In 1886, Sir Pherozeshah Mehta and Justice Triambak Telang voted a motion in the Senate of the University of Bombay to introduce French language and literature as a subject at the Bachelor of Arts. In 1964, University of Bombay started a Foreign Languages Department. An independent Department of French was created in 1993.
French is one of the first foreign languages to be taught in India. Established in 1964, the Department is one of the few departments in the country to specialize in French as well as francophone literature & didactics. In 2005, the Department started its first Under Graduate programme in French Studies at the University. This course is specially designed to cater to students who are interested in specializing in French language, literature and culture.They can choose from a wide variety of subjects: art, history, tourism, business French, literature, translation and contemporary French society.
Our department strives to recreate a French ambiance in an Indian context through courses in French language, literature and culture at the Under Graduate and Post Graduate level. Also, training in language skills (oral and written) is offered through Certificate Diploma, Advanced Diploma courses in French (one year duration). Â Masters and Doctoral programmes (French) are also offered. Interdisciplinary and comparative research are the thrust areas.
Ranade Bhavan, Room No. 19,
Ground Floor, Vidyanagari Campus,
Kalina, Santacruz (E),
Mumbai – 400 098.
Email : deptoffrench.mu@rediffmail.com
11.00 a.m. to 01.00 p.m.
01.30 p.m. to 3.30 p.m.
MA French Programme 2024-25
This two-year full-time programme is an in-depth study of French and francophone literature and culture. The course also includes Didactics, technology enabled learning of French as a foreign language (FLE), Translation- theory and practice and Art Appreciation. This restructured programme is NEP 2020 compliant. It is a full time, regular mode programme and not a distance learning or online programme. Lectures will be regularly held at Kalina Campus, University of Mumbai.
Those who have a BA French (from University of Mumbai or Affiliated Colleges) will have Direct Admission to the MA French Programme. If you are eligible for Direct Admission, please write to us at deptoffrench.mu@rediffmail.com
Those who have graduated with any other subject and have the equivalent of the B2 level in French will have an entrance test (both written and oral).
This year the entrance exam will be conducted in two sessions.
- Thursday, 13th June, 2024
- Wednesday, 26th June, 2024
You may appear for the entrance exam on any one of the above dates. You will not be allowed to register for both the dates. The entrance exams will be held at the Department of French, Ranade Bhavan, Vidyanagari, Santacruz, Mumbai. You are expected to be present at the exam venue in-time for the exam. The tentative timing of the exam will be 9 am to 3 pm.
The registration for the entrance exams is now open. Please choose the date of the entrance exam and fill the corresponding google form. Once you fill the google form, you will receive a confirmation from the Department of French within 5 working days.
Entrance Exam Session 1- Thursday, 13th June, 2024
Last date to register for the exam : Thursday, 6th June, 2024
Form for Registration : MA French Entrance 1 Registration
Entrance Exam Session 1- Wednesday, 26th June, 2024
Last date to register for the exam : Monday, 24th June, 2024
Form for Registration : MA French Entrance 2 Registration
Results and Admission
This two year full-time programme is an in-depth study of French and francophone literature and culture. The course also includes didactics of French as foreign language(FLE), technology enabled learning of FLE, translation- theory and practice and art appreciation. It is a full time, regular mode programme and not a distance learning or online programme. Lectures will be regularly held at Kalina Campus, University of Mumbai.
Those who have a BA French (from University of Mumbai or Affiliated Colleges) will have Direct Admission to the MA French Programme. If you are eligible for Direct Admission, please write to us at deptoffrench.mu@rediffmail.com
Those who have graduated with any other subject and have the equivalent of the B2 level in French will have an entrance test (both written and oral).
This year the entrance exam will be conducted on two dates:
- Tuesday, 13thJune, 2023
- Tuesday, 18thJuly, 2023
You may appear for the entrance exam on any one of the above dates. You will not be allowed to register for both the dates. The entrance exams will be held at the Department of French, Ranade Bhavan, Vidyanagari, Santacruz, Mumbai. You are expected to be present at the exam venue on time for the exam. The tentative timing of the exam will be 9 am to 3 pm. The final timings of the exams will be intimated to the candidates who register.
The entrance exam has written and oral components. Both, written and oral exams will be conducted on the same day. The candidates will have to write 2 argumentative essays on given topics (written exam). The oral exam will consist of an interview/discussion with the examiners. The decision of the examiners and that of the Department in this regard will be considered final and binding on the candidates.
The registration for the entrance exams is now open. Please choose the date of the entrance exam and fill the corresponding google form. Once you fill the google form, you will receive a confirmation from the Department of French within 3 working days.
Entrance Exam Session 1- Tuesday, 13th June, 2023
Last date to register for the exam : Tuesday, 30th May, 2023
Form for Registration : Entrance Exam 13th June
Entrance Exam Session 2 – Tuesday, 18th July, 2023
Last date to register for the exam : Tuesday, 11th July, 2023
Form for Registration : Entrance Exam 18th July
Intensive Certificate Course in French
Certificate course in French
B.A. in French Studies
Diploma in Translation French-English-French
The Department of French announces Certificate Course in French Regular 2022-23. This is a course designed for beginners in French. The course is equivalent to CEFR A1 level. Successful students can then proceed to take admissions in Diploma in French the following year.
Admissions are online and open from 10th June 2022. Visit – https://parttimecourses.mu.ac.in
Course details:
Duration: 1 Academic year
Dates: 2nd July 2022 – 5th March 2023
Timings: 9AM-12PM (Saturday & Sunday)
Course Fees: 3000 INR (Indian nationals)
Intake: 60 students
Selection: First come
Eligibility: 10th std passed/ appeared (Marksheet/ Hall ticket needed)
Note: The above-mentioned course fees do not include study material and examination fees.
Certificates will be provided to successful candidates.
Our students acquire proficiency in three languages : French, English and German and learn a variety of subjects like History, Painting, Professional French, Literature, German Language etc and find employment in different sectors.Eligibility : Students who have done French at the HSC level and have secured 50% marks or 45% in case of reserved candidates can directly apply for admission to this course. Students who have not done French at H.S.C Level need to appear for an Entrance Test.
The Department of French announces Certificate Course in French (Intensive) 2021. This is a special fast-track online course designed for beginners in French. The course is equivalent to CEFRL A1 level. Successful students can then proceed to take admissions in Diploma in French this same year.
Admissions are online and open till 6th June 2021. Visit – https://parttimecourses.mu.ac.in
Course details:
Duration: 6 weeks
Dates: 7th June 2021 – 16th July 2021
Timings: 9 am to 1 pm, Monday-Friday (All days)
Course Fees: 6000 INR (Indian nationals)
Intake: 25 students
Selection: First come
Eligibility: 10th std passed/ appeared (Marksheet/ Hall ticket needed)
Note: The above-mentioned course fees do not include study material and examination fees.
Certificates will be provided to successful candidates.
- B.A. French Studies
- M.A. French
- Ph.D. French
- Part time Courses in French
- Course-wise eligibility
For more details of above courses Contact : Department of French, Ranade Bhavan, ‘B’Wing, Gr. Floor, Room 15, Vidyanagari, Santacruz (E), Mumbai – 400 098.
Email ID : admissions.french.mu@gmail.com
Applicants for BA French 2020-2021
Academic Staff
Faculty Name: | Dr. Vidya Vencatesan |
Designation: | Professor & Head, Department of French |
Qualifications: | M Phil , PhD (Paris 3, La Sorbonne Nouvelle) |
Email Id: | vidya.vencatesan@gmail.com |
Name: Dr Vasumathi Badrinathan |
Qualification: MPhil (University of Franche-Comté, France), PhD (University of Lille 3, France) |
Designation: Associate Professor |
Email Id: vbadrinathan@gmail.com |
Name: Mrs. Tasneem Azmi |
Qualification: M.A French, M.A English Literature, Ma’trise FLE |
Designation: Hon. Adjunct Faculty |
Email Id: tasneemazmi@gmail.com |
Name: Ms. Claire Puntous |
Qualification: Master 2, Français Langue Etrangère, Université Grenoble-Alpes |
Designation: French Language Assistant |
Email Id: |
Administrative staff
Name | Ms. Sushama Kamat |
Designation | Jr. Typist Clerk |
Email Id | deptoffrench.mu@rediffmail.com |
Name | Mr. Arun Govind Pawar |
Designation | Peon |
Interdisciplinary Research is one of the specializations of the Department of French. Introduction to research methodology as well as a dissertation are part of the M.A. (French) curriculum. Besides, research can be pursued at the department leading to Ph.D. and even post-doctoral studies. Research done at the Department is aided by a Departmental Library as well as computer facility with access to JSTOR and other e journals and book. The thrust areas are didactics of French (FLE), comparative literature
Faculty achievements
The Cane-cutter’s Song Book Front Cover
Des Indes à l’Inde: perceptions transculturelles par Vidya Vencatesan, Synergies Inde 8, 2019
Le Tiruppavai. Le chant matinal de Margali par Vasumathi Badrinathan, Editions Banyan, Paris 2019
Glottopol No 30, 2018
D’autres mondes, French translation of Lava and Tarkash by Shri Javed Akhtar, renowned Urdu poet by Professor Vidya Vencatesan, Editions Janus, Paris, 2014
- Cheminements poétiques, littéraires et touristiques dans l’Inde historique et contemporaine par Vidya Vencatesan, Synergies Inde 6 2013
- Retrouvailles Camusiennes par Vidya Vencatesan, Synergies Inde 5, 2010
- De l’orientalisme à l’humanisme en crise : Ponts entre l’Inde et la France par Vidya Vencatesan et Philippe Benoît, Synergies Inde 4, 2009
Students have won prestigious scholarships to pursue higher studies abroad. Some of them are listed below:
- The French Embassy Assistante d’Anglais programme gives students a unique opportunity to discover France and teach English there at the school level for a period of 7 months.
- The Lion’s Club and Rotary club cultural exchange programmes offer students the possibility of spending a few weeks in France discovering both the country and the culture besides perfecting their linguistic skills.
- The University for Foreigners of Siena offers students of Italian at the University of Mumbai 3 scholarships of 1 month duration each.
- Erasmus Mundus scholarships to study Master CLE.
Student’s achievements – 2014-2015
Sowmya Srikrishna and Vaijayanthi Jangannathan :
- Students participated in Exchange Programme between University of Mumbai and Paris 3, la Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris from September 2014 to January 2015
Jyothsana Venkateshwar
- Awarded research fellowship by the Embassy of France in India in November 2014
Centre International Francophone des Lions Club
July 2014
- Tannavee Korgaokar : Centre international francophone de l’environment (CISE)
- Mrunmaee Kore : Centre international francophone de la patrimoine (CIST)
July 2013
- Sayli Dabholkar: La sagess et d’etre sure quand des circonstences ont val la peine:
Italian scholarships
- Anuja Padwal,Siena
- Nityanand Poojari, Siena
- Aarthi chandru,Perguia
- Pallavi Chalkar ,Genova
- Mrunmayee Kadam , Genova
- Saloni Gandhi,Siena
- Saloni Gandhi,Siena
- Vaijayanthi Jagannathan ,Perugia
- Iram Quazi,Perugia
- Amruta Kadam,Perugia
- Amey Mathkar, Siena
- Jsmine Nadar, Perugia
- Ajay Kamalakaran ,Siena
2011, Siena
- Komala Devarajan
- Pooja Desai
- Vaijayanthi Jagannathan
2010, Siena
- Aditee Padsalgikar
- Radhika Das
- Jyothsana Venkateswar
Lecture on Foreign Language education and Intercultural understanding: Insights from brain and mind sciences
La tragédie de Sophocle à Anouilh
Department of French, University of Mumbai
List of Events (2017 onwards)
Date | Event | Photo Gallery |
7th March 2020 | Seminar “Women and Peace” & screening of films on the theme,
in collaboration with Mahatma Gandhi Peace Centre, Department of Applied Psychology and Department of Philosophy |
Click here for photos |
7th March 2020 | Departmental Festival Francomanie (first edition) and Francophone Day celebrations | Click here for photos |
12th February 2020 | Talk: “Migration – Indians in France”
By Dr. Christine Moliner, social anthropologist, Jindal University |
Click here for photos |
6th February 2020 | Study visit to Foodhall:
Special lecture on European cheese |
Click here for photos |
4th February 2020 | Talk: « Les politiques linguistiques au Québec »
By Mr. Francis Paradis, Director Bureau du Québec, Mumbai |
Click here for photos |
31stJanuary 2020 | Degree distribution ceremony & Alumni meet
followed by Talk on “Further Opportunities in France” by Mr. Philippe Guillien, Attaché de coopération pour le français, Consulat de France, Mumbai |
Click here for photos |
29th January 2020 | Cinéclub – screening of the film “Bébé Tigre” | Click here for photos |
5th December 2019 | Launch of Cinéclub – screening of the film “A voix haute” | Click here for photos |
29th – 30th November 2019 | French Teachers’ Training Programme for Teachers from Western Region:
with international collaboration (Université de Franche-Comté, France & Embassy of France in India) « Nouveaux outils, nouvelles pratiques dans les classes de français » |
Click here for photos |
11th October 2019 | Theatre performance: Le Petit Prince
By Banjara Theatre Group In collaboration with Alliance Française de Bombay |
Click here for photos |
5th August 2019 | Talk: Condition des femmes au monde
By Dominique Sigaud, award winning author and journalist
Date | Event | Photo Gallery |
28th January 2019 | Conference : Les Gilets Jaunes: regards et perspectives
With Ms. Cléa Chakraverty, journalist-editor, The Conversation Global Perspectives, The Conversation France; And Ms. Justine Braive, lawyer and journalist |
24th January 2019 | Talk : « La sociologie de Pierre Bourdieu : les concepts de capital, d’habitus et de stratégie »
By Mr. Nicolas Mauviel, PhD student at EHESS, Paris & teacher of French |
15th December 2018 | French Teacher Training Programme: « Numerique et FLE: quelques repères »
By Prof Simon Collin, UQAM |
Click here for photos |
13th and 14th December 2018 | Special Lecture on Research Methodology
By Prof Simon Collin, UQAM |
1st November 2018 | Theatre performance: l’Amant
By Maud Andrieux In collaboration with Alliance Française de Bombay |
Click here for photos |
12th October 2018 | Presentation: Quebec and Bureau de Quebec
By Mr. Dominic Marcotte, Consul General of Bureau de Québec and Mr. Etienne Tardif-Paradis, Bureau de Québec |
29thSeptember 2018 | Translation Workshop
By Ms. Ragini Shekhar |
Click here for photos |
24th August 2018 | French Teachers’ Meeting
Guest of honour : Mr. Christophe Legris – Attaché de coopération pour le français, Consulat de France, Mumbai |
Click here for photos |
Date | Event | Photo Gallery |
20th February 2018 | Talk : « L’art lyrique au IXème siècle vu par Balzac et Stendhal »
By Prof Yves Ferraton, professor of musicology, University of Nancy |
7th and 8th December 2017 | International Bilingual Conference:
“Mediating between languages, cultures, identities: challenges, tools, strategies” |
Click here for photos |
Academic Year 2012-2013
Jean-Jacques Rousseau was born a citizen of Geneva on 28th June 2012. He lived all over Europe in the course of his chequered life and gave the world original ideas, revolutionary thoughts and lyrical poetic prose. He wrote music, was a keen botanist, an educationist, a philosopher of repute and a man of letters.
The Department of French, University of Mumbai will honour this great philosopher and thinker by a special programme organised on the tricentenary of his birth at 11am in Room no 1, Ranade Bhavan, Vidyanagari, Mumbai. All are welcome. This programme is in French.
The Orientation course for students of FYBA (French Studies) will be held on Saturday, 30th June 2012 at 3pm at Room no 1, Ranade Bhavan, Ground Floor, Vidyanagari, University of Mumbai, Santacruz (E) Mumbai 98. Students and parents are cordially invited to this programme which will involve interraction with the faculty and the alumni.
Once upon a Hill – by Kalpish Ratna
ONCE UPON A HILL by Kalpish Ratna at the seminar room computer science department, Thursday, 5th July 2012 at 3pm.
How easily we overlook what is there right in front of our eyes! Familiarity, long before it breeds contempt, fosters a quaint disinterest. This is exactly what has happened, and is happening now as you read this, to what is perhaps the most ancient in this city we call home. It is 60 million years old. What we are talking about is Gilbert Hill in Andheri. Let us take you on a journey to learn what this hill is, and how, what we do to it foreshadows the fate that lies ahead for the city of Bombay?Â
The presentation will be followed by a heritage walk of Gilbert Hill. Pl register with us in advance so that we can make the necessary arrangements. You can email us at aditishridhar@gmail.com.
- 13th February 2012 @ 11 am: Visit by officers of the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie
- 17 Feb 2012 @ 10.30 am Shraddhanjali Molire extracts from Molires plays to be staged by students from the university and city colleges Guest of honour Dominique Frin, Attach Linguistique, Consulat Gnral de France Mumbai.
- 20 Feb 2012 @ 2.30Â 4.30pm : Lecture by Prof. Bndicte Maugire, on Jean-Marie Le Clzios La Quarantaine
- 21 Feb 2012 @ 10.30 amLectures by Prof. Lori Saint Martin and Marie-Andre Roy on Womens Writing in Quebec studies (20th& 21st February, 2012)
- 21st February 2012: 2.30Â 5.30 Teachers training workshop by Dominique Frin, Attach Linguistique Consulat Gnral de France Mumbai.
- 25th February to 3rd March 2012: Lecture Series by Dr. Lissa Lincoln on Camus and the Law () 16th February 2012 Lecture by Dr Madhavi Narsalay, on Sukasaptati
FrenchACADEMIC YEAR 2011-2012 JULY 2011
SpanishConferences We were lucky to welcome in the campus a number of interesting guests from different parts of the Hispanic geography and different fields:
A sincere vote of thanks to all of them for their fruitful and much appreciated collaboration! Da de la Hispanidad On October 12th the Hispanic community celebrates the Day of Hispanity, and we wanted to be a part of it! We had fun and games related to the Hispanic culture, everyone participated: Students and teachers alike. And in the end we tasted a sweet bit of it all! Also, thanks to the General Consulate of Spain in Mumbai, we have been able to enjoy  watching a flamenco performance at the NCPA in Colaba both in 2010 and 2011, and the students got to interact with the artists. Week of the Spanish gastronomy In November 2011 the Spanish Consulate organized a week of tasting of Spanish products and dishes at the restaurant Olive in Bandra, and a group of lucky students were invited to participate. We could enjoy different tapas (small portions of food, typical from Spain, such as gazpacho, a cold tomato and vegetable soup) and the students could prove their competence by practising with a Spanish-speaking crowd. Postcard contest In order to motivate the beginner students to further develop their writing skills, a contest of letters and postcards was organized in the Certificate batch in 2012. Those who participated really put their enthusiasm in the task, and apart from the reward that knowledge itself is, they received a set of gifts by the Instituto Cervantes. Spanish Christmas Celebration Navidad (Christmas) is a very important cultural celebration in Spain and most of the Spanish-speaking countries. On Dec. 24th 2010 we had our own particular Spanish Christmas at the Department, with a presentation of the typical Christmas food, and the origin of the different festivities that people celebrate in Spain. We even metaphorically teleported to the Puerta del Sol in Madrid to eat the 12 grapes with the Spanish people and wish each other a happy and prosperous new year! Only, instead of grapes, we used moong dal, but luck knows no frontiers! Storytellers from Spain The Department of English of the University of Mumbai organized a marvellous Storytelling Festival in October 11, and were kind enough to host two storytellers from Zaragoza, Spain. Carmen Conguantes and Mr. Loren, as well as acting in the festival, kindly agreed to come to the Spanish lectures and tell some stories to the students. We had a really great time! |
B.A. in French Studies as per NEP
Certificate course in French
Online Intensive Certificate Course in French
Lecture in French
Lecture by Jean-Marc Sere-Charlet
1st Merit List- Admissions for MA French Semester 1- 2023-2024
French Certificate Course (A.Y. 2023-2024)
Intensive Certificate Course in French
F.Y.B.A. in French studies Final Merit List I (2022-23)
Diploma in French Course
Certificate course in French
B.A. in French Studies
Diploma in Translation French-English-French
Course details:
Duration: 160 hours
Dates: 1st July 2023 – 15th March 2024
Timings: 9 am to 12 pm, Saturday, Sunday.
Course Fees: 3000 INR (Indian nationals)
Intake: 60 students
Selection: First come
Eligibility: 10th std passed (with more than 50 %)
The Department of French announces Certificate Course in French Regular 2022-23. This is a course designed for beginners in French. The course is equivalent to CEFR A1 level. Successful students can then proceed to take admissions in Diploma in French the following year.
Admissions are online and open from 10th June 2022. Visit – https://parttimecourses.mu.
Course details:
Duration: 1 Academic year
Dates: 2nd July 2022 – 5th March 2023
Timings: 9AM-12PM (Saturday & Sunday)
Course Fees: 3000 INR (Indian nationals)
Intake: 60 students
Selection: First come
Eligibility: 10th std passed/ appeared (Marksheet/ Hall ticket needed)
Certificates will be provided to successful candidates.
Our students acquire proficiency in three languages : French, English and German and learn a variety of subjects like History, Painting, Professional French, Literature, German Language etc and find employment in different sectors.Eligibility : Students who have done French at the HSC level and have secured 50% marks or 45% in case of reserved candidates can directly apply for admission to this course. Students who have not done French at H.S.C Level need to appear for an Entrance Test.
MA French (2022-24) @Mumbai University
This 2 year full time programme is an in depth study of French and francophone literature and culture. The course also includes Didactics, technology enabled learning of French as a foreign language (FLE), Translation, theory and practice and Art Appreciation.
BA French (Ramnarain Ruia Autonomous College)/BA French Studies (Mumbai University) = Direct admission
Graduation in any discipline from a recognised University+DELF B2 equivalent in French = Entrance Test (written+ oral)
Last date for registration by email for entrance test: 6th June 2022
Subject line should read: Registration for MA entrance exam 2022
Contact: deptoffrench.mu@rediffmail.com
The syllabus for FYBA French Compulsory has been revised w.e.f 2022-2023. Those colleges affiliated to University of Mumbai and offering the above subject may kindly write to the following email for details.
Offering an Intensive Certificate Course in French
M.A. French Provisional Merit List
Admission Notification for Ph.D.
Notice for M.A. French 2021-23
MA French (2021-23)@Mumbai University
This 2 year full time programme is an in depth study of French and francophone literature and culture. The course also includes Didactics, technology enabled learning of French as a foreign language (FLE), Translation, theory and practice and Art Appreciation.
F.Y.B.A. French studies poster
Certificate Course in French Regular 2021
The Department of French announces Certificate Course in French Regular 2021. This is a special fast-track online course on weekends designed for beginners in French. The course is equivalent to CEFRL A1 level. Successful students can then proceed to take admissions in Diploma in French the next year.
Admissions are online and open till 1st July 2021. Visit – https://parttimecourses.mu.
Course details:
Duration: 160 hours
Dates: 3rdJuly 2021 – 13th March 2022
Timings: 9 am to 12 pm, Saturday, Sunday.
Course Fees: 3000 INR (Indian nationals)
Intake: 60 students
Selection: First come
Eligibility: 10th std passed/ appeared (Marksheet/ Hall ticket needed)
Admissions Open for 2021- 22 (B.A. in French Studies)
The pre-admission procedures and entrance tests for MA French Sem 1 are over for the year 2020-2021.
Time table for Rescheduled exams Oct 2020
Revised French Dept- Sept/Oct 2020 exams- Final Time Table
Final Semester exams October 2020 Sample MCQs
MA French Sem 4
Final Semester exams October 2020 Sample MCQs
TYBA French Studies Sem 6
As per directives received from the University, part time examinations 2020 are going to be conducted soon. Those who have paid the exam fees, but are not in touch with the department or the concerned teacher, are requested to contact the department immediately on deptoffrench.mu@rediffmail.com
Applicants for BA French 2020-2021
Applicants who have filled the online pre-admission form on www http://mumoa.
- We have begun the pre-admission procedure for M.A. French and B.A. French Studies for the year 2020-2021. Those interested, contact deptoffrench.mu@rediffmail.com
- In the wake of national lockdown, the exams organised in the Dept of French for April 2020 stand postponed till further directives from the University .
- All exams scheduled and conducted by the Department of French for the month of March 2020 have been postponed. Further information and directives are awaited from the University.
- Entrance Exams
Entrance Exam Schedule of Full time & part time courses - Part Time Course in French 2019-20
Notice for diploma and advanced diploma in French
Notice for Part time courses
Part Time Courses in French – Instructions & Application Form - M.A. in French 2019-20
Preparatory Course in French 2019-20
MA French 2019-20 - B.A. in French Studies 2019-20
BA French Studies 2019-20