
Ph.D. list in Arabic
Notice for the Interview for the Admission in Ph. D. Course
Notification for Ph.D. Admission in Arabic for 2024-25
Notification for Ph.D. Admission in Arabic for 2024-25
Notification for Ph.D. Admission in Arabic for 2024-25
Admission Notification 2024-25
Admission Notification- Part Time Courses in Arabic (2024-25)
Online Admission Started – (Academic Year 2023-24)
List of Selected Candidates of Admission in Ph.D in Arabic & Islamic Studies 2022-23
M.A. Arabic Eligible student in Entrance Exam
Eligible Candidates
3rd Merit List
The Admission form for M.A. Part-I in Islamic studies degree course are available in the Department of Arabic
Notice for Ph.D Interview
Extended dates of Ph.D in Arabic & Islamic Studies 2021-22
Extended date of Admission in Ph.D 2021-22
Notice for M.Phil in Arabic & Ph.D in Arabic and Islamic Studies
Reschedule of Regular Exams
Time table of Department Of Arabic
answer key paper 402
sample Question Paper 402
Department of Arabic 1-25(Answer Key) 401- Semester IV (Regular)
question bank 401
Notice of M.Phil. / Ph.D.


The Department of Arabic Language and Literature is amongst one of the oldest Departments of the University of Mumbai and has been rendering a yeomen service to the Arabic language imparting knowledge to the benefits of students and peers, since June 1993.

Arabic is an international language spoken and understood in more than 23 countries of the world. Further, it is also the language of the holy Quran, the religious book of Muslims all over the world. Arabic, as of today, has expanded by leaps and bounds and has taken many strides in the field of science and technology. The Department wants a learner to make himself aware of these recent trends in modern Arabic and literature.


The Department has one computer with Arabic software and lazer printer. The students are given opportunity to use Arabic software and collect data regarding Arabic language and literature from Internet. In addition to it the Department has CDs and audio cassets to facilitate Arabic speaking to non-Arabic speaking students. The department also has an Over-head Projector and a tape-recorder


The Department shares common library of the University of Mumbai. The Department has approximately Four Hundred Seventy Five books on Arabic and Islamic Studies.


Prof. (Dr.) Mohamed Shahid,
I/C Head, Department of Arabic,
Kalina, Vidyanagari, Santa Cruz East,
Mumbai 400 098Tel (Office): 26543313 / 26543452

Post Graduate

Course Name M.A. in Arabic (by papers)
Eligibility The candidate must be a graduate in Arabic language and literature. But in accordance with Ordinance 2237 of the University of Mumbai a candidate from other faculty can also join M.A. with Arabic provided he passes the Enterance Examination in Arabic. The examination is of Graduation level.


Diploma Courses

Course Name Diploma Course in Arabic (Sunday Morning Batch)
Eligibility The candidate must have passed the Certificate Examination in Arabic or Islamic Studies to be eligible for Diploma Course either in Arabic or Islamic Studies.
Fee Structure Studies For the Diploma Course in Arabic Rs. 400/- per annum. (University examination fees is additional and is subject to change.) Foreign students have to pay five times more than the levied fees.
Course Name Diploma Course in Islamic Studies (Morning Batch, twice a week)
Eligibility The candidate must have passed the Certificate Examination in Arabic or Islamic Studies to be eligible for Diploma Course either in Arabic or Islamic Studies.
Fee Structure Studies For the Diploma Course in Arabic Rs. 400/- per annum. (University examination fees is additional and is subject to change.) Foreign students have to pay five times more than the levied fees.
Course Name Advanced Diploma Course in Arabic (Sunday Morning Batch)
Eligibility The candidate must be a holder of Diploma Certificate in Arabic to become eligible for admission to the Advanced Diploma Course in Arabic.
Fee Structure Studies For the Advanced Diploma Course in Rs. 430/- per annum. (University examina-Arabic tion fees is additional and is subject to change . Foreign students have to pay five times more than the levied fees.


Certificate Courses

Course Name Certificate Course in Arabic (Sunday Morning Batch and Evening Batches twice in a week)
Eligibility The candidate must be a holder of Secondary School Certificate Examination from a recognized Board within or outside the State of Maharashtra. If the candidate is a holder of S.S.C., or I.C.S.E. or C.B.S.E. Certificate from a reconised Board outside the state of Maharashtra, he will have to obtain Eligibility Certificate from the University.
Fee Structure For the Certificate Course in Arabic Rs. 300/- per annum (University examination fees is additional and is subject to change.) Foreign students have to pay five times more than the levied fees.
Course Name Certificate Course in Islamic Studies (Morning Batch, twice a week)
Eligibility The candidate must be a holder of Secondary School Certificate Examination from a recognized Board within or outside the State of Maharashtra. If the candidate is a holder of S.S.C., or I.C.S.E. or C.B.S.E. Certificate from a reconised Board outside the state of Maharashtra, he will have to obtain Eligibility Certificate from the University.
Fee Structure For the Certificate Course in Arabic Rs. 300/- per annum (University examination fees is additional and is subject to change.) Foreign students have to pay five times more than the levied fees.

Teaching Staff

Name Prof. (Dr.) Shafi M. Shaikh
Designation Prof. & Head, Department of Arabic, University of Mumbai.
Nationality Indian
Educational Qualifications B.A. (University of Mumbai, Year 1968, 76%)
M.A.(University of Mumbai, Year 1970, 73%)
Ph.D. (University of Mumbai, Year 1984)
Teaching experience Thirty Five Years
International Conferences/ Seminars
Sixteen papers since 1984 -2005 attended and Papers in different national and international
Presented conferences and symposia, including USA, Muscat and Iraq.
Invitations from Foreign Universities: University of Mustansariyyah – 1981
University of Michigan – 1989
Cornell University, U.S.A. – 1989
New York University – 1989
Georgetown University U.S.A. 1989
University of Texas – 1989
University of Tehran – 1998
Awards Received as a Teacher University of Mumbai Appreciation Award for over all best performance during the Year 1998-99.
University of Mumbai Appreciation Award for over all best performance during the year 1999-2000.
Presidential Award President of India Award for Excellence in Arabic Studies 2001.
Publications Fifteen publications in Arabic & Urdu
Position at Mumbai University 1.Chairman: Board of Studies in Arabic, Persian, Islamic Studies, Hebrew and Avesta-Pahlavi (1989 to date)
2.Member, Faculty of Arts (1986 to date)
3.Member, Academic Council (1989 to date)
4.Member, Senate: Nominated by the VC (1994 to 1999).
5.Member, Senate: Re-nominated by the VC (1999 to date)
6. Member, Management Council (1995)
7. Member of Standing Committee (2000 to date)
Name Mr. Shafeeq A. Shaikh
Designation Lecturer
Nationality Indian
Educational Qualifications M.A (Arabic), M.A.(Sociology), B.Ed.,
Teaching experience Twenty Eight years. Teaching in the University since 1991.
Papers Presented 1. The Contribution of Marathi to Arabic Language and Literature? in the seminar organized by the Department on Contri-of India to Arabic Language and Literature

2. Translated into English and read the Key-note address of Prof. Nisar Ahmed Farooqi in the ational seminar on Al-Biruni Life & Achievements.

Lectures Delivered 1. The Importance of Arabic Language in Modern World?, organized by Lions Club, Appolo Bunder, Mumbai.
2. Why Should We Learn Arabic a lecture delievered at MESCO, Mumbai.
3. Why Arabic is Important to Muslims a Lecture delivered to the students of Girls High School at Khed, Ratnagiri.
Other Services Delivered lectures and participated in the Arabic Promotion Programme of institutions
like Islamic Research Foundation, Mumbai,
Study Circle of Foreign Languages,
Mumbai, Sterling Institute, Mumbai.
Member of the Local Committee of A.D.
Bawla Female Orphanage, Mumbai. Etc


Non-Teaching Staff

The Department shares common staff with the Department of French Language. It has a clerk cum typist and a peon.

Research Program:

Ph.D. in Arabic

Eligibility: As per new university regulations the candidate has to pass through Enterance Examination for Ph.D. The selection of the theme for the thesis depend upon the guide under whom the candidate wants to complete his research.

A Brief Annual Report of the Academic Year (2004-2005)

The Department commenced its academic activities from June 2004. This year seven students enrolled for Post Graduate Course in Arabic and approximately One Hundred Twenty students enrolled for Part-time courses such as Certificate, Diploma and Advanced Diploma courses. One student also enrolled for his Ph.D.

The academic year was full of activities and vigor. On 13th July 2004, the Department, in association with Mumbai Literary and Cultural Society, felicitated the noted Urdu humorist and writer Mr. Yusuf Nazim. On 4th & 5th October 2004, the Department, in association with the Culture House of Islamic Republic of Iran, organized a two-day National Seminar on famous Arab Historian Al-Biruni Life & Achievements?. The scholars of Arabic from many parts of India presented their scholarly papers in the Seminar. It was also given wide coverage in local newspapers.

On 11th October 2004, the Department organized a symposium on ?The Significance of Ramadhan on the eve of the approaching holy month of muslims.

On 15th December 2004 a condolence meeting was arranged by the Department to mourn the sad demise of the internationally renowned scholar of Arabic Prof. Nisar Ahmed Farooqi of Delhi University.

On 7th February 2005, the Department, in association with Mumbai Literary and Cultural Society felicitated Prof. (Dr.) Rafia Shabnam Abidi (former Head of the Department of Urdu, University of Mumbai) in recognition of her academic and literary services.

On 10th & 11th March 2005, the Department in association with the Culture House of Islamic Republic of Iran, Mumbai, organized a two-day National Seminar of ?The Holy Quran Its Message of Peace, Justice and Universal Brotherhood?. The Seminar received an overwhelming demand from the scholars of Arabic language from all over India Office Staff.