nanoparticles Research, Cluster Science, and Food Biophysics. He also issued 03 Indian Patents regarding the synthesis of nanostructure and Development of Nano-the KIT for biomedical applications.


Ms. Dhanashri Pangam, PhD scholar, SARTHI fellow
Email id:

Research interest: Being a common threat of rural area, snake envenomation is still one the most neglected human health problems. This problem ensues due to the lack of knowledge of first aid measures, complete reliance on tradition practices and myths, lack of medical emergency facilities, untimely administration of appropriate anti-snake venom (ASV) dose and finally non-specific reactions of ASV. Treatment with Anti snake venom (ASV) is lifesaving, but very risky, because the serum which being used as antivenom is heterologous (produced in different species) and may cause sensitivity reactions in some patients. My project explores the bioactivity of nanomaterials towards venom. Nanomaterials are being used since ancient times in various fields. They also show spectacular interactions with biomaterials. Here we have used silver, gold and zinc nanomaterials against Cobra and Viper venom. Antivenom activity of these nanomaterials is being assayed using in vitro (phospholipase, protease, acidimetry assay and whole blood clotting test) as well as in vivo (chicken egg assay) analysis.



Mrs. Suchita M. Patil
B.Sc. Chemistry
(Lab Assistant)

Miss. Archana Bhilare
(Junior clerk)

Mr. Anil Ghadshi



  • Departmental building

University Department of Biophysics is a single storey building with a grooved semi hexagonal geometry with end to end corridor running throughout the building. At one end of the building Department have HOD office and Seminar/Teaching Hall and on other end one can find M.Sc. Training/Preparation laboratory, Lab 2, Lab 3. Between the extremes ends the middle section of the building has Department Office, Library, Gamma Irradiation laboratory and Lab 1. At the entrance Department has a waiting area facility. Waiting area has a provision of seating arrangement, Departmental Information, Notice Board containing upcoming events and media coverage, etc. Department has given a prime importance to the security affairs keeping entire department under surveillance 24 x 7. Building is totally surrounded by nature which enhances its beauty and thus makes it unique among other department in the University.

  • Library

Library is an asset to an institution. Any University is rich because of its rich learning resources. University of Mumbai has a valuable collection of near about 7 lakh books, twenty thousand theses and dissertations, and thousands of periodicals and manuscripts.

In addition to the University Libraries (Rajabai Tower Library and Jawaharlal Nehru Library) Department of Biophysics has its own library which is composed of approximately 400 books including Reference books and Journals. Library also has a valuable set of PhD theses, Project Reports, Dissertations and Published Papers. The collection here is not limited to Biophysical books only. Because of the vastness and the interdisciplinary nature of the subject Department of Biophysics has special collection of Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Life Sciences, Nano-biophysics, Radiation, Biochemistry, Physiology, Crystallography, Drug delivery, Protein Biophysics, Bioinformatics,Biostatistics, Ecology, Environmental Biophysics, etc. Access is made very feasible just by the recording entry in the library register file. Departmental library extends reading facilities to all post graduate students, PhD students, Post- Doctoral Student, Faculty members and Professors of Biophysics Department.

From the commencement of New Department Building i.e. in last ten years Department has procured books net worth of Rupees 13-14 lakh. Department with all its dedication has positively immobilised the received grant for the library set up. Department of Biophysics is sincerely promoting a high value.

  • Teaching Hall

Department has one teaching Hall measuring an area about 700 square feet with a capacity of 60 students. The teaching Hall is utilised for Tutorials, Seminars, Small and Large group teaching, invited talks and Journal Clubs lecture series and conducting Internal examinations. Educational delivery systems such as Over Head Projector (OHP), LCD Projector are effectively used under innovative teaching methodologies in addition to the traditional teaching facilities (white board marker). The teaching Hall is very well equipped with e-learning facilities to be used in the educational delivery systems such as Bio- informatics online and offline software. 24 hours Wi-Fi facilities in the classroom enables students to use their personal laptops for teaching learning purpose. Apart from these facilities the walls of the lecture halls are mounted with the posters of the scope and areas of Biophysics, breakthroughs in the field of Biophysics and Nobel laureates in Biophysics, for motivation for Students. Department has certainly created a positive atmosphere for teaching learning facilities.

  • Department Office

An administrative activity is the backbone of any institution and therefore Administrative support is must for smooth functioning of the Department. Day to Day activities of administration involve work related to Record Keeping, billings, budgets, etc. Student enrolment register, Scholarship files, PhD registration files, Purchase files, Budget books, Mark sheet files, Conferences/Seminar record files, Finance and Account files, Repair and Maintenance records and other files have been systematically segregated. With such disciplined procedure it is indeed very helpful to present data to national bodies such as NAAC.












































Protein biophysics, Fluorescence Biophysics, Nanobiophysics, Nanomedicine, Molecular Biophysics, Radiation Biophysics


  • Mrs. Varsha Kelkar-Mane Prof &, I/c Head Department of Biophysics
  • B. S. Rao, Adjunct Faculty, Department of Biophysics
  • S. Sivakami, Adjunct Faculty, Department of Biophysics
  • Dr Vinod Jaiswal, Assistant Professor , Department of Biophysics
  • V. L. Mathe, SPPU, Pune
  • Dr. Murli Chilkapati, ACTREC, Navi Mumbai


❖  Advanced Cancer Training and Education Centre, Kharghar, Mumbai

❖  Haffkine Institute of Training and testing, Mumbai

❖  UM DAE Centre for Excellence in Basic Sciences

❖  Smt Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune

 Projects supported by University of Mumbai 

  • Interaction of nanoparticles with model biological system (Protein).
  • Image guided intensity modulated radiotherapy: A comprehensive dosimetry and radiobiological study.
  • Macromolecular crowding- a biophysical study of implication of volume exclusion effects on bimolecular complexes and them reconstitutes
  • Study of diffusion and permeability of nanoparticles through model biological membranes.
  • Structure-function properties of nanoparticles bound to biological active molecule in presence of UV radiation.
  • In-silico Molecular Docking and Virtual Pharmacokinetic Screening study of Psoraledin and its Derivatives as Phosphatidylinositol3-kinase inhibitors
  • Impact of microwave radiation induced heating on vitamins and proteins
  • Screening of antithrombotic property of some herbal compounds
  • Study of the electrical activity of human brain and heart of the subjects who practice meditation.
  • In vitro structure-function based assays of snake venom in presence of nanoparticles


Projects sponsored  by Govt of India 

  • Oxidative stress of cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatment (BRNS, DAE, Government of India 2009).
  • Development of Bioinformatics database for Radiomodifiers and make available through internet to user community (BRNS, DAE, Government of India)
  • Design and Development of packaging for Dry Electrodes for Bio-potential measurement and their clinical testing (DRDO, Government of India)


Research paper publications

Sr No List of Publications
1. N Kumari, VL Mathe, CM Krishna, PM Dongre, (2022)

BSA-drug-ZnO-PEI conjugates interaction with glycans of gp60 endothelial cell receptor protein for targeted drug delivery: a comprehensive spectroscopic study

Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, 1-17

2. BS Khade, P Gawali, M Ali, MN Waghmare, PM Dongre, (2021)

Influence of Photon and Electrical Energy in the Nucleation of Silver Nanoparticles Synthesis

Journal of Cluster Science, 1-9


3. BS Khade, PG Gawali, MM Waghmare, PM Dongre, (2021)

Adsorption of α-amylase and Starch on Porous Zinc Oxide Nanosheet: Biophysical Study

Food Biophysics 16 (2), 280-291

4. NH Mudliar, PM Dongre, PK Singh, (2021) A Heparin based dual ratiometric sensor for Thrombin

International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 167, 1371-1378


5. NH Mudliar, AM Pettiwala, PM Dongre, PK Singh, (2020) An anionic polyelectrolyte induced aggregate assembly of Thioflavin-T: A prospective platform for Protamine sensing

International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 164, 1174-1182




Romanian Journal of Biophysics 31 (3)



Romanian Journal of Biophysics 31 (3)


8. MN Waghmare, TS Qureshi, CM Krishna, K Pansare, N Gadewal, A Hole, PM Dongre, (2022), β-Lactoglobulin-gold nanoparticles interface and its interaction with some anticancer drugs–an approach for targeted drug delivery
9.  Niyati Mudliyar, Prabhat Singh and PM Dongre, A molecular Rotor Based Dual Ratiometric Sensor, Dyes and Pigments, 2020, Press (DYPI_2020_647)
10. Vinod J. P M Dongre, Biophysical interaction between silver nanoparticles-albumin interface and curcumin, Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis, Press, 2020
11. Manik N. Waghmare  Tazeen S. Qureshi  Afrin N. Shaikh  Dr. Bipin S. Khade  Dr. C. Murali Krishna  Prof. Prabhakar M. Dongre, Functionalized Alpha‐lactalbumin Conjugated with Gold Nanoparticle for Targeted Drug Delivery, ChemistrySelect, 2020, 5:6, 2035-2049
12. An efficient J-aggregate based fluorescence turn-on and ratiometric sensor for heparin NH Mudliar, PM Dongre, PK Singh, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 301, 127089
13. Lahir, Y. (2019). Graphene and Graphene-Based Nanomaterials Are Suitable Vehicles for Drug Delivery. In Applications of Targeted Nano Drugs and Delivery Systems(pp. 157-189). Elsevier
14. Albumin nanoparticles conjugates binding with glycan-A strategic approach for targeted drug delivery, N Kumari, VL Mathe, PM Dongre, International journal of biological macromolecules

126, 74-90

15. Dongre, P. M., & Joshi, A. (2018). A systematic organization of bioinformatics database of radiosensitizers and radioprotectors. Journal of Radiation and Cancer Research9(2), 102.
16. Waghmare, M., Khade, B., Chaudhari, P., & Dongre, P. (2018). Multiple layer formation of bovine serum albumin on silver nanoparticles revealed by dynamic light scattering and spectroscopic

techniques. Journal of Nanoparticle Research20(7), 185.

17. Sawant, S., Dongre, H., Ahire, C., Sharma, S., Jamghare, S., Kansara, Y., & Gupta, S. (2018). Alterations in desmosomal adhesion at protein and ultrastructure levels during the sequential progressive grades of human oral tumorigenesis. European journal of oral sciences126(4), 251-


18. Hingane, V. C., Pangam, D., & Dongre, P. M. (2018). Inhibition of crude viper venom action by

silver nanoparticles: A biophysical and biochemical study. Biophysics and Physicobiology15, 204-213.

19. Pal, P. D., Dongre, P. M., & Chitre, A. V. (2018). Volume exclusion influences in spectral characteristics of DNA-amino acids complexes. Vibrational Spectroscopy99, 137-145.
20. Y K Lahir, 2018 Review: Influence of nanomaterials on cellular stress and cellular response
21. Lahir, Y. K. (2018). Impacts of metal and metal oxide nanoparticles on reproductive tissues and spermatogenesis in mammals. Journal of Experimental Zoology, India21(2), 593-608.
22. Khade, B. S., Mathe, V. L., & Dongre, P. M. (2017). α-amylase binding to thermal plasma synthesized zinc oxide nanosheets: A fluorescence study. Journal of Luminescence187, 449-456.
23. Cover image, Volume 23 , Number 8, November 2017, Leading in Oral, Maxillofacial, Head & Neck Medicine
24. Mariam, J., Sivakami, S., & Dongre, P. M. (2017). Elucidation of structural and functional properties of albumin bound to gold nanoparticles. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics35(2), 368-379
25. Sawant, S. S., Dongre, H., Ahire, C., Sharma, S., Kannan, S., Mahadik, S., & Vaidya, M. M. (2017). A nomogram for predicting the risk of neck node metastasis in pathologically node‐negative oral

cavity carcinoma. Oral diseases23(8), 1087-1098.

26. Jaiswal, V., Samant, M., Kadir, A., Chaturvedi, K., Nawale, A. B., Mathe, V. L., & Dongre, P. M.

(2017). UV Radiation Protection by Thermal Plasma Synthesized Zinc Oxide Nanosheets. Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials27(5), 1211-1219.

27. Influence of Meditation on Visual and Auditory Reaction Time in


Young Healthy Volunteers, Indian Journal of Physio Pharmacol, 2017; 61(2) : 100–106

28. Yogesha, M., Rao, V. G., Martis, E. A., Coutinho, E. C., Gohlke, H., Chidangil, S., & D’Souza, J. S. (2017). Structural features of FAP174, a MYCBP-1 orthologue from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii,

revealed by computational and experimental analyses. RSC Advances7(81), 51391-51402.

29. Yogesha, M., Rao, V. G., Martis, E. A., Coutinho, E. C., Gohlke, H., Chidangil, S., & D’Souza, J. S. (2017). Structural features of FAP174, a MYCBP-1 orthologue from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, revealed by computational and experimental analyses. RSC Advances7(81), 51391-51402.
30. Y K Lahir, 2017 Impacts of Fullerene on Biological Systems, November 2017 DOI: 10.2174/2212707004666171113151624
31. Impacts of metal and metal oxide nanoparticles on embryos, Citation: Lahir YK. Impacts of Metal and Metal Oxide Nanoparticle on Embryos. Austin Endocrinol Diabetes Case Rep. 2017; 2(1): 1009.Austin Endocrinol Diabetes Case Rep – Volume 2 Issue 1 – 2017Submit your

Manuscript | Lahir. © All rights are reservedAustin Endocrinology and Diabetes Case Reports

32. Impacts of metal and metal oxide nanoparticles on embryos.

Lahir YK. Impacts of Metal and Metal Oxide Nanoparticle on Embryos.

Austin Endocrinol Diabetes, 2017; 2(1): 1009.

33. Guru, A. D., Lahir, Y. K., & Mohite, V. T. (2017). Study on some biochemical aspects of alimentary canal of millipedes Harpaphe haydeniana (Wood). Journal of Experimental Zoology, India20(2), 789-794.
34. Mariam, J., Sivakami, S., & Dongre, P. M. (2016). Albumin corona on nanoparticles–a strategic approach in drug delivery. Drug delivery23(8), 2668-2676.
35. Pal, P. D., Dongre, P. M., & Chitre, A. V. (2016). Implications of Volume Exclusion: A Look at

Thermodynamic Perspective of DNA-Hemoglobin Complexes and Their Reconstitutes Under Macromolecular Crowding. Journal of fluorescence26(1), 355-362.

37. Gurve, D., Muthurajan, H., Karnik, P., Deshpande, A., Srivastava, A. K., Mukhopadhyay, K., & Dongre, P. M. (2016, March). Novel algorithm for coherence level measurement using RR interval of ECG signal. In 2016 International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal

Processing and Networking (WiSPNET) (pp. 2187-2191). IEEE.

38. Rao, V. G., Sarafdar, R. B., Chowdhury, T. S., Sivadas, P., Yang, P., Dongre, P. M., & D’Souza, J. S.

(2016). Myc-binding protein orthologue interacts with AKAP240 in the central pair apparatus of the Chlamydomonas flagella. BMC cell biology17(1), 24.

39. Tari, D., Haryan, S., Patankar, K., Jaiswal, V., Samant, M., Sivakami, S., & Dongre, P. M. (2016). A simple egg membrane model for understanding diffusion characteristics of nanoparticles and

amino acids. Available at SSRN 2783837

40. Y K Lahir, Application of time and length scale concept in biological systems, Biochem. Cell. Arch.Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 231-237, 2016
41. Lahir, Y. H. (2016). Understanding the basic role of glycocalyx during cancer. Journal of Radiation and Cancer Research7(3), 79.
42. Lahir Y.K. Some Aspects of Interactions between Nanomaterials and the Cytoskeleton of Eukaryotic cells, January 2016, DOI: 10.23880/ACT-16000111
43. Y K Some Biophysical And Biochemcial Interactions Of Nanomaterials On Protein Oxidation In Biological System Report and Opinion 2016;8(7)
44. Shirsekar, P. P., Kanhe, N., Mathe, V. L., Lahir, Y. K., & Dongre, P. M. (2015). Interaction of zinc oxide Nanoparticles with human red blood cells. Bionano frontier
45. Lahir, Y. K. (2015). Lipid oxidation in biological systems: Biochemical, Biological and Biophysical aspects. Global JB B4, 224-233.
46. Kumar, L. Y. (2015). Role and adverse effects of nanomaterials in food technology. Journal of toxicology and health2(1), 2.
47. Lahir, Y. K. (2015). A dynamic component of tissues-Extracellular matrix: Structural, functional and adaptive approach. Biochem Cell Arch15, 331-47.
48. Lahir, Y. K. (2015). Lipid oxidation in biological systems: Biochemical, Biological and Biophysical aspects. Global JB B4, 224-233.
49. Kumar, L. Y. (2015). Role and adverse effects of nanomaterials in food technology. Journal of toxicology and health2(1), 2.
50. Mariam, J., Sivakami, S., Kothari, D. C., & Dongre, P. M. (2014). Bioactivity of albumins bound to silver nanoparticles. The protein journal33(3), 258-266.
51. Pant, M. P., Mariam, J., Joshi, A., & Dongre, P. M. (2014). UV radiation sensitivity of bovine serum albumin bound to silver nanoparticles. Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences7(4),


52. Pardeshi, P., Nawale, A. B., Mathe, V. L., Lahir, Y. K., & Dongre, P. M. (2014). Effects of zinc oxide nanoparticles on the hepatic tissue of chicken embryo: a histopathological approach. Bio Nano Front2, 176-180.
53. Pal, P. D., Dongre, P. M., & Chitre, A. V. (2014). “Is Macromolecular Crowding Overlooked?”- Effects of Volume Exclusion on DNA-Amino Acids Complexes and Their Reconstitutes. Journal of

fluorescence24(4), 1275-1284.

54. Bhogale, A., Patel, N., Mariam, J., Dongre, P. M., Miotello, A., & Kothari, D. C. (2014).

Comprehensive studies on the interaction of copper nanoparticles with bovine serum albumin using various spectroscopies. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces113, 276-284.

55. Lahir, Y. K. (2014). Morphological aspects of intercellular communication. Bionano Frontier7(1), 03-17.
56. Lahir Y K, Morphological aspects of inter cellular communication, Bionano Frontier, 2014, 7(1): 03-11
57. Bhogale, A., Patel, N., Mariam, J., Dongre, P. M., Miotello, A., & Kothari, D. C. (2013, February).

Study of interaction of ZnO nanoparticles with human serum albumin using fluorescence spectroscopy. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 1512, No. 1, pp. 130-131). AIP.

58. Bhogale, A., Patel, N., Sarpotdar, P., Mariam, J., Dongre, P. M., Miotello, A., & Kothari, D. C. (2013). Systematic investigation on the interaction of bovine serum albumin with ZnO nanoparticles using fluorescence spectroscopy. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces102, 257-264.
59. Dr P M Dongre, Effect on cognitive function from mobile phone use, Bionano frontier, Vol. 5. (1),2012
60. Dr P M Dongre et al, Impact of microwave radiation heating on vitamins and proteins, Bionano Frontier, Vol. 5. (1),2012
61. Sharma, S. D., Dongre, P., Mhatre, V., & Heigrujam, M. (2012). Evaluation of automated image

registration algorithm for image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT). Australasian physical & engineering sciences in medicine35(3), 311-319


PSEUDOMONAS AERUGINOSA. Acta poloniae pharmaceutica69(4), 623-628.

63. Mariam, J., Dongre, P. M., & Kothari, D. C. (2011). Study of interaction of silver nanoparticles with bovine serum albumin using fluorescence spectroscopy. Journal of fluorescence21(6), 2193.
64. Sharma, D. S., Dongre, P. M., Mhatre, V., & Heigrujam, M. (2011). Physical and dosimetric characteristic of high‐definition multileaf collimator (HDMLC) for SRS and IMRT. Journal of applied clinical medical physics12(3), 142-160.
65. Yadav, A. A., Barote, M. A., Dongre, P. M., & Masumdar, E. U. (2010). Studies on growth and

characterization of CdS1− xSex (0.0≤ x≤ 1.0) alloy thin films by spray pyrolysis. Journal of Alloys and Compounds493(1-2), 179-185.

66. Meshram, G., Shelke, J., & Dongre, P. (2010). Synthesis, antibacterial study and molecular

docking of some acrylic amide derivatives of ampicillin and amoxicillin. J Pharm Res3(10), 2371-2374.

67. Khurana, R. R., Patel, V. V., Dongre, P. M., & Nagare, B. J. (2009) In-silico Molecular Docking and Virtual Pharmacokinetic Screening study of Psoralidin and its Derivatives as Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase Inhibitors. Trends in Bioinformatics 5(1 &2):163-178
68. Bansode, T. N., Dongre, P. M., & Dongre, V. G. (2009). Synthesis, antibacterial and antifungal

activity of 1, 3-di (2-substituted 10H-phenothiazin-10-yl) propan-1-one. Pharmaceutical chemistry journal43(6), 311.

69. Simple, Efficient Synthesis, Antibacterial activity and Molecular Docking Study of 3- (1Hbenzimidazol- 2-yl)-2-chloroquinolines Compounds
70. Shilpa Patil, P M Dongre , Silver Nano Particles Modified Chitosan Beads: An Improved Stability of Cellulase by Immobilization
71. Y K Lahir, Advances in Clinical Toxicology Some Aspects of Interactions between Nanomaterials and the Cytoskeleton of Eukaryotic cells Some Aspects ofInteractions between Nanomaterials

and the Cytoskeleton of Eukaryotic cells Advances in Clinical Toxicology, Advances in Clinical Toxicology, volume 1 issue 2

Book Chapters

Sr No                                                                                  Book Chapters
Dr Y K Lahir, Graphene


Dr P M Dongre, Title of Chapter: Gold Nanoparticle–Assisted Radiation Therapy

2           Title of Book: Radiation in Medicine and Biology, Edited by Pandit B. Vidyasagar, Sagar S.Jagtap, and Omprakash Yemul, Copyright © 2016 Pan Stanford Publishing Pte. Ltd.ISBN 978-981-4745-92-5(Hardcover), 978-981-4745-93-2 (eBook)


Research, Innovation and Extension 

Digitization of bioinformatics database of radiosensitizers and radioprotectors 

Radiotherapy is regarded as one of the most important therapeutic modalities for the treatment of malignant lesions. This field is undergoing rapid advancements in the recent times. With the use of radio-sensitizing and radioprotective agents, the course of radiotherapy  has improved the sensitization of tumour cells and protection of normal cells, respectively

Radiosensitizers makes tumour cell more sensitive to radiation therapy which increase the effectiveness of cancer treatment where radioprotectors are the compounds that reduce the damage/ spare normal tissue. Several of these compounds have been studied using appropriate biological model system and their efficacy is reported in literature. The literature of these compounds is highly scattered and it is essential to have all this information on a single platform which will further help in the improvement in radiotherapy treatment.

Hence, department has developed bioinformatics database of radiosensitizers and radioprotectors using information available in PubMed, scientific journals and other scientific sources. The collected information of these compounds is systematically organized on a single platform where user can browse typical information of the compound pertaining to mainly structural features, radiobiological aspects, biological targets, clinical trials, pharmacological aspects, toxicity etc. The direct link of these compounds is available on University of Mumbai web portal ( / as well as Department of Biophysics web portal. This comprehensive database will be useful for clinicians, researchers and radiation workers etc. Along with this exhaustive exercise, we have invited feedback from users for further improvement or revision of this bioinformatics database. Similarly interested researcher, clinician can be uploaded his/her experimental data (peer reviewed).

Finance Support: Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences, Department of Atomic Energy, Govt of India

Nanostructure-based snake venom inhibitor 

Snake bite is one of the most important public health problems worldwide, specifically in tropical countries. It is a common occupational hazard mainly in rural areas. There is significant morbidity and mortality reported worldwide. In India near about 52 thousand morbidity reported per year. At present there is no reliable treatment established due various physiological/ biochemical problems.

Snake venom is a complex mixture of various biologically, and pharmacologically active  proteins and polypeptides. The current treatment available for snake bite  is intravenous administration of anti-snake venom (ASV) which neutralizes snake venom. ASV is the polyvalent antibodies manufactured by using surrogate animals   (e.g. Horse).  These animals are immunized with the snake venom and then antibodies are collected from blood and purified. Treatment with Anti snake venom (ASV) is lifesaving but very risky and may not be safe sometimes, and may cause sensitivity reactions in patients (chills,   nausea and fever, hypersensitivity or anaphylactic shock). Hence there is a need to focus on alternative treatment considering the limitation of available treatment. In this research work, Silver/ gold nanostructures were used as potential inhibitors against snake venom. We have shown that the action of venom is reduced up to 95% using these nanostructures.

Teaching, Training kit for nanostructure preparation 

To train the students (high school, graduate, post graduate, research scholar etc) in the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology, we have developed teaching, training kit for synthesis of nanostructures (gold and silver). The kit provides desired chemicals/ constitutes, from which the students can easily prepare these nanostructures by following the given simple protocol. A major advantage of this kit eliminates sophisticated equipment’s and other expenditures.

Key features:

  1. First time will be introduced in the educational system
  2. Simple, effective & economical kit for training for the understanding synthesis of nanostructures
  3. Minimum requirement, eco-friendly, customized, and time-saving
  4. Useful to high school, Jr & Sr College students



Crystal for cell / biomolecules storage

Storage/preservation of cells is extremely important to ensure that quality is maintained before usage of cells. Several industries such as the food, pharmaceutical, and horticultural industries require extensive use of various types of cells. Hence there is a requirement to preserve cells so that they can be used either directly or for further research at the appropriate time. In order to preserve these cells, expertise from a variety of disciplines including but not limited to engineering, biology, biotechnology, cryobiology etc is required to design protocols that enable the development of precise and reliable preservation methods. There are many methods that are used today to preserve cells, such as cryopreservation, hypothermic preservation, vitrification, freeze drying etc. All these methods have advantages, disadvantages, and several limitations.

Our research team has developed a simple and innovative technique where cell / biological materials (DNA) can be preserved for a longer time. Its unique crystal can preserve cells longer time without providing nutrients, it’s cost-effective, novel, and simple. Not much expertise is required. Testing of this technique, experimentation, and data collection/validation is in progress.

Teaching training membrane model for understanding diffusion characteristics in biology 

Diffusion is an important phenomenon that occurs in a living system for carrying out various biological activities. This has been quantitatively described using mathematical models and proved experimentally. The outcome of these studies has been used for designing the experiments in vivo and vitro .The simplest mechanism by which molecules can across the membrane is passive diffusion. During passive diffusion, a molecule simply crosses the membrane and enters the aqueous solution at the other side of the membrane.

We have developed a simple biological membrane model for understanding diffusion characteristics in biology. The chicken eggshell has been used and prepared as a membrane model to perform passive diffusion. It diffusion has been performed for Silver Nanoparticles and amino acids against gravity, towards gravity, and lateral state. This membrane has been systematically characterized with the help of X-ray Scattering and Scanning Electron Microscopy. This model is being established at a large-scale level.

Teaching, Training kit for nanostructure preparation 

To train the students (high school, graduate, postgraduate, research scholar etc) in the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology, we have developed a teaching and training kit for the synthesis of nanostructures (gold and silver). The kit provides desired chemicals/ constitutes, from which the students can easily prepare these nanostructures by following the given simple protocol. A major advantage of this kit is that it eliminates sophisticated equipment and other expenditures.

Key features:

  1. First time will be introduced in the educational system
  2. Simple, effective & economical kit for training for the understanding synthesis of nanostructures
  3. Minimum requirement, eco-friendly, customized, and time-saving

Useful to high school, Jr & Sr College students


M.Sc. and Ph.D. Students 

Ph.D. Awarded

Sr No Student Name Topic Name Fellowship awarded Degree awarded Year Degree awarded in
1 Ms. Jessy John A study of interaction of Nanoparticles with model Biological Systems using Biophysical Approaches. DST-INSPIRE 2014 Biophysics
2 Mr. Dayanand Sharma Image guided intensity modulated radiotherapy: A comprehensive dosimetry and radiobiological study. 2014 Biophysics
3 Priyanka Pal Macromolecular crowding- a biophysical study of implication of volume exclusion effects on bimolecular complexes and their reconstitutes DST-INSPIRE 2016


4 M.Venkatramanan Characterization of Flagellar associated protein 174 (FAP174) from the green chlorophyte Chlamydomonas reinhardtii DBT-SRF 2016 Biophysics
5 Mr. Bipin S Khade Investigation of structure function relationship of model protein in presence of metallic nanoparticle UGC-RGNF Feb-2018 Biophysics
6. Mrs. Aditi Lohot A systematic study of the electrical activity of human brain and heart of the subjects who practice meditation. Non-Net May 2018 Biophysics
7. Mrs. Vrushali Hingane In vitro structure-function based assays of snake venom in presence of nanoparticles Non-Net May 2018 Biophysics
8. Mrs. Sharda Sawant


A study of desmosomal and hemi-desmosomal adhesion junctions in neoplastic progression of human oral cancer using transmission electron microscopy. ———— 2019 Biophysics


  1. Venkatramanan G. Rao (PhD Scholar), DBT- Senior Research Fellow
  2. Jessy Mariam, ( PhD scholar, 2008-14), DST INSPIRE fellowship, New Delhi
  3. Bipin S Khade (PhD student), RGNF. UGC XII plan
  4. Priyanka Pal, (PhD student) DST INSPIRE fellowship. New Delhi
  5. Mugdha Dhurandhar (MSc Student 2015-17), DST-INSPIRE, New Delhi, India
  6. Vrushali Khedekar ( MSc Student 2015-17), DST-INSPIRE, New Delhi, India
  7. Zehra Haider (MSc Student, 15-17), Scholarship through NGO
  8. Jessy Mariam a Ph. D scholar, Second prize for best research paper presentation in International Conference on Nanobiotechnology: An Interface between Physics and Biology, Jamia Millia Central University, New Delhi, on Dec 2-4, 2010.
  9. Bipin Khade, MH-SET (2015), CSIR-NET (Dec 2015 (AIR 66), June 2016 (AIR 141)
  10. Bipin Khade, D scholar, Best research paper presentation award, IISER Mohali, March 2017
  11. Best paper presentation award Metalions, NEERI.
  12. Suraj Singh, Silver medal Avishkar 2017
  13. Manik Waghmare, Silver medal at Avishkar 2017-18 final University Round
  14. Vinod Jaiswal, Best research paper award- “International Conference on Nanotechnology for Human Welfare”.
  15. Vinod Jaiswal- NET  (CSIR-UGC 2018) Qualified
  16. Prasad Kapkar-NET (CSIR-UGC 2018) qualified
  17. Prasad Kapkar MH-SET (2018) qualified
  18. Dhanashri Pangam, Silver medal at Avishkar 2018-19 final University Round
  19. Dhanashri Pangam, PhD scholar, SARTHI fellow, 2019
  20. Vinod Jaiswal, University Gold medal-Avishkar 2019-2020
  21. Vinod Jaiswal, Innovation award by Nehru Science Centre, 2019-2020
  22. Vinod Jaiswal, Inter-University Gold medal-Avishkar 2019-2020
  23. Tazeen Qureshi Sc Student DST-INSPIRE award 2020
  24. Puja Shah, M.Sc Student DST-INSPIRE award 2021


 Sr. No


Title of organized conference/symposia


Outreach program for high school students, March, 2022


Outreach program for high school students, 18,19 Feb


Three Days Mini Symposium – Workshop on Biophysics


Carrier Guidance-Biophysics-September 2020


Workshop On Exploring Biophysical

Techniques For Protein Purification And Characterization, Nov, 2019



Two Days Mini Symposium – Workshop on Biophysics, August 2019


Two Days Mini Symposium – Workshop on Biophysics, august 2018


International Conference on Metal Ions in Biology, November 28-30


National Seminar on “Impact of Climate change on Human health with respect to

vector borne and water borne diseases” in association with CSIR

NEERI, Mumbai, June 2016



Biophysics Week – “Workshop and Seminar on

advanced Biophysical techniques”, March, 2016



National Seminar-Emerging Opportunities and Rewarding Carrier of Radiation and

Cancer Research (CAREER-RCR), July, 2015



Workshop on Biopotential and Signal Processing, September, 2014


Workshop on Advances in Bioimaging, Feb, 2014


National Symposium (IBS) on frontiers of Biophysics, Biotechnology,

Bioinformatics, Jan, 2013



National Seminar on “Structural biology and bioinformatics”, Feb, 2012


National Seminar on-Advanced techniques in Radiation Biophysics, Feb, 2011


Financial Assistance

  • Scholarships:
    • National Merit Scholarship
    • GOI merit scholarship
    • Merit scholarship is also available of the University of Mumbai.
    • Earn and learned scheme
  • Study Tour: The Department organizes study tour for the students to visit National Research laboratories and R & D Industries laboratories in India.
  • Participation in conferences & Avishkar: Sc & PhD students are highly encouraged to attend national and international conferences and present their research work. It provides them a platform to interact with eminent scientists from India as well as abroad. Every year students from the department participate in the annual conference organized by Indian Biophysical Society (IBS). Students also participate actively in the inter-university competition like Avishkar. The department has bagged Avishkar awards continuously in the last four years. 
  • Project work: Department also helps Post graduate students in designing hypothesis, research problem through regular brainstorming session and executing their research work in the department. Apart from this they are guided in publishing their research work in reputed peer reviewed journals.




Sr No.    Name of student




Academic Year

1.            Shruti Nimkar PhD, New Zealand 2004-05
2.            Ameya Sathe Post Doctorate – IISER Pune 2005-06
3.            Richa Singhal PhD, Kentucky University, US 2006-07
4.            Aditya Rao PhD, US 2006-07
5.            Shailu Laxman PhD, US 2006-07
6.            Sweta Parab PhD, NIRRH, Mumbai 2006-07
7.            Reshma Pandit PhD, KEM, Mumbai 2006-07
8.            Dipesh Jadhav NCL, Pune 2008-09
9.            Kartik Bane PhD EMBL UK 2008-09
10.          Rahul Jawale PhD Dept. of Biophysics, University of Mumbai 2008-09
11.          Anwesha Laha PhD, University of Lousville, USA 2009-10
12.          Amruta Joshi PhD, Dept. of Biophysics, University of Mumbai 2009-10
13.          Aditi Lohot PhD, Dept. of Biophysics, University of Mumbai 2009-10
14.          Pialy Chatrjee PhD, Haffkines Institue 2009-10
15.          Chaitanya Giri PhD, Max Plank Institute, Germany 2010-11
16.          Priyanka Pal PhD, Dept. of Biophysics, University of Mumbai 2011-12
17.          Pravin Bhise PhD, University of Mumbai 2011-12
18.          Ankita Balsaraf PhD, US 2011-12
19.          Vaibhav Patil PhD, Ireland 2012-13
20.          Nitish Kunte Research Fellow, ACTREC, Mumbai 2012-13
21.          Tushar Rashkar PhD , IIT-Mumbai 2012-13
22.          Sachin Ghag NIRRH, Mumbai 2013-14
23.          Shalaka Kadam NIRRH, Mumbai 2013-14
24.          Kaustubh Patankar PhD, ICT, Mumbai 2013-14
25.          Mahesh Samant PhD, Dept. of Biophysics, University of Mumbai 2013-14
26.          Sagar Khawenekar PhD, Switzerland 2013-14
27.          Monika Henry Research Fellow, IISC, Bangalore 2014-15
28.          Samuel Mangham Research Fellow, CCMB, Hyderabad 2014-15
29.          Surbhi Abhyankar RA, KEM, Mumbai 2014-15
30.          Manish Narkar Research Fellow, Haffkines Institute, Mumbai 2014-15
31.          Aditya Narvekar Research Fellow, IISER, Bhopal 2015-16
32.          Yojit Sharma Research Fellow, IISER, Kolkata 2015-16
33.          Nitin Kunthe IRELAND 2015
34.          Viabhav Kale IRELAND 2015
35.          Monica Henry IISc, BANGLORE 2016
36.          Kaustubh Patankar ICT, MUMBAI 2016
37.          Mahesh Samant BIOPHYSICS, MU 2016
38.          Sagar Khavnekar MAX Plank Germany 2017
39.          Tushar Rashkar University of Hamburg 2016
40.          Samual Mangam CCMB-HYDERABAD 2016
41.          Manik Waghmare BIOPHYSICS, MU 2017
42.          Yojet Sharma TIFR, Mumbai 2017
43.          Vinod Jaiswal BIOPHYSICS, MU 2017
44.          Manik Waghmare BIOPHYSICS, MU 2017
45.          Aditya Narvekar ICT, MUMBAI 2017
46.          Mugdha Dhurandhar NCBS, BANGALORE 2018
47.          Vrushali Khedekar NCBS, BANGALORE 2018
48.          Zehra Haider NIMHANS, BANGALORE 2018



Dr. Rekha Bajaj

Destiny landed me into the field of Biophysics by chance way back in 1986 when it used to be conducted at Cancer Research Institute, Parel. I completed my M.Sc. in Biophysics in 1988 and was offered a scholarship to go to Germany on a 1 year Project in NMR imaging, however I could not avail of it due to personal reasons. Biophysics showed me the beauty of seeing things through the interdisciplinary lens which benefited me and my students, when I became a Science teacher. I emphasized my students to analyse the interdisciplinary nature of all 3 sciences and Maths and I could see the excitement when they had their own Eureka moments while discovering unique patterns and relationships in nature. I have taught for many years, written many books on Science and now train Teachers to teach Science and I credit my foundation in Biophysics for honing my creativity and innovative domains and my success as a Teacher. Biophysics helps you analyse every aspect in depth and think out-of- the-box. I wish all Science teachers should at least have a background of one of the interdisciplinary subjects like Biophysics.

Dr. Richa Singhal, M.S., Ph.D.

I am Postdoctoral Associate, Department of Medicine, University of Louisville. I started my scientific pursuit with a Bachelor in Biotechnology. The natural evolution was to pursue my Masters in a field, which embodies both the biological structure of the cells and the physical laws governing them- BIOPHYSICS. The remarkable aspect that drew me towards this subject is its extension of molecular biology to the areas of computational and instrumentation techniques, and modern physics. The primary focus of the course was on the revelations of molecular structures which provided me with fresh insight into the way molecules work, particular in the development of biological systems and initiation of disease and disorder in the system. What stayed with me was the role played by the bio-molecular structure in information processing and signal transduction pathways within the cell. Biophysics course strengthened my interest in research, and I graduated with a Ph.D. in Biology with research in the field of plant biotechnology, biochemistry, molecular genetics, and bioinformatics. I am presently working as a postdoctoral associate at the Department of Medicine at the University of Louisville and involved in various projects broadly encompassing epigenetic modifications, proteomics, metabolomics, alcoholic liver disease, HIV and human microbiome research. To date, I use both fundamentals and recent developments in BIOPHYSICS in my medical research.


Dr. Sweta Parab, Ph.D.

The vastness of biology has always intrigued me. My quest in true sense started while pursuing my Bachelor’s degree in Microbiology, learning the living of microscopic organisms. Enrolling for Master’s program in Biophysics was an opportunity of gaining a new perspective in the field of biology. The coursework helped me understand the true essence of Biophysics. It helped me nurture my inquisitive mind and my interest in research. I have completed my Ph.D. in Biochemistry studying the role of reversible acetylation of alpha-tubulin in sperm motility at National Institute for Research in Reproductive Health (ICMR), Mumbai. At present I am a post- doctoral fellow at Department of Cardiovascular and Metabolic Sciences, Lerner Research Institute-Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, USA.


Mr. Prathamesh Pandurang Shirsekar

I, Prathamesh Pandurang Shirsekar, MSc Pass out batch 2014, working in the area of Biomedical Instrumentation (4 Years) as an application specialist with Bioscreen Instruments. Biophysics is branch of pure science where an individual can learn and make their basics strong on molecular mechanism of an organism, it’s relation with the thermodynamic properties and basic principles of molecular detection system through instrumentation. In short it allows understanding and detecting the biological activities on the basis of Law of Physics. Biophysics also deals with Nanotechnology and its application in drug delivery which plays major role in safe and accurate drug delivery to its target site. Biophysics allows an individual to explore themselves across multiple dimensions in the field of Pharma, research and physiology. Hence, it allows to mould yourself as per the requirement of any Biological and Biomedical instrumentation field and gives better chance to sustain in it. Biophysicist can work in Pharmaceuticals and biomedical instrumentation companies, hospitals, universities and research centres which give a wide area for job opportunities. Hence, Biophysics could be a best opportunity to define your future path.

Mr. Kaustubh Patankar

Biology has astonishing beauty embedded within it. It has been a reason of enthusiasm to mimic it in more and more sophistic manner. To mimic any kind of system one should have a thorough and deep knowledge about it. It is not possible to engrave or recast biological mimicry without knowledge of molecular machines driving it. In order to make this giant task one should be familiar with molecular symmetry; deep knowledge of high-resolution spectroscopic tools, high throughput imaging system, algorithms, computational modelling and list is endless. This seems to be a nail-biting task but aura of biophysics encloses of all these techniques. Biophysics is an interdisciplinary subject in which its nodes to all of the super speciality techniques those are evolved due to revolutionary characterization techniques and instrumentation. Biophysics explore wide range of area such as enzyme biophysics ,molecular motors, electrochemistry, photochemistry, redox chemistry, supra- molecular chemistry, nanotechnology, etc. Biophysics has endless opportunity. Biophysicist has to mark his focus with use of advanced instrumentation and characterization techniques to prove certain biochemical or biophysical phenomenon. I thank Prof. P. M. Dongre and his multi-speciality team for giving opportunity to me to take fist booster dose of biophysical horizon.

Mr. Sachin Anil Ghag

I am a Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Physiology, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Illinois, USA. I feel proud to have post graduated from Department of Biophysics, University of Mumbai. I joined this department because of two reasons. First, Department has excellent research lab facility. Second, the syllabus of course is designed according to current research, textbooks and literature. Teaching faculty is competent professionally. During the 2 years stint of master degree, I have greatly enjoyed the process of building depth of my knowledge. I have earned adequate professional skills to work independently. Young researchers in the department were influential in ascertaining my confidence in pursuing research. International conferences and guest lectures organized by the department gave me a great opportunity to interact with scientists and students in the same field. A recommendation letter from Head of the department Dr. Prabhakar Dongre helped me secure a full-time job as research fellow at National Institute for Research in Reproductive Health. He also encouraged and guided me to pursue higher education in USA’s universities. I am overall happy and I would love to work for this department if given a chance.

Ms. Monica Henry

It has always been my passion to explore the Creator’s beautiful creations. The pursuit of such a desire led me to complete my BSc in Physics. I, then, joined theDepartment of Biophysics to pursue MSc in Biophysics. The best part of it was the interdisciplinary nature of the course, and learning from experts of different fields. This widened the horizon of Science to me. Learning Biophysics here has fostered the right environment to pursue my research ahead. I am currently  doing my PhD in Neuroscience in Molecular Biophysics Unit, IISc, Bangalore.


Ms. Surabhi Deepak Abhyankar

I am a Graduate student of Indiana University, Indiana, USA. Department of Biophysics is committed to high standard of education. Being master student, I hardly knew what to expect from teachers and the course work. But eventually I came to know, Biophysics is an amalgamation of Biology and Physics. Being a Microbiologist, I was very enthusiastic to learn new things, techniques and transform my mindset into research-oriented learning. The department of Biophysics encouraged me to explore other research areas and I got an opportunity to work in National Institute for Research in Reproductive Health and King Edward Memorial Hospital, Mumbai. The knowledge which I gathered in Department of Biophysics, further encouraged me to pursue higher education. Guidance and support from Dr. Dongre, Professor and Head of the department, transformed my efforts into securing admit from USA’s universities.

Mr. Aditya Narvekar

I am Aditya Narvekar, currently pursuing Ph.D. at ICT, Mumbai, alumnus of the batch 2014-16 of the Department of Biophysics, University of Mumbai. An interdisciplinary subject for my masters and biophysics was the most appropriate choice. It is a highly vibrant field where researchers from fields such as physics, chemistry, biology, engineering, material sciences etc. use their knowledge and skills to understand and develop new tools in order to understand how life works. It forms a bridging science where complex systems such as molecules, cells, organisms and ecosystems are understood better through physical and chemical principles. Thus, life processes such as nervous communication, photosynthesis, metabolism, energetics, tumorigenesis are understood from quantitative perspectives of physics and chemistry. The subject thus, gives a detailed view of any life process under consideration. The department is well equipped with state-of-the-art facilities which allow research in various areas of biophysics. Instrument accessibility, in-depth discussion, coursework flexibility with project work, job opportunity and alumni suggestions are the keep parameters that should be explored by the department for additional efficiency.

Ms. Zehra Haider

Living systems are highly complex systems where all the fundamental forces and interactions take place in a wonderfully coordinated manner. Hence, biology in itself is not a separate science, but a system driven by fundamental forces of physics and chemical interactions between the atoms which can be derived by mathematical equations. Therefore, it is impossible to study it completely with any single branch of science. Biophysics provides with the opportunity to decipher the complete picture by taking in to account all the branches of science that come into play. Biophysics being an interdisciplinary science provides opportunities for students from all the backgrounds. This subject has given me a broader perspective and multiple points of view to study the living systems in more efficient ways. But most of the labs in India usually limit it to techniques rather than employing it to understand the fundamental concepts. In my opinion, there should be more focus on understanding the basic behaviour of living molecules and systems from the point of view of all the branches of science.



  Date Title of organized conference/symposia



Dec 2010


Fluorescence steady state and lifetime analysis




Feb 2011


Advanced techniques in Radiation Biophysics




Feb 2012


National Seminar on “Structural biology and bioinformatics”




Jan 2013


National Symposium (IBS) on frontiers of Biophysics, Biotechnology, Bioinformatics




Feb 2014


Advances in Bioimaging




Sep 2014


Biopotential and Signal Processing




July 2015


Emerging Opportunities and Rewarding Carrier of Radiation and Cancer Research (CAREER-RCR)




Mar 2016


Biophysics Week – “Workshop and Seminar on advanced Biophysical techniques”




Jun 2016


National Seminar on “Impact of Climate change on Human health with respect to vector borne and water borne diseases” in association with CSIR

NEERI, Mumbai




Aug 2018

 Two Days Mini Symposium – Workshop on Biophysics



Aug 2019


Two Days Mini Symposium – Workshop on Biophysics




Nov 2019


Workshop On Exploring Biophysical Techniques For Protein Purification And Characterization






Date Topic Speaker
1. 05th Sept 2007 “Trends in protein NMR” Prof. K.V.R. Chary, Dept. of Chemical Sciences, TIFR, Mumbai
2. 21st Jan 2008 “Overview of simulation software for nanotechnology and biotechnology” Dr. Sivram Venkatraman and Dr. Chaudhary, Senior Staff Scientists, Accelerys, Bangalore
3. 29th Jan 2008 “An introduction to nanobiology” Dr. Nagraj Huilgol, Chief Radiation

Oncologist, Dr. Balabhai Nanvati Hospital & MRC, Mumbai

4. 20th Feb 2008 “Mechanism of genome repair process” Dr. B. Jagadeshwar Rao, Prof. and Chair, Dept. of Biological Sciences, TIFR, Mumbai
5. 15th Jan 2009 “Development of prophylactic vaccine using high-quality

recombinant subunit protein”

Dr. Suresh Patil Member of Indian American Council(IAC)
6. 26th Aug 2009 “Confocal laser scanning microscopy technique” Mr. Anil Kundaliya, Lab India Ltd.
7. 07th Jan 2010 “A newer approach for treatment of wound infections and role of immunity in health

and disease”

Prof. B.S. Nagoba, Asst. Dean, MIMSR Medical College.
8. 22nd Oct 2010 “Aptamer Technology” Wei Duan , School of Medicine, Deakin University, Australia
9. 19th Nov 2010 “Oxidatively generated DNA damage in cells: formation and measurement” Prof. Jean Cadet, Scientific Advisor, French Atomic Energy Commission, Adjunct Professor, University of

Sherbrook, Canada.

11. 3rd June 2011 “Exploring the human body by magnetic resonance imaging and MR Spectroscopy Dr. N.R. Jagannathan, Prof. and Head, Department of NMR & MRI facility, All India Institute of Medical

Science, New Delhi

12. 28th Sep 2011 “World leading Biotechnology at the University of Queensland – Technological response to global change” Prof. Ross Barnard, Biotechnology Program Director, School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences, Faculty of Science,

University of Queensland

13. 20th Dec 2011 “Surviving Starvation-Lessons from a Processive Exopolyphosphatase” David A. Sanders, Markey Center for Structural Biology, Department of Biological Sciences, Purdue

University, US

14. 27th Aug 2012 “Information, knowledge and Life in the 21st century” Dr. B Vijnana, IIT Kharagpur
15. 21st Jan 2013 Oxidative stress induced DNA damage Dr. Jean Cadet, Scientific Advisor
16. 29th Aug 2013 Cancer cell signalling process Dr. B N Pandey, Department of radiobiology & Health Sciences, BARC, Mumbai
17. 10th Sept 2013 “Radiation Dosimetry” Dr. S D Sharma, Head, Medical physics, section RP & AD, BARC
18. 08th Oct 2013 Introduction of application of

Multiphoton and confocal microscopy

Dr. Rishi kant (Carl Zeiss India)
19. 28th Nov 2014 “Membrane Channel and Neurotoxins” Prof. Peter N Strong, Sheffield Hallam University
20. 21st Aug 2014 “NMR in Biology and Medicine” Prof. Girjesh Govil, Emeritus Scientist, TIFR, Mumbai
21. 26th Aug 2014 Radiation In Cancer Therapy Prof. G D Maru, ACTREC, Navi Mumbai
22. 18th Mar 2015 An overview of education, Training and clinical role in


Dr. Indra J Das, Prof. & Director of Medical Physics, Indiana University.
23. March 2015 “Opportunities in Biophysics” Prof. T P Singh, Department of Biophysics, AIIMS, New Delhi
25. Aug 2016 Opportunities to Biophysicist in India and Abroad Prof Sudipta Maiti, Department of Chemical Sciences, TIFR, Mumbai
26. 15th Dec 2017 Food Radiation Safety:

Misconceptions and Apprehensions

Dr. S. Gautam, Scientific Officer, Food Technology Division, BARC
27. 7th Jan 2018 The human AP endonuclease APE1 in regulating resistance to radiation and chemotherapy Dr. Ramator D, Prof of Medicine, Montreal University, Canada
28. 16th Feb 2018 Novel Nanotechnologies in Biomedical Applications Dr. Pramod Avati, Department of Biophysics, PGIMER, Chandigarh
29. 29th Aug 2018 Biophysics and Protein Diseases Dr. Prabhat Singh, Scientific Officer, BARC, Mumbai
30. 12th Feb 2019 Texture analysis of CT and MR data – ready for routine clinical use” Dr. Balaji Ganeshan , UK Imaging Scientist, Institute of Nuclear Medicine, University College

London (UCL), United Kingdom

31 15th Mar 2019 Cargo stalling at actin-rich

regions causes local traffic jams in neurons

Dr. Sandhya Koushika, Associate

Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, TIFR, Mumbai

32. 22nd Mar 2019 Perspectives of Biomedical Raman Spectroscopy Dr. C. Murali Krishna, PI and Scientific Officer, ACTREC, Mumbai
33. 22nd Mar 2019 MMP-cytoskeletal crosstalk in cancer invasion Dr. Shamik Sen, Associate Professor, Department of Biosciences, IIT B
34. 27th Mar 2019 Structure and Biophysics guided

look at 14-3-3 protein, peptide interactions

Dr. Prasanna Venkatraman, Professor, ACTREC, Navi Mumbai
35. 29th Mar 2019 Forces and Energies at microscopic scale in Biology Dr. Ambarish Kunwar, Assistant Professor, Department of Biosciences, IIT B