Master of Social Work Department of University of Mumbai

Admission Poster and Notice for MSW 2023
Notice and Instruction MSW Online CET on 12th July 2022
Admission Notice for MSW 2022-23
Instruction MSW 2022
Admission Notice for MSW 2022
MSW-MCQs Sample


The Master of Social Work (MSW) Programme started in the academic year 2016-17 to set a milestone in the history of Social Work education in the University of Mumbai. It was a response to the crucial need for professional Social Work intervention in the state and in the country. We are proud that our students, trained in the highest values of the profession will be contributing toward fulfilling that need.
The MSW program addresses the traditional areas of Social Work and also includes the new advances from the field into the curriculum. The pedagogy is a fine balance of theory and field-based practice with an underlying emphasis on inclusivity in social and economic justice. The focus is on nurturing creativity while encouraging diversity.
We have always sought to offer an academically enriching environment for students who share our commitment to serve the most marginalized and the underprivileged.


Department of Social Work
Rajiv Gandhi Centre,
Near Sanskrit Bhawan, Kalina Campus
Vidyanagari, Santakruz (E) 400098.
Phone: 022-26532048


The Nature of the Course

The university provides a generic course of studies at the MSW level. The Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) is followed.  The curriculum is carefully designed to ensure that the student has a broad base of the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes to function in diverse field of Social Work settings. Despite being generic, the course also encourages the students to deepen their interest in certain specific areas through the type of fieldwork selected, research study undertaken, term paper topic chosen and optional subjects selected as electives. Full time and visiting faculties will teach courses (papers) according to their specialisations.  The curriculum consists of relevant aspects of both theory and field work to help students enhance their practical understanding of social work practice. Theoretical perspectives provided in the programmes hope to achieve the following objectives:

  • Acquire knowledge of the functioning of individuals and groups in social systems, the interrelationships between them and the manner in which they promote or impede a healthy social functioning,
  • Obtain knowledge from other disciplines which contribute to the understanding of persons in the bio-psycho-social matrix,
  • Develop professional capacity for identification of issues and problems violating the human rights of groups and communities and design effective responses for affecting a meaningful change in their situation,
  • Attain the capacity to select and order priorities, to plan, to make realistic goals, and select appropriate strategies to fulfil the goals,
  • Develop skills in the utilization of social work intervention methods and adopt ethical practices using the principles of the profession while working with individuals and families, groups and communities.


The course is full time and requires rigorous field work. The total number of credits earned by the learner on successful completion of the MSW course is 96 credits. It is offered under the Faculty of Arts.


Field Work

Field Work is an integral part of the programme of training in social work. It comprises learning professional social work practice under the guidance of trained field instructors in selected Government and Non- Government organizations. It enables the student to see the applicability of theoretical knowledge taught in the classroom to actual situations requiring social work intervention. It is both goal-oriented to solve a particular problem to which the student addresses his / her activities and learner-centred in relation to his / her particular interest areas and aptitudes. Field work has the dual purpose of promoting the student’s own learning while contributing to the development of the people with whom he / she works, especially the disadvantaged sections of our society. Currently the department is associated with more than 35 Government and Non-Governmental Organizations.

Practical experience in fieldwork aims at the following objectives:

  • Provide opportunity for the integration of classroom learning and field practice and vice-versa (feedback mechanism for both class and field),
  • Develop skills through learning how to utilize the knowledge learnt in the classroom for analysis of problems affecting the target groups and selection of the appropriate means for problem-solving,
  • Cultivate attitudes, values and commitments of the profession relevant to working with the most disadvantaged sections of society,
  • Develop awareness of self and the way in which student’s behaviour is affected by past experiences and cultural factors, and the way in which these affect the perceptions of their response to others.

Students will be required to maintain regular recordings of the fieldwork done during the course of their study. All students are required to dress appropriately, giving due respect to the socio-cultural practices of the people whom they work with while at fieldwork.

For the field work students will be placed at various Agencies in urban, rural and tribal areas. A few Tribal, Nomadic Tribal and Urban Slums will be selected for field action project by the Programme where student have to regularly contribute for the development of the Communities.


Fee Structure

A. University Prescribed MSW Ist Year MSW IInd Year
Admission Form 100 100
Admission Processing 200 200
Tuition Fees * 30,000 30,000
Exam Fees  600  600
Mark sheet 50 50
Gymkhana Fees 200 200
Library Fees 1000 1000
Eligibility Fees 250 0
Enrolment Fees 220 0
Development Fees 500 500
Dissertation Fees/Project Fee 0 1000
Convocation Fees 0 250
Registration Fees 1025 0
Field Agency Visit/Rural Camp/ Internship* 5000 5000
Other  Fees 250 250
E-Suvida   50     50
E-Charges 20 20
Computer Internet 500 500
Student Welfare Fund   50    50
ID Card   50     50
Group Insurance 40 40
University of Mumbai

Sports & Cultural Activity

30                         30
Caution Money 150 150
Disaster Relief Fund    30    30
Library Deposit 250 250
Vice Chancellor Fund 20 20
Magazine fees 100 100
Utility Fees 250 250
Document Verification 400 0
Total Rs. 41,335 40,690


Semester Course Code Core Course No of credits
      I  C1 History, Philosophy and Practice of  Social Work 4


  C2 Work with Individuals and Families 4


  C3 Social Welfare Administration 4


  C4 Community Organisation 4


  C5 Introduction to Social Sciences -1 4


Core course practical-I Fieldwork (practical component related to core subjects) 4


Total Credits for Semester-I 24


     II     C6 Research Methodology 4
    C7 Contemporary Social Movements 4
    C8 Work with Groups 4
    C9 Social Policy and Planning 4


C10 Introduction to Social Sciences -2 4
Core course practical-II Fieldwork (practical component related to core subjects) 4



Total Credits for Semester-II 24








Elective basket-1

Credit -4


(choose any one)

Elective basket- II


( choose any one )


Basket III


( choose any one )

Elective Basket –IV


( Skill workshop component)

( choose any one )

Elective Basket –V

Field work Practicum


Internal evaluation( choose any one )

i)  Gender


i) Health


i) Mental


i) Therapeutic



i) Institutional



ii) Teaching,

Training and





Social Exclusion and Inclusion

ii) Informal





ii) Rural and




ii) Community


iii) Child rights






iv) Gerontology and geriatric


iii) Development Communication Skills iii) Issue based


Total Credits 24



Project based course-1


Project based course-1I



Optional Choices 



( Skill workshop component)

Choose any one

Optional Choice Basket –II

Inter disciplinary







Research project with dissertation





Field work  based Project




Skills  in Management of Non-Profit Organisation


Gender, sexuality and relationships

ii)  Sustainable development and environment ii) Disaster Management
Total credits 24 .




  • National Conference on “Contemporary Indian Society and Social Work Practice” on 20th – 21st February 2020.
  • Two Days Interdisciplinary Workshop Research Methodology for Social Sciences 07th & 08th September 2018.
  • State Level Seminar on ‘Social Movements in India and its Contemporary Relevance’ in 2017

The Job Placement Cell proactively seek to identify jobs for graduating students by inviting representatives from the Governmental, Non-Governmental and Private Sectors at the local, national and international levels to conduct Campus Recruitment at the end of the academic year.

Faculty Profile


I/C Coordinator

Dr. Sonali Wakharde, Ph.D. (2018), UGC-NET (2007), SET (2006), M.A. (2005- University Topper). She is currently working as an Assistant Professor at Department of Sociology, University of Mumbai since year 2013. She has completed her Ph.D. on topic “Jalsandharan Karyakramatil Mahilancha Sahabhag Samajshastriy Abhyas (Vishesh sandarbh Nanded Zilha)” (Women’s participation in water conservation programme A Sociological study special reference to Nanded District) from Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded in March, 2018. She has completed a ‘Diploma Course in Women Empowerment and Development’ and also completed a ‘Certificate Course in Gender and Development’ at Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded. Her areas of interests are Gender Studies, Rural Sociology, Tribes in India, Education and Society, Human Rights and Marginalized Groups and Communities in India. She has participated in various national and state level seminars, workshops and conferences and presented research papers. Her articles published in reputed Marathi journals such as Parivartanacha Watsaru, Yojana, Samaj Prabodhan Patrika, Shikshan Sankraman, Jalsanvad, Marathi newspaper Sakal and reputed online journal Economic and Political Weekly Engage. She has worked as an Assistant Editor for ‘Sambhashit’ A Peer- Reviewed Research Journal in Marathi Language Published by University of Mumbai. She has organized a Gender Sensitization Workshop on ‘Women, Water and Livelihoods’ and a National Seminar on ‘Understanding agrarian crisis in India: perspectives from gender and other marginalized locations’ at Department of Sociology, University of Mumbai. She is a life member of Indian Sociological Society and Marathi Samajshashtra Parishad.

Mr. Mahendra Dhore,
Assistant Professor Educational Qualification
MSW, Karve Institute of Social Services, Pune (June 2013)
M.Phil., Indian Institute of technology, Mumbai (May 2015)
NET (2016).Teaching Experience:2 Years at PG levelSpecialization and Areas of Interest:
Development of Youth
Philosophy of Education
Marginalised Communities and LivelihoodsResearch Projects: Two Minor Research Project at Academic Level.Life MemberCommittee Member of Community Development Forum (Karve Institute of Social Services)
Office Staff 
Mr.Vinod Mohite-Office Staff.